I had to go look up who the Landshark in our party was because there's like four different characters in the cast whose classes I can't remember off the top of my head. I can remember them, but just what classes they are is like whoooosh out of my brain. I think that's so much of a joke on its own that I don't need to make a character-specific joke. I will probably have something better by the time of the next overview. So thanks... *reads smudged writing on hand* Sharlhu.

With that out of the way, let's talk about landsknecht stats. Landsknechts have very high physical stats (HP, STR, VIT), and their AGI is not bad, either. Their TP's fairly low, but if you're primarily using the Link skills, it's not a huge issue, though they definitely will need some Amritas for longer battles.
Then there's their TEC and LUC, which are just the absolute pits. It doesn't really hamper the actual attacks landsknechts use, but it does mean they'll take more damage from enemy TEC attacks, and probably worst of all, their DS is awful, meaning they're more vulnerable to having disables inflicted on them than any other class, to a significant degree.
Equippable Armor:
Heavy Armor
Light Armor
Cloth Armor

Stacking speed-boosting equipment, such as rapiers, cloth armor, and boots, will give landsknechts the speed they need to act before everyone else, and remove the opportunity cost of Vanguard. However, this does come with the caveat of speedier defensive equipment having less DEF, and rapiers generally having less ATK than swords. How much of a detriment those factoids are is...debatable, due to the wonky internal math behind them, but that is the designed intent, in any case.

- Power Boost (Novice)
- Mineralogy (Novice)
- Iron Wall (Veteran)
- Muscular Chef (Veteran)
Class Skill
- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Attack, All Elements

When the user damages an enemy, for the rest of the turn, all further attacks against that enemy will deal increased damage, and have increased accuracy.

Even if you're not going for a Link-focused build, you may still want to opt for either using Vanguard or making your landsknecht speedy, so that they can still provide the benefit of their class skill. Any damage increase that does not use a buff slot is valuable.
Sonic Raid
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based damage to one enemy. Has priority.
- Sonic Raid inherits its damage type from the user's equipped weapon, plus any elemental imbues.

If you're making use of the Link skills: while Sonic Raid does have some utility, even when you have the Link skills in your repertoire, I would not level it up past rank 3, which unlocks the Link skills. While rank 5 does offer a slight increase in damage, the two skill points you'd need to take Sonic Raid to rank 5 are most likely better invested elsewhere. If you are planning on building your landsknecht purely for their physical damage skills, however, feel free to max out Sonic Raid. You won't be starved for skill points if you go that route, so invest away.
- Skills:
- Blazing Link
- Freezing Link
- Electric Link
- Requirements: Sonic Raid Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based damage to one enemy. For the rest of the turn, each time the enemy suffers damage, they will be dealt another attack of the same damage type as the initial Link attack, but with reduced damage.
- The damage type is determined both by the user's equipped weapon, as well as the skill being used.
- The physical damage type depends on the user's equipped weapon: swords will deal cut damage, while rapiers will deal stab damage.
- The elemental damage type depends on the Link skill: Blazing Link will deal fire damage, Freezing Link will deal ice damage, and Electric Link will deal volt damage.
- Follow-up attacks do not originate from the original user of the Link skill.
- If the original user dies after using a Link skill, follow-up attacks will still occur.
- If the original user receives damage-increasing buffs after using a Link skill, follow-up attacks will not receive the benefit of the new buffs.
- Due to the unique way that the Link skills' damage type is programmed, ELM forges have no effect on them, even though they deal elemental damage.
- Additionally, also due to the way the damage type is programmed, elemental imbues from blaze oils or freeze oils can alter the damage type of link skills.
- Blaze Oils will make both Freezing Link and Electric Link deal fire damage, instead of their normal element.
- Freeze Oils will make Electric Link deal ice damage, instead of volt.

Links are intended to be the core of the entire landsknecht skill set. You don't have to make use of them, but the way skills in later tiers are designed heavily encourages it. Early on, Links are just good early attack skills. At rank 5, assuming they activate a follow-up attack, they start dealing more damage than a maxed-out Sonic Raid, though with a slightly higher TP cost. The important part here, though, is that Links deal elemental damage, and can therefore benefit from attacking weaknesses. Even if an enemy does not have any natural elemental weaknesses, as long as they are neutral to the elemental damage type of the Link, a runemaster can use their vulnerability-modifying skills to create artificial weaknesses, which Link skills can then exploit.
The Link skills end up being so much more than they initially seem, once later tiers of skills are unlocked, but we can discuss that once we get to them.
I will say, early on, if you can't create artificial weaknesses for the Link skills to exploit—in shorter terms, if you are not using a runemaster—then you may want to hold off on leveling the Link skills until you gain access to Improved Link, and spend your skill points on Sonic Raid, or even the Break skills. Once you get access to Veteran skills, you can then rest your landsknecht, and reallocate the skill points as necessary. Resting only costs two levels, it's not really a significant penalty.

