Hollow Queen
Level: 28 | HP: 3880 | STR: 37 | TEC: 34 | VIT: 26 | AGI: 25 | LUC: 20 | DS: 74 |
Damage Vulnerabilities:
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Disable Vulnerabilities:
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- This enemy has an extra 50% evasion, on top of their natural evasion.
- This enemy does not build accumulative resistance to binds.
- When this enemy is killed, the battle ends, even if other enemies are still alive.
Dark Erosion: Increases all enemies' attack by 35% for 6 turns. Slow.
Lovers' Breath: Cures all ailments and binds for all enemies. Extremely slow.
Icy Aria: Deals medium ice damage to all party members.
Dazzling Eye: Attempts to inflict panic on all party members, with a moderate chance. Slow.
Darkness Wing: Deals heavy cut damage to one party member.
Dimensional Cut: Deals severe cut damage to all party members. Very inaccurate.
Dark Erosion: Increases all enemies' attack by 35% for 6 turns. Has a speed modifier of -10.
Lovers' Breath: Cures all ailments and binds for all enemies. Has a speed modifier of -50.
Icy Aria: Deals 60% ranged TEC-based ice damage to all party members. Has a speed modifier of ±0, and a base accuracy of 99%.
Dazzling Eye: Attempts to inflict panic on all party members, with a 25% base chance. Has a speed modifier of -5.
Darkness Wing: Deals 180% melee STR-based cut damage to one party member. Has a speed modifier of ±0, and a base accuracy of 99%.
Dimensional Cut: Deals 200% melee STR-based cut damage to all party members. Has a speed modifier of ±0, and a base accuracy of 50%.
- Hollow Queen always uses Dimensional Cut on the first turn.
- On the turn after the Hollow guards have been defeated, Hollow Queen will summon two Hollow seers to the back row.
- She will not summon any additional enemies after this.
- Hollow Queen uses Dark Erosion every 10th turn.
- When Hollow Queen is below 50% HP, if it is afflicted with any binds, and it has not used Lovers' Breath yet, it will use Lovers' Breath.
- After that, she has a small chance to use Lovers' Breath under the same conditions, if Dimensional Cut was used after Lovers' Breath's last usage.
- After at least 8 turns have passed, and regardless of its current HP, Hollow Queen starts using Dazzling Eye.
- If Dazzling Eye has not been used yet, Hollow Queen is likely, but not guaranteed, to use it on any given turn.
- After that, it has a very low chance to use it on any turn where no player characters are afflicted with panic.
- Aside from the above, Hollow Queen randomly uses either Dimensional Cut, Icy Aria, Darkness Wing, and regular attacks.
- Dimensional Cut cannot be used on consecutive turns.
- The specific chances for each skill to be used depend on both Hollow Queen's HP, as well as what row it is in.
- Generally, when Hollow Queen is in the front row, it prefers using Dimensional Cut and Darkness Wing over Icy Aria. The reverse is true when it is in the back row. Additionally, normal attacks are less likely when Hollow Queen is in the back row.
- After Hollow Queen falls below 50% HP, its chances to use skills shift around, causing it to prefer Icy Aria slightly more than it does at high HP.
- If this is the first turn:
- Use Dimensional Cut.
- If the Hollow Queen is in the front row, there are no Hollow Seers in the battle, and the Hollow Queen has not summoned Hollow Seers yet:
- Summon two Hollow Seers to the back row.
- If the current turn is a multiple of 10:
- Use Dark Erosion.
- If the Hollow Queen's HP is below 50%:
- If the Hollow Queen has any binds:
- If Lovers' Breath hasn't been used yet:
- Use Lovers' Breath.
- If Dimensional Cut was used since the last use of Lovers' Breath:
- 20% chance to use Lovers' Breath.
- If the current turn is greater than or equal to 8:
- If Dazzling Eye has not been used yet:
- 70% chance to use Dazzling Eye.
- If Dazzling Eye has been used at least once, and no player characters are afflicted with panic:
- 15% chance to use Dazzling Eye.
- If the Hollow Queen is in the back row:
- If the Hollow Queen's HP is below 50%:
- If a different attack has been used since the last use of Dimensional Cut:
- 40% chance to use Dimensional Cut.
