Update 18: They're Trying To Fly

♪ No music ♪

...And that's everything the guildmaster told us about the twinfang scroll. Sorry if it's still confu—
It's like cheating off of your friends' homework.
Fireworks Mama always told me that cheating off of your friends' homework is a valid and reasonable thing to do when pressed for time.
Well, we're not pressed for time, but... I guess that makes sense.
We've got endless possibilities with this scroll, no? Gods know I could probably pull off something very scary with, say, Shelly's chemicals.
True, but... I'unno, I've got a gut feeling that no matter what this scroll can teach us, none of us are ever gonna be as good at doing what someone else here does.
That made sense in my head but sounded kinda stupid coming out of my mouth. Please tell me I wasn't just spewing gibberish there.
No, no, I understood it. Between the fact that we still have to keep our own standard abilities sharp, and other practical realities of having to blend what we learn with what we already know, I'd never be as good at dancing as Marlin is, even with the twinfang scroll's help.
Don't sell yourself short, lass, at least as far as dancing for fun goes. But yeah, that'd make sense when it comes to dancing for battle.
I-I think you're maybe overestimating what I could... Ohh, that's besides the point right now. Does anyone need time to think about who they'd like to partner with for reading the scroll?

I've been kind of thinking about this for a while. Didn't think we'd have the time for it before we got this scroll, but... Hey, Xiaohu. The elements you usually work with—
Fire, ice, and lightning. They match your three distinct types of linking chemicals.
Beat me to it. But yeah, if this scroll can help me understand at least something about how to work with runes, even at a basic level, that'd help me lay on pain better than before.
Indeed it would. I... Truthfully, I would normally be very hesitant about the idea of teaching someone else the art of runic manipulation, given the disastrous effects it can have when misused, but... Well, I trust you all! If you think my knowledge would augment your swordplay best, then I am happy to help.
Best fit I can think out of what everyone does, anyway.
...Hey, uh, did the guildmaster actually say what "reading the scroll in the presence of another warrior" specifically means?
Fan-godsdamn-tastic. Feh, this thing's a magic scroll that can somehow know how to mix someone else's fighting style with my own... Maybe, like, holding hands'll make sure it knows who I want to work with?
It is worth a shot!
Gah! Good gods, girl, how are your hands this cold when it's this warm inside?
Oh, don't worry about that!
...If you say so. Alright, let's unfurl this thing as best I can with one hand...
After Shelly manages to unfurl the twinfang scroll, a bright white light fills the room.
After the light fades, the scroll furls itself back up.
Man, if the guildmaster didn't vouch for this thing so hard, I'd be real scared of it right now.
So, uh. You didn't really have a chance to actually read anything, I noticed.
Yep. See, though, here's the thing... I think I get runes now.
Oh? Interesting... Can you do a small incantation? Try producing a single snowflake.
That... I think I can do that, yeah. Here goes nothing...
At Shelly's command, a single snowflake manifests in the center of the common area. It seems to hang in the air for an instant, then quickly falls to the ground and melts.
Hah. Well, shit, color me impressed.
I am more than impressed! Even just learning how to properly pronounce α took me—
Mirroring the snowflake she conjured, Shelly falls to the ground, keeping herself from fully collapsing by kneeling with one leg.
Are you okay?!
Hah... Don't worry, nothing hurts, just... Whoof, that took a lot out of me...
Unsurprising. Even the most minor of runic manipulations will take all of your energy, if you do not know how to limit them. Sorry for not warning you about that!
No harm, no foul... Hey, Harper, mind helping me get back to the couch?
Well, that was a surprise. Does anyone else know who they'd like to learn from?
I do, actually. Um...

Naijou. If it's not too much trouble, I would like to learn from you.
Yes. I'm not exactly the best at taking hits. I know that's Ace's job, but...she won't be with us all the time. I work best when I can easily get close to monsters, but that also means putting myself out in the open.
I see. I do know how to stay standing even in the face of a brutal blow, but would Ace not be a better partner for learning how to protect yourself?
Probably, yes, but there's one other thing. That thing you do, where your fur turns red.
A blood surge? You wish to learn how to perform a blood surge, then.
Yes. It seems like it helps you utilize as much of your latent strength as you can, right?
Correct, but please consider that I am a Sentinel. We are born with the ability to undergo blood surges. You are a human. Your body was not made to do this.
Maybe not, but I think the twinfang scroll can help. Whatever might happen, if there's a way for me to eliminate monsters more efficiently, then that's better for all of us, isn't it?
...If you are willing to accept the risks, then I will teach you as best as I can. Take my hand and unfurl the scroll.
Thank you, sincerely.
A white light fills the room again as Merula unfurls the twinfang scroll.
That's gonna get annoyin' fast, isn't it... Alright, lass, how do you feel?
...I feel...something.
A bit worryingly vague. What do you feel?
It's...something in my chest. When I think about blood surges, I...feel like I can control my fight-or-flight.
Control...as in, you can make your body undergo it? Is that what a blood surge is, Naijou?
No. My fight-or-flight is something else entirely.
Did the twinfang scroll modify Merula's nervous system, then...?
Well, let's see what it's like. C'mon, Meri, try it out on me.
Are you sure?
Might as well make sure the scroll worked, yeah? I'm the best training dummy one could ask for. Besides an actual training dummy.
Merula. The instant you feel as though you're about to harm Ace, take a deep breath.
The tension in the room is palpable as Merula closes her eyes to focus. When she re-opens them, Ace notices an unfamiliar glint—and then, quicker than their brain can properly register what's happening, Merula has moved behind Ace, her arm wrapped around their neck. While she is not choking Ace, the sensation is still far from pleasant for the fortress.
Deep breath, Merula.
With her human blood surge ended, Merula takes her arm off of Ace's neck.
Huh. I was expecting some kind of blow to my gut, not to be on the losing end of stealthy CQC.
I...think I have a lot to learn about maintaining myself when I'm doing that.
I am not surprised. However your body is approximating a blood surge, it wasn't meant to do it.
At the same time, though, I think after I learn how to stay myself when I'm doing that, this will be exactly what I was looking for.
I don't see anything obviously wrong with you after that imitation blood surge... Still, though, if it isn't too much trouble, I would like to regularly examine you going forward, Merula. We can never be too careful when it comes to mystic artifacts, potentially, permanently altering our bodies.

