One notable fact about Runemaster, though, is their supporting capabilities. The Rune field effect spells serve as a sort of replacement for the older games' anti-elemental spells, serving as both buff and debuff to the whole team. Neat! As a result, it's an extremely efficient subclass for a lot of classes.

Don't let their okay AGI fool you, though. Most of their attacks come with a very rough -9 speed penalty, and one particular skill even goes to -15. Runemasters, on most turns, are slow.
Equippable Armor:
Cloth Armor
Common Passives
- Herbology (Novice)
- TP Boost (Novice)
- Wise Chef (Veteran)
Class Skill
- Diminishing Returns Categories:
- Passive Attack, Elemental and Almighty
- Passive Defense, Elemental and Almighty

Increases elemental and almighty damage dealt, and reduces elemental and almighty damage taken, for the user's row.

Element Runes
- Skills:
- Fire Rune
- Ice Rune
- Volt Rune
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

Increases all party members' resistance to a specific elemental damage type for a set amount of turns. Increases all enemies' vulnerability to a specific elemental damage type for a set amount of turns.
- Fire Rune modifies fire vulnerability.
- Ice Rune modifies ice vulnerability.
- Volt Rune modifies volt vulnerability.

Going into EO4, the Fantasias came back, though tweaked a bit. For one thing, they're on runemasters, a damage-dealing class, rather than a support class. For another thing, the skill's effects have basically been swapped; at max rank in EO2, the Fantasias increased all party members' resistance by 35%, and increased all enemies' vulnerability by 50%. In EO4, the opposite is true, buffing the defensive component while nerfing the offensive component.
On the one hand, a damage-dealer having to use these can be seen as a downgrade from a support being able to use them while the damage-dealer sets up a personal buff, or something similar. On the other hand, it does mean that runemasters have access to a pretty powerful method of increasing other party members' damage, and can create artificial weaknesses entirely on their own. For the record, I use the term "artificial weakness" to refer to when a vulnerability modifier causes an enemy's vulnerability to a damage type to go above 100%, thereby creating what the game considers a weakness. For runemasters, that means that they can use the element Runes to activate Runic Guidance on enemies that would not have normally been vulnerable to that. In that way, for runemaster themselves, the damage increase they get from using an element Rune can be a lot more than the element Rune's effect in itself. Not accounting for diminishing returns, a runemaster using a maxed-out element Rune on an enemy with a 100% vulnerability to that element, and then following up with an attack that activates Runic Guidance, would deal 89% more damage than if they'd not used the element Rune.
I'm talking a lot about the offensive capabilities of the element Runes, but they have their uses defensively, too. If you're up against an FOE or boss that deals exclusively in one elemental damage type (not accounting for physical damage), it may be worth it to prioritize using the corresponding element Rune over whichever one would let you deal more damage to the enemy, especially if that enemy already has a weakness you can exploit.
As for which element Rune you should invest in, that's something of a tough question. Significantly investing into any of them early on is just wasting skill points, especially prior to getting Runic Guidance. In the lategame, Volt Rune's probably the best choice, since Galvanic Rune provides the highest DPT of the Master Rune skills. After that, maxing out all of them isn't a bad idea, especially because of a certain trio of postgame bosses.

- Requirements: Fire Rune Rank 1
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged TEC-based fire damage to one enemy, with splash damage.

Fireball Rune occupies an awkward space in the first tier of runemaster skills—it deals less damage than Lightning Rune, and has an (arguably) inferior targeting type compared to Ice Lance Rune. In the end, it doesn't really please anyone, and its element isn't even that great early on. The most I can say about fire as an element in the 1st Land (where Novice skills are most relevant) is that, uh, fanged vines are weak to it.
Fire-element Rune skills, in general, kind of get a raw deal in EO4, but at least there are a handful of FOEs and bosses later on that are weak to it...after Fireball Rune is irrelevant. What a sad existence. I wouldn't put any more points into it than are necessary to unlock Flame Rune.
- Requirements: Ice Rune Rank 1
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged TEC-based ice damage that pierces enemy rows.

Still, I have the same take on Ice Lance Rune as I do on Fireball Rune: only put as many points into it as you need to get Glacier Rune.
- Requirements: Volt Rune Rank 1
- Body Parts Used:

Deals melee TEC-based volt damage to one row of enemies.
- Lightning Rune being melee only affects what rows the user can target with it. TEC-based damage does not have a range-based damage penalty.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Active Attack, Elemental and Almighty
- Requirements: None
- Body Parts Used:

Increases the user's elemental and almighty attack for a set amount of turns.