- 40% chance to use Icy Aria.
- 20% chance to use Darkness Wing.
- If the above did not occur:
- 80% chance to use Icy Aria.
- 20% chance to use Darkness Wing.
- If the above did not occur:
- If a different attack has been used since the last use of Dimensional Cut:
- 30% chance to use Dimensional Cut.
- 30% chance to use Icy Aria.
- 20% chance to use Darkness Wing.
- 20% chance to attack.
- If the above did not occur:
- 50% chance to use Icy Aria.
- 30% chance to use Darkness Wing.
- 20% chance to attack.
- If the Hollow Queen is in the front row:
- If the Hollow Queen's HP is below 50%:
- If a different attack has been used since the last use of Dimensional Cut:
- 50% chance to use Dimensional Cut.
- 20% chance to use Icy Aria.
- 30% chance to use Darkness Wing.
- If the above did not occur:
- 30% chance to use Icy Aria.
- 40% chance to use Darkness Wing.
- 30% chance to attack.
- If the above did not occur:
- If a different attack has been used since the last use of Dimensional Cut:
- 40% chance to use Dimensional Cut.
- 20% chance to use Icy Aria.
- 30% chance to use Darkness Wing.
- 10% chance to attack.
- If the above did not occur:
- 20% chance to use Icy Aria.
- 40% chance to use Darkness Wing.
- 40% chance to attack.
Dress Scrap: Obtained if the conditional drop was not obtained. 100% chance. Sells for 2255 en.
Forest Crown (18 DEF, +10% Max TP, +2 LUC): Made from
1 Dress Scrap . Costs 2450 en.Cursed Eye: Obtained by killing the enemy with curse damage. 100% chance. Sells for 12000 en.
Verdant Attire (ACN Only; 124 DEF, +10% Max TP, +2 LUC): Made from
1 Cursed Eye and1 Indigo Vine (Wrath Bloom Drop). Costs 103680 en.

Hollow Guard
Level: 27 | HP: 690 | STR: 32 | TEC: 27 | VIT: 25 | AGI: 24 | LUC: 23 | DS: 73 |
Damage Vulnerabilities:
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Disable Vulnerabilities:
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- This enemy has an extra 50% evasion, on top of their natural evasion.
- This enemy does not build accumulative resistance to binds.
Blitzritter: Deals heavy STR-based volt damage to one party member. Fast.
Long Thrust: Deals heavy stab damage that pierces rows. Very inaccurate.
Cover: Redirects all attacks towards one enemy to the user instead.
Blitzritter: Deals 150% melee STR-based volt damage to one party member. Has a speed modifier of +5, and a base accuracy of 99%.
Long Thrust: Deals 150% melee STR-based stab damage that pierces rows. Has a speed modifier of ±0, and a base accuracy of 40%.
Cover: Redirects all attacks towards one enemy to the user instead. Has a speed modifier of +20.
- Hollow guards have a 30% chance to use Cover on Hollow Queen on any given turn.
- Only one Hollow guard can use Cover at a time.
- If Cover was not used, Hollow guards are more far likely to use either normal attacks or Blitzritter than they are to use Long Thrust.
- If no other enemies are using Cover:
- 30% chance to use Cover on the Hollow Queen.
- If the above did not occur:
- 40% chance to attack.
- If the above did not occur, 40% chance to use Blitzritter.
- If neither of the above occurred, use Long Thrust.
On the turn after you kill both Hollow guards, Hollow Queen will summon two Hollow seers.

Hollow Seer
Level: 27 | HP: 420 | STR: 25 | TEC: 30 | VIT: 24 | AGI: 23 | LUC: 23 | DS: 76 |
Damage Vulnerabilities:
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Disable Vulnerabilities:
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- This enemy has an extra 50% evasion, on top of their natural evasion.
- This enemy does not build accumulative resistance to binds.
Icy Blast: Deals heavy ice damage to one party member.
Dark Healing: Restores 137-142 HP to one enemy. Slightly slow.
Shadow Bind: Attempts to bind all party members' legs, with a very high chance.
