So I hear you like ailments, but also hitting things for damage. Well, have I got the class for you! Nightseeker has a relatively slow start with high TP costs and not getting access to their better ailments, but can still utterly clown on heavier enemies. And then you get later in the game and their stupid unique skill causes their damage to skyrocket on enemies and they get an all-target 700-damage Poison proc that can insta-wipe randoms for very cheap and you get an instant kill skill that can work on nearly anything and it's just oh god what did they do to deserve this?
I guess they're kinda frail? There's that. Who cares? This class is broken.

Equippable Armor:
Light Armor
Cloth Armor
Common Passives
- Herbology (Novice)
- Speed Boost (Veteran)
- Agile Chef (Veteran)
Class Skill
- Diminishing Returns Category: Passive Attack, All Elements

Increases the user's damage when attacking enemies who are afflicted with ailments.

Of course, the main downside to the class skill is twofold: ailment infliction is still, ultimately, random, and ailment duration is also random. If you prefer highly-coordinated burst phases that have little room for error, the reliance on ailments could be frustrating. Additionally, if you're not pairing your nightseeker with an arcanist, then the nightseeker will be stuck having to spend time attempting to inflict ailments on their own. While the Throw skills have high base chances, and nightseekers have high DS, that's still a variable amount of turns where your nightseeker is only using skills that deal a whopping 80% damage.
Even with those caveats, though... It's double damage! At Novice! And it's not like nightseekers are incapable of dealing damage without their class skill, they can function fine even without it.

Ice Knife
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based cut + ice damage to one enemy.

- Requirements: Ice Knife Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based cut damage to one enemy. If the user does not take damage after using Biding Slice, they will attack the same target again at the end of the turn.

Now, of course, the second hit activating is by no means guaranteed. However, there's three fairly simple ways to make it much more likely: using a fortress, inflicting blind on the target enemy, or making use of Decoy Sign. Fortresses not only have Taunt at their disposal for manipulation of the aggro formula, they also have Ally Shield, which you can use to near-guarantee your nightseeker won't take any damage after using Biding Slice. I say "near-guarantee" because there's obviously a chance of the fortress being afflicted with a debilitating ailment, dying before an enemy attacks the nightseeker, that sort of stuff.
Blind is also a good choice for getting that extra hit. Nightseekers are already naturally evasive, what with their AGI being extremely high, and their LUC being "just" high, and a blinded enemy would have only 0.33x of their normal hit chance against them. Put simply, it's a pretty safe bet that blinded enemies won't be hitting nightseekers, unless you're dealing with comically high base skill accuracies...which are not really a thing during the Novice levels. They're not even really a thing until Master levels.
If both of the above aren't an option, for whatever reason? Well, Decoy Sign is there. I wouldn't call it particularly reliable, but you can have your nightseeker inflate another party member's aggro. Whether or not that party member will survive the extra aggro, if they're not a fortress, is another matter entirely...but hey, that takes the heat off your nightseeker.
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged STR-based cut damage to one enemy. Attempts to inflict blind on the target.

As for Sand Throw in particular? Well, as far as the game is concerned, blind is the least valuable ailment, being all the way at the bottom of the ailment hierarchy. As such, a significant amount of enemies aren't especially resistant to having blind inflicted on them, making it a good general-use ailment. It doesn't stop enemies from acting, like paralysis, panic, and sleep, and it doesn't have any innate damage potential, like poison and curse, but it is still a strong defensive ailment, nonetheless. Most enemy attacks, when under the effect of blind, would be lucky to hit a 30% chance to hit. In most cases, they will end up in the 20% or even 10% range. Doesn't work as well if a character's evasion is disabled, of course, but still.
Definitely a good candidate for maxing out early on.
Oh, and one note about the Throw skills, just in general: they do not require weapons to use. While they deal cut damage and show a weapon slash in the animation, you can have any weapon equipped, or even none, and the Throw skills will still be usable.

- Requirements: Sand Throw Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged STR-based cut damage to one enemy. Attempts to inflict paralysis on the target.

Paralysis is ostensibly a stronger ailment than blind, but both are fundamentally "random chance to nullify an enemy action." While paralysis's chance of rendering an enemy's turn useless is, in most cases, lower than that of blind, paralysis can nullify non-attacking skills, which blind cannot.
Honestly, I still prefer Sand Throw just a bit more, due to blind's ease of infliction, but Nerve Throw is also worth maxing out at least at some point. If nothing else, it can serve as a backup class skill-enabler if accumulative resistance makes inflicting blind difficult or even impossible.
- Requirements: None

If the user has two weapons equipped, allows them to attack with their subweapon, with reduced damage, when performing a normal attack.
- If subclassing has not been unlocked yet, Blade Flurry will also let the user equip a subweapon.

