I'll have more to say once the writeup's over.

Honestly, TP's the stat that medics most care about, since their higher-tier healing skills and Star Drop cost quite a bit of TP. TEC's useful, but even without any increases to it, medics will still heal plenty of HP with their skills.
One thing to note about EO4 medics' stats, compared to most other iterations of the class, is that their DS is respectable. It's comparable to dancers, a class that does not do much disable infliction, but can at least put up reasonable numbers when it comes to resisting disable infliction.
Equippable Armor:
Light Armor
Cloth Armor
Common Passives
- Herbology (Novice)
- TP Boost (Master)
Class Skill

Increases the amount of HP restored by all party members' HP-restoring skills.
- Does not increase healing from the following sources:
- Holy Smite
- Bracing Walk
- Deep Breath
- Endure
- All item-based healing
- Excluding the sources listed above, this skill also applies to skills that restore a fixed amount of HP:
- Bandage
- Healing Wall
- Patch Up
- Revive
- Auto-Revive
- Ferocity

- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

Restores one party member's HP.

So, you know, that severely hampers medics' ability to heal reactively, which is a large part of the class's purpose in the first place. There's a very good argument to be made that Healing, Line Heal, and Party Heal can all be skipped, leaving skill points for the status recovery skills and attack skills, which offer capabilities that other classes and even items cannot fully replicate.
Healing, at least, might be worth dropping a few points in for out-of-battle healing. I cannot say the same for Line Heal and Party Heal.

- Requirements: Healing Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:

Restores one row of party members' HP.

- Requirements: Healing Rank 4
- Body Parts Used:

Increases the amount of HP the user restores from HP-restoring skills for a set amount of turns.
- Steady Hands follows the same rules regarding what skills it affects and it does not affect as the class skill.

It has quite a bit more value as a subclass skill, but let's leave that discussion for another time.
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

Removes ailments. The targeting type depends on the skill's level, plus the effect of Group Therapy.

My comments about how many skill points you should put into the status recovery skills is the same for all of them: leaving them at rank 3 is plenty. You're not going to need them often enough for the TP cost reduction to be worth it, and those extra three skill points are better spent elsewhere. Like, say, another status recovery skill!
- Requirements: Refresh Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Removes debuffs. The targeting type depends on the skill's level, plus the effect of Group Therapy.

- Requirements: Refresh Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Removes binds. The targeting type depends on the skill's level, plus the effect of Group Therapy.

- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based bash damage to one enemy. Attempts to stun the target.

- Requirements: None

Restores all party members' HP after battle.

Full Heal
- Requirements: Line Heal Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:

Fully restores one party member's HP.

The exception to that is, as mentioned above, fortresses that are making use of Weak Shield late in the game. Even with all of the different defensive passives that a late fortress can stack, they're going to need to be healed at some point, and Full Heal is an easy way to just immediately get them back to max HP. That's a good use for it! The question then becomes "is it worth the few extra SP to reduce the TP cost further," to which my answer is "it's entirely up to personal preference." You'll need Full Heal at rank 2 if you want to get Party Heal, which has the same issues as the other manual healing skills but is the prerequisite for the very useful Auto-Heal. At that point, it's two additional skill points to reduce the TP cost by 10 more. I think that can probably be skipped, but again, it's more personal preference than anything.
- Requirements: Full Heal Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Restores all party members' HP.

If you're running a medic as your only source of healing, then Party Heal is likely a necessity. If you have any other healers, or even if you're running a fortress that's concentrating damage onto themselves, Party Heal can be deprioritized. Just keep that TP cost in mind, because especially at max rank, it will drain your medic dry if you aren't careful.

- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

Revives one dead party member, and restores their HP.

Beyond how it scales into the lategame, Revive is just generally nice to have around. The TP cost is steep, especially in the midgame, but 15 TP is a lot easier to deal with than having to gather more small flowers every time you run out of nectars. Given that, and the fact that it has no prerequisites, if you're running a medic, there's little reason you shouldn't have, at the very least, one skill point invested into Revive.
- Requirements:
- Treat Rank 1
- Recovery Rank 1
- Body Parts Used:

For a set amount of turns, increases the range of Refresh, Treat, Recovery, and Full Refresh. Single-target skills are upgraded to row-target, and row-target skills are upgraded to party-target.

As for the skill's merits on its own, Group Therapy has the same issue that party-target status recovery skills usually do. Namely, if you're in a situation where you really need to purge disables from the entire party, there's a pretty reasonable chance that the party member that could fix it witih one skill is rendered incapable of acting. If you've got that covered, through some combination of disable resistance increases and possibly Stretch, then Group Therapy can save you an extra action or two from having to remove disables from whichever row wasn't affected by the applicable status recovery skill. Having to maintain the buff timer is annoying, but if you just use it two or three times when your medic doesn't have anything else to do, you'll generally be fine on that front. Main thing to worry about there is that the final boss, superboss, and a major postgame boss—all situations where you'd want to have Group Therapy preemptively ready—all have the ability to purge all of your party's buffs. So, y'know, account for that once you get there.
- Requirements:
- Treat Rank 1
- Recovery Rank 1
- Body Parts Used:

Removes ailments, binds, and debuffs from one party member.

Stick with the regular status recovery skills.
- Requirements: Heavy Strike Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based bash damage to one enemy. Attempts to inflict sleep on the target.

- Requirements: None
Allows the party to consume poisoned food without being poisoned.

- 1st Land: +3 LUC, +30% blind/panic resistance
- 2nd Land: +4 TEC, +4 AGI, -6 LUC, +20% EXP
- 3rd Land: +20 TP, +30% paralysis/poison resistance
- 4th Land: +30% ailment resistance, +30% instant death resistance
Does Toxin Study provide some ridiculous, lasting value? No, not really. Is it worth having around? Just for the 4th Land's food alone, probably.
- Requirements: None

Gives the user a chance to cancel bind inflictions against them.
- Stretch does not increase the user's resistance to binds, nor is it a reduction to infliction chances. It is a separate roll that occurs before the disable infliction function; if the roll succeeds, then the user completely nullifies the bind, before infliction is even attempted.

The only caveat with Stretch is that one particular postgame boss's binding skill has guaranteed infliction, which completely ignores Stretch. That sucks, but it's one boss, there's still plenty more who can get utterly screwed by Stretch.
- Requirements: Party Heal Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Gives the user a chance to automatically heal a party member when they fall below 30% HP, or if a party member is targeted while below 30% HP.
- Auto-Heal can only activate on a party member once per turn.

- Requirements: Auto-Heal Rank 3

Increases the amount of HP the user restores from HP-restoring skills.
- Heal Mastery follows the same rules regarding what skills it affects and it does not affect as the class skill.

- Requirements: Revive Rank 4
- Body Parts Used:

When any party member dies, the user has a chance to immediately revive them, and restore their HP.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Attack, All Elements
- Requirements: Knockout Blow Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based bash damage to one enemy. For the rest of the turn, all damage dealt to the target is increased.
- Star Drop's damage amplification is a one-turn effect, not a debuff.

There is one thing that needs to be considered when making use of Star Drop, and that's speed. Medics aren't that slow, at a base level, but Star Drop requires either a mace (-3 speed penalty) or a staff (no speed modifier) to use, and it comes with a -1 speed modifier, so your options for ensuring it goes early in the turn order are limited. One particular subclass can help with that, though...

Like, it's not bad, obviously? Medic's class skill is obviously great and its Master tier is nothing but gas, skills that other classes would salivate at. But for a starting class, it's way, way more reliant on the Master tier of skills than any other starting class. EO moment.
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