Icy Blast: Deals 90% ranged TEC-based ice damage to one party member. Has a speed modifier of ±0, and a base accuracy of 99%.
Dark Healing: Restores 137-142 HP to one enemy. Has a speed modifier of -3.
Shadow Bind: Attempts to bind all party members' legs, with a 70% base chance. Has a speed modifier of ±0.
- Hollow seers have a moderate chance to use Dark Healing when any enemies are below 50% HP.
- Hollow seers also have a moderate chance to use Shadow Bind when any player characters do not have their legs bound, but they cannot do this as their first action.
- When neither of the above is applicable, Hollow seers are far more likely to use Icy Blast than regular attacks.
- If any enemy's HP is below 50%, and no other enemy is using Dark Healing:
- 40% chance to use Dark Healing.
- If this is not the first action the Hollow Exile has taken, no player character has their legs bound, and no other enemy is using Shadow Bind:
- 40% chance to use Shadow Bind.
- If none of the above occurred:
- 80% chance to use Icy Blast.
- 20% chance to attack.
Thankfully, both types of adds are very vulnerable to ailments, and especially vulnerable to binds. Even if you don't take Wufan into the fight for some reason, a sniper can still go through each target and bind whatever body part they need for their skills. Either that, or disable their evasion so that the rest of the party can quickly kill them. Either works.
Hollow Queen itself is not to be trifled with, though it does get less dangerous after the adds have been taken care of. Dimensional Cut is the major threat here; its damage is extremely high, enough to one-shot most anyone that isn't a fortress, and it can hit everyone. Its base accuracy is only 50%, which is worse than it sounds due to AGI/LUC adjustments. However, 50% is higher than many deadly skills that rely on player characters' evasion being disabled have. It's safe to assume it will hit at least one person, and that is a nasty reality to deal with when you're talking about 200% damage on an enemy skill. Don't ignore Darkness Wing, either, that deals almost as much damage as Dimensional Cut, and while it is only single-target, it has the standard base accuracy of 99%. The best solution to both physical skills is simple, at least: bind Hollow Queen's arms. It's got a 100% vulnerability to it, and like every Hollow we've met so far, it does not build accumulative resistance to binds, so you're free to just keep slapping on whatever binds are necessary as they fall off.
Hollow Queen's skills that use the head are nowhere near as dangerous as its arm skills, though that does not mean they pose no danger. Dark Erosion is only used if the battle goes on for 10+ turns, and is only repeated every 10th turn after that, but if Hollow Queen gets to use Dark Erosion, you need to have counter-measures in place, because it will turn all of Hollow Queen's attack skills into one-shots. Metopons from treasure maps, Charm Eye if you're bringing Wufan along, one of landsknecht Break skills, you need some way to either purge the buff off, or keep it from being applied in the first place. Tread lightly with Dazzling Eye, too, as it can potentially inflict panic on everyone. Even if that disaster scenario does not occur, even one panic infliction can be annoying. Two inflictions is a problem. Three inflictions is a disaster.
Hollow Queen has one final mean trick it can pull: after it drops below 50% HP, it starts using Lovers' Breath, which cures disables from all enemies. While it's not difficult to reapply binds, at least, that does still leave at least one turn where Hollow Queen can do something potentially brutal, a turn where it can use Dimensional Cut or Dazzling Eye. Keep an eye on its HP, and possibly prepare a binding circle to go off at the end of the turn when the time comes.
That should give you a good idea of what to expect on the enemy side of things. Let's look at how each party member fares in this fight— Wait, nope, I almost forgot, time for me to mix things up! I will be bringing the following two characters along as part of the party, in addition to Wufan. Voting will be to determine the remaining three party slots.

With that said, your job now is to pick whatever three characters you want to see alongside these three. One thing to consider is that the three characters that are guaranteed to be in the party absolutely do not have the durability necessary to safely be in the front row. You can use this knowledge to either give me a reasonable party, make me absolutely miserable as I have to put backliners in the front row, or some combination of the two!

Vote for three people to be in the party, same as usual. Voting is open both in my Discord server, in the Something Awful thread, and the LP Beach thread.
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