The issue there is that those situations are...very rare, and the only one I can think of on a major boss is on the final boss. Unfortunately for Runic Gleam, it's impossible to predict when the final boss can't be damaged.

Flame Rune
- Requirements: Fireball Rune Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged TEC-based fire damage to all enemies.

- Requirements: Ice Lance Rune Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Deals multiple instances of ranged TEC-based ice damage to random enemies.

Glacier Rune is a skill that, on average and at max rank, deals roughly the same amount as Storm Rune, but comes with the potential to both deal either less or more damage than Storm Rune. With Glacier Rune specifically, the math on whether or not you'll outrun Storm Rune is rank-dependent. At ranks 1-3, Storm Rune deals more damage in every scenario. At ranks 4-7, Glacier Rune needs to roll for 4 hits in order to outdamage Storm Rune, a 33.3% chance. At rank 8, Glacier Rune still needs to roll for 4 hits to outdamage Storm Rune, but due to the minimum hits increasing to 3, it becomes a 50% chance. None of this accounts for accuracy, which is not in Glacier Rune's favor. It's not a major difference, but Glacier Rune having a, at base, 10% chance for any individual hit to miss drags down its average damage further. None of that sounds great.
Glacier Rune does have something notable going for it over Storm Rune, however: the boss of the 3rd Maze is weak to ice damage. Severely weak, in fact, as it has a 150% vulnerability to ice damage. With that in mind, I think it's worth putting a few points in, just so you're prepared for that fight. It'll deal more damage than Storm Rune and won't require that you have an investment in Volt Rune to create a weakness for Storm Rune to activate Runic Guidance on. Aside from that, though, Storm Rune is the more preferable, consistent option for single-target damage in Veteran.
HOWEVER! If you're running a Link-using landsknecht alongside a runemaster, then Glacier Rune is the better skill for single-target damage over Storm Rune, no contest. The extra hits from Link skills will more than make up for Glacier Rune potentially dealing less damage than Storm Rune.
- Requirements: Lightning Rune Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged TEC-based volt damage to one enemy.

- Requirements: Runic Gleam Rank 2

Gives party members in the user's row a chance to nullify elemental attacks directed at them.

One thing Runic Shield is that it can encourage the same party layout setup that the class skill does: putting a runemaster up in the front row, with a landsknecht and imperial. Alternatively, if you put a fortress in the same row as your runemaster, they can also just cancel elemental attacks for free sometimes, as if Guard Mastery wasn't already enough.
- Diminishing Returns Category: Passive Attack, All Elements
- Requirements: Runic Shield Rank 2

Increases the user's damage dealt when attacking an enemy's weakness.
- A "weakness" is any damage type that an enemy has greater than 100% vulnerability to.
- The element Runes can create weaknesses that Runic Guidance can exploit, as they directly increase enemies' vulnerabilities.

With that said, I'd recommend getting Runic Guidance to rank 3, and then leaving the final three skill points for later, until you've gotten your runemaster's attack skills to higher levels. The latter half of skill levels providing diminishing returns hits Runic Guidance fairly hard, and the final three skill points you would've put into it will provide better value on other skills.

- Requirements: None

Gives the user a chance to not consume TP when using a skill with a TP cost.

Like Runic Guidance, it's probably best to put three skill points into Free Energy, then leave the final three ranks for after you've gotten attack skills to where you want them.
- Diminishing Returns Category: Passive Attack, Elemental and Almighty
- Requirements: None

Increases the user's elemental and almighty damage.

Inferno Rune
- Requirements: Flame Rune Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged TEC-based fire damage to one enemy.

With that said, you will most likely want to invest at least some points into Inferno Rune in the postgame, in order to hit one particular boss's weakness.
- Requirements: Glacier Rune Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged TEC-based ice damage to all enemies.

- Requirements: Storm Rune Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Deals multiple instances of ranged TEC-based volt damage to random enemies.

- Diminishing Returns Category: Passive Attack, Elemental and Almighty
- Requirements: Runic Guidance Rank 2

Increases elemental and almighty damage dealt by Rune skills.

- Requirements: Rune Mastery Rank 2
- Body Parts Used:

Deals ranged TEC-based almighty damage to all enemies.

My only real note here is that maxing out Free Energy before putting any points into Origin Rune is probably a good idea. Every few extra percentage points on Free Energy's chance to activate goes a long way when you're dealing with TP costs this high.

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