Oh, right, Blade Flurry does something besides enable early subweapons and provide lategame damage. If you max out Blade Flurry early, you can deal (if you have two identical weapons equipped) 360% damage for 0 TP, if you hit a target with an ailment. That's a neat trick, possibly even worthwhile if your trips into the labyrinth are on the longer side, but I wouldn't call it "good" for general use.
(I had to mention subclassing up there, but I won't be discussing it yet. Have patience, I'm trying to keep the early parts of the LP from being information overload.)
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

Places a buff on the user that nullifies one physical attack against them.

If you are using a fortress, though, I'd say you can leave Shadow Cloak alone. Between Taunt and the Shield skills, you won't be wanting for ways to keep your nightseeker unharmed.
- Requirements: Shadow Cloak Rank 2

Gives the user a chance to automatically use Shadow Cloak at the start of battle.

- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

Places a buff on one party member that increases their aggro for a set amount of turns.

That does sound enticing, since Taunt is comically strong... But, you do have to question why you'd want to direct enemy aggro on a particular party member if you're not using a fortress. Who would you use this on? Landsknechts, who only begin to become really physically durable in the lategame? Bushi, who are most likely losing HP with each action they take? Imperials, who take a significant amount of extra damage on the turn they're using their big attack skills?

- Requirements: Biding Slice Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based cut damage to one enemy. Attempts to instantly kill the target. If the target is afflicted with an ailment, the base chance to instantly kill them is increased.

Sure, Assassinate is single-target, but it's still instant death. Assassinate is horrifically good for random encounters, especially when there's a really dangerous enemy stuck in the back row, where you can't reach them without suffering a damage penalty. Well, guess what, Assassinate doesn't care about that. As long as the infliction chance succeeds, it doesn't matter how much damage the enemy takes, they're dead.
In short: Assassinate good. Worth investing skill points into.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Attack, Physical
- Requirements: Assassinate Rank 3
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals melee STR-based cut damage to one enemy. If the target is afflicted with an ailment, the damage dealt is increased.
- Although Shadow Bite's damage increase is not a buff or a passive, its effect is still subject to diminishing returns.

...Well, of course, that 1056% damage I mentioned is assuming that you have no other active damage increases. Unfortunately, for reasons I don't think I can effectively guess at, Shadow Bite's damage increase is subject to diminishing returns, meaning that its effective damage for any given combination of buffs will be lower than that of Shadow Bite. Not by a significant margin, mind you, but enough that I feel it's worth mentioning.
- Requirements: Nerve Throw Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged STR-based cut damage to one enemy. Attempts to inflict sleep on the target.

Sleep bombing is actually one of the instances of Shadow Bite being completely superior to Swift Edge, since all of Shadow Bite's damage will get boosted by the sleep bonus, while Swift Edge will burn the sleep bonus on the first hit. With the nightseeker class skill at max rank, and without accounting for diminishing returns, a rank 8 Shadow Bite would deal almost 2000% damage to a sleeping target.
- Requirements: Sleep Throw Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged STR-based cut damage to one enemy. Attempts to inflict curse on the target.

- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

On the next turn, the user's Throw skills will target all enemies.

Swift Edge
- Requirements: Shadow Bite Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:
- Required Equipment:

Deals multiple instances of melee STR-based cut damage to one enemy.

Besides the note I made earlier about Shadow Bite vs. Swift Edge with regards to sleep, it's also worth noting that while Shadow Bite and Swift Edge deal comparable damage against enemies that are afflicted with ailments, Swift Edge is absolutely the winner against enemies that are not afflicted with ailments.

- Requirements: Curse Throw Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged STR-based cut damage to one enemy. Attempts to inflict poison on the target.

Random encounters fare even worse against Venom Throw. Even the toughest random encounters in the game cap out in the low 1000s range of max HP, which lets Venom Throw decimate them within a maximum of two turns, not even accounting for other party members' damage, or even the initial damage of Venom Throw itself.
Oh, and if you're wondering what the second part of invalidating random encounters is, it's Auto-Spread. You'll see it below the next two skills.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Attack, All Elements
- Requirements:
- Swift Edge Rank 2
- Venom Throw Rank 2

Each time the user inflicts an ailment, their damage is increased.
- Foul Mastery's damage increase is reset if the user dies.

- Requirements: Blade Flurry Rank 3

When the user uses a weapon skill, the user has a chance to use that same skill again, with reduced damage.
- The damage multiplier applied to the second attack is equal to the user's current rank of Blade Flurry.
- Repeated skills triggered by Follow Trace do not cost any TP.

I'll have more to say on Follow Trace once we unlock subclassing, but suffice to say, maxing out Follow Trace—and Blade Flurry—is a complete no-brainer of a skill point investment decision.
- Requirements: Spread Throw Rank 2

Gives the user a chance to automatically use Spread Throw at the start of battle.

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