- Skills:
- Power Break
- Mind Break
- Requirements:
- Power Break: None
- Mind Break: Power Break Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based bash damage to one enemy. If the attack hits, reduces the target's physical attack (Power Break) or elemental attack (Mind Break) for a set amount of turns.
- Though a shield is required to use the Break skills, their damage is still calculated using the user's equipped weapon.

Even if I'm charitable and assume that you might want to keep these skills around, just in case an enemy hits hard but can be brought down to manageable levels with the debuffs, you still have to equip a shield to use them! If you're not making use of Vanguard, that's going to tank your landsknecht's speed, both because shields have a negative equipment speed modifier, and because you're using an equipment slot that, in all likelihood, was going to be used for boots!
If you really want me to stretch for reasons to use the Breaks, then... Well, they're the only source of bash damage available to landsknechts. There are only two enemies in EO4 that have conditional drops that require killing them with bash damage, though, so that doesn't matter too much.
- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Attack, Physical
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

For a set amount of turns, increases the damage the user deals with physical attacks, increases the damage the user takes from physical attacks, and gives the user priority.

However, if you're opting for a Link build, Vanguard becomes problematic once Improved Link enters the picture. See, if you're relying on Vanguard for the speed part of a Link build, once you get Improved Link...you're going to have to start spending two turns setting up your necessary buffs at the start of battle. Oh, and you also lose out on the final turn of Vanguard, since Improved Link will have fallen off by then. It's by no means impossible to run a combined Vanguard and Improved Link build, that's what I did on my first run of the game. It's just clumsier than you'd probably want, especially given that other damage dealers can be ready to go by turn 2, or even turn 1.
- Requirements: None

Only usable outside of battle. Restores one party member's HP.

Double Strike
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals two instances of melee STR-based damage to one enemy.
- Double Strike inherits its damage type from the user's equipped weapon, plus any elemental imbues.

- Requirements: Double Strike Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based cut damage to one enemy, with splash damage.

I don't have much to say about Spiral Slice, since it's such a simple skill, and I already mentioned the benefits of no-setup attack skills with Double Strike. In Spiral Slice's case, at max rank, it does actually deal a good amount of total damage if you're attacking an enemy with two other enemies adjacent to them—that'd be 460% total damage, spread across three enemies. That isn't terribly common, though.
- Requirements: Double Strike Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based cut damage that pierces enemy rows.

- Requirements: None

Gives the user a chance to nullify physical attacks directed at anyone in the user's row.

- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

For a set amount of turns, allows Links to make more than one follow-up attack.
- Skills that deal multiple hits to a Link target can only trigger up to four follow-up attacks.

A rank 10 Link skill, with rank 8 Improved Link active, can deal a maximum of 700% damage to an enemy. It's remarkably easy to hit the maximum number of follow-up attacks, especially if you have a sniper in the party as well.
- Diminishing Returns Category: Passive Attack, All Elements
- Requirements: Vanguard Rank 2

Increases the user's damage dealt and accuracy if they attack before any enemy has acted.

Sword Tempest
- Requirements: Spiral Slice Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based cut damage to one enemy.

- Requirements: Penetrate Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals multiple instances of melee STR-based stab damage to random enemies.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Passive Defense, Physical
- Requirements: Swordbreaker Rank 3

If the user has two weapons equipped, they take reduced damage from physical attacks.

- Requirements: Improved Link Rank 3

Each time a Link skill from the user triggers a follow-up attack, its follow-up damage multiplier is increased.
- The increase is applied additively to the follow-up damage multiplier. Using a rank 10 Link skill with rank 8 Improved Link and rank 6 Link Mastery as an example, as a Link skill triggers follow-up attacks, its damage multiplier will increase like so:
- Follow-Up #1: 0.50x multiplier, 70% damage
- Follow-Up #2: 0.58x multiplier, 81% damage
- Follow-Up #3: 0.66x multiplier, 92% damage
- Follow-Up #4: 0.74x multiplier, 103% damage
- Follow-Up #5: 0.82x multiplier, 114% damage
- Follow-Up #6: 0.90x multiplier, 126% damage
- Follow-Up #7: 0.98x multiplier, 137% damage
- Follow-Up #8: 1.06x multiplier, 148% damage
- Total Damage: 1011%

As an added benefit, due to the unique way Link Mastery increases damage, it is not subject to diminishing returns calculations.
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