Okay, okay, so the Fortress differs from previous tank classes in that it functions in both redirection and overall defense, though it functions better in terms of redirecting attacks. It's like Beast from EO2 except it doesn't blow massive chunks. It lacks the Anti-skills of Protector, but those are bad design anyway, so hey.

Equippable Armor:
Heavy Armor
Light Armor
Cloth Armor
Common Passives
- Mineralogy (Novice)
- Iron Wall (Novice)
- Hardy Chef (Veteran)
Class Skill

When the user is targeted for an attack by an enemy while they are in the front row, they recover TP.

Bolt Strike
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based bash + volt damage to one enemy.

Is it worth dropping a whole 10 skill points to get the full damage, though? Not really.
- Requirements: Bolt Strike Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based bash damage to one enemy. Restores the user's HP, for a percentage of the damage dealt.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Defense, All Elements
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

For one turn, redirects all attacks towards one party member towards the user instead, and reduces all damage taken by the user.
- Regardless of what row the user is in, when taking damage from a redirected attack, the user is considered to be in the front row.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Defense, Physical
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

Increases all party members' physical defense for a set amount of turns.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Defense, Elemental
- Requirements: Strike Guard Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:

Increases all party members' elemental defense for a set amount of turns.

- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

Increases the user's chance of being targeted by enemies for a set amount of turns.

Only somewhat-negative thing to note is that due to the way aggro works, the scaling on Taunt is kind of wack. You get a lot of value from ranks 1 to 3, but rank 4 doesn't provide much of an increase to any scenario. If you really want to save on SP, you could opt to skip it.
- Requirements: Taunt Rank 2

Gives the user a chance to use Taunt at the start of battle.

Vengeance Bash
- Requirements: Holy Smite Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based bash damage to one enemy three turns after use, at the end of the turn. Each time the user takes damage after preparing to use Vengeance Bash, its damage is increased.
- Poison damage increases Vengeance Bash's damage.
- Direct HP loss does not count for increasing Vengeance Bash's damage.
- This includes curse damage, Blood Surge's HP loss, and Shockwave's HP loss.

Vengeance Bash can reach absolutely nutso damage if your fortress gets whacked enough in the four turns you have to get whacked—the cast turn, and then the three turns after. There's a certain point with damage modifiers where, no matter how low the user's attacking stats are, you'll deal a good amount of damage anyways. Invoke Gods in EO5 was like that, and Vengeance Bash has the potential to be like that. It caps out at 1500% damage, for heavens' sake. While the delay means it can be difficult to sync up with other party members' burst windows—imperials using Drives, other characters using charged-up attacks—and it also means the skills' actual damage-per-turn isn't anything spectacular, it's still damage you're getting for having your fortress do their job.
Basically, my thinking goes that while Vengeance Bash isn't necessarily the most optimal way to have your fortress spend a turn, if they've got a spare turn where they don't need to guard anyone, you might as well set up Vengeance Bash and gets some damage for having your fortress doing their job.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Defense, All Elements
- Requirements: Ally Shield Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

For one turn, redirects all attacks towards one row of party members towards the user instead, and reduces all damage taken by the user.
- Regardless of what row the user is in, when taking damage from a redirected attack, the user is considered to be in the front row.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Defense, All Elements
- Requirements: Line Shield Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

For one turn, redirects all attacks towards all other party members towards the user instead, and reduces all damage taken by the user.
- Regardless of what row the user is in, when taking damage from a redirected attack, the user is considered to be in the front row.

- Requirements: None

Increases the user's chance of naturally recovering from disables.
- Knight's Boon provdies an increase to the user's natural recovery chance, not a separate chance to purge any active disables. As such, it is subject to the limitations of the disable recovery formula—namely, disables cannot be naturally recovered from on the turn that they are inflicted, and the user's chance to naturally recover from disables is capped at 80%.

- Requirements: Knight's Boon Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:

Places a buff on one row of party members that nullifies one ailment infliction.

Complete infliction nullification is very good, even if you do have to spend a turn not using a shield skill in order to apply it. It's good for random encounters as insurance against, say, panic or sleep inflictions, and it can sometimes render FOEs that rely on an ailment as their primary gimmick far easier to defeat.
Now, of course, what I said there mostly applies to Refresh Waltz, a skill that basically does Holy Blessing's job better than it does. While Refresh Waltz does not completely block ailment inflictions—meaning you can still lose a character's action to panic or sleep—it can still get rid of it on the infliction turn, which is the next best thing. And it lasts for multiple turns, to boot. If you're running a dancer alongside your fortress, then there's little reason to grab Holy Blessing. If not, though, then it's a decent skill to have available.
- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Defense, All Elements
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

Increases the user's defense for a set amount of turns.

- Requirements: None

When anyone in the user's row defends, they recover a set amount of HP.

- Requirements: None

Only usable in the labyrinth. For a set amount of steps, reveals all FOEs within a distance around the party.

Earth Break
- Requirements: Vengeance Bash Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based bash damage to one enemy, with splash damage. Also deals melee STR-based bash damage to the user.
- Due to the way self-targeting attacks are programmed, while the user's VIT and bash damage vulnerability are used in calculating their self-damage, any DEF from their equipment is not.

Still, it's not like fortresses are particularly starved for skill points once the lategame and postgame roll around, so there isn't much reason not to keep it in your skill list, I suppose.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Defense, All Elements
- Requirements: Party Shield Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Places a buff on the user that, for a set amount of turns, increases their defense, and causes them to automatically redirect any attacks towards party members whose HP is below 50% towards the user instead.
- Regardless of what row the user is in, when taking damage from a redirected attack, the user is considered to be in the front row.

Want to use an attack skill? Go ahead, everyone's still covered. Want to defend? Perfect, you get to halve the damage of the attacks you're about to take, for a whopping 0 TP. Have the fortress restore their own HP or TP, so that another support class can use a skill to enhance other party members' attacks? It's yours, my friend, as long as you have enough HP. And keep the Weak Shield buff up.
This skill is so amazingly good that when EO2U brought it back as Protection Vow on beasts, they had to severely nerf it by adding a cap on how many times it can activate each turn, in addition to making it chance-based; each time Protection Vow activates, the chance of it activating again on that turn is reduced. At least the damage reduction was heavily increased to compensate.

Damn, this is a better intro to this class than I managed up there, where was my A game when I was writing that bit?
Well, okay, you also won't get swords because Fortresses use maces, so you won't get to hit Zeromus for like 4000 damage a hit, but that's besides the point!
- Requirements: Weak Shield Rank 2

Gives the user a chance to nullify any attacks directed at them.
- Guard Mastery does not work on attacks that deal almighty damage.

The only downside to Guard Mastery is that, if it nullifies an attack, the attack does not count for increasing Vengeance Bash's damage, but I think the benefit of negating damage and additional effects outweighs the penalty of losing Vengeance Bash damage.

- Requirements: None

Increases the user's maximum HP.

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