I'm not gonna sound like a copycat if I say I wanna learn from Naijou too, right?
I...will not refuse. However, undergoing a blood surge would surely be nothing but detrimental for you in the midst of battle, no?
Oh yeah, no question, not really interested in that right now. I just wanna learn how you stay standing even when you take a really rough hit.
I see. There's no guarantee that the twinfang scroll will not change you in the same way it changed Merula, though, you realize.
Eh. If it does, I'll deal.
Hah. Fair enough. Take my hand and—
Just saw Merula do it, don't worry, I know.
One white flash later...
...Don't really feel any different. Huh.
No newfound understanding of Naijou's techniques? More importantly, no new somatic nervous actions?
Nope. Maybe the scroll's busted. Maybe I'm already wired differently from normal people.
Fascinating... Well, even if the scroll had no practical effect, you might as well train with Naijou anyways, hm?
It's as good an excuse as any to learn why he's so tough.

I'm next. Ray.
Me, eh? Chuffed and flattered and all that, but how'm I gonna make you a better archer?
We both make parts of monsters' bodies not work. You do it through music. Maybe I could learn how to whistle and make my arrows better.
Ahh, I think I'm picking up what you're putting down. Dunno if it'll be that simple, but it's worth a shot.
Mm. Hand.
Wh— Oh, gotcha.
Another white flash later...
...I don't know how to whistle to make my arrows better. Yet.
Not surprisin'. Maybe we both need to get a bit better to make the most outta this student-teacher thing, eh?
Maybe. I could also find a way to turn my bow into an instrument.
Huh, like putting a bunch of extra strings in it? That'd be kind of like a harp.
That wouldn't work. But it'd be a little cool.

I believe it's my turn next.
Made up your mind already, lad?
Yes. Is that surprising?
Eh, a bit. None of us would really be of any help when it comes to medic stuff.
A fair point, but I'm not after techniques that would enhance my efficacy as a medic.
...Huh! Fair play.
As such, Shelly, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, I would like to learn from you.
Heh, someone finally asks me to teach them. What've you got in mind for what you want to learn?
I doubt I could adequately replicate your particular style of swordplay-slash-fencing, but I'm hoping that taking it to heart will help me be more agile in combat.
Smart. Plus, who knows, maybe you'll need to hit something at some point? If that happens, I'm sure everyone'll be glad you got lessons for it.
Indeed. Shall we unfurl the twinfang scroll, then?
Whenever you're ready.
Once again, after a white flash...
Man, wish I had some sunglasses or something. Anyway, uh, you feel any different after that, Eine?
Eine draws his ceremonial rapier.
...My sword hand feels slightly steadier, but I can hardly say that's a direct result of the twinfang scroll.
Guess I have to actually teach you, then. We'll figure that out later.
Very well. Thank you, Shelly.

My turn!
Xiaohu quickly rises from the couch she was sitting on, rushes towards Naijou, and extends her hand.
I am suddenly quite popular, it seems... Not to question your judgement, Xiaohu, but I fail to see how bushi techniques would be of any help to you.
The martial parts, yes. My attempts to physically assault monsters would likely not even register—at best, they might think a small bug had bit them. However, gaining the ability to undergo a blood surge, that would be another matter entirely!
The big guy's free to correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't surgin' blood mostly useful for making yourself hit harder? Maybe through getting more blood into your muscles or something. Dunno how that'd help your rune chants, lass.
That may be how a blood surge works for a Sentinel, but I had a eureka moment while observing Merula undergo a blood surge! Meri, you became vastly more agile while under the effect of the blood surge, correct?
Maybe that's how it looked, but that's not how I felt. It's a bit hard to describe...
My working theory, and please stop me if I'm wrong, is that the blood surge heightened your reflexes so much that you began to perceive time more slowly! If I could experience that...oh, imagine the chants I could perform, without fear of being attacked in the middle of them! Imagine the breakthroughs I could make by giving myself more hours in the day!
...I can hardly refuse such enthusiasm. As long as you are alright with continuing to train under me, and make sure to manage your limits. A blood surge necessarily requires pushing your body to its limits, remember.
Xiaohu rapidly nods.
The twinfang scroll, then?
One more white flash later...
Ah, yes, I feel it! Something has changed inside me. Now, how do I—
In the blink of an eye, Xiaohu is suddenly floating around half a foot off the ground.
Well now! This is more than fascinating.
Your eyes are blue.
Are they now? How bizarre! Nonetheless, this is fantastic! I feel as though I could rewrite the laws governing a—
Xiaohu abruptly falls to the ground.
Oi, Xiao, you alright?!
Oh...oh dear, a blood surge really does take a lot out of—
The runemaster then fully collapses onto the floor. Eine, without saying a word, rushes over to check her pulse.
...Don't worry, she's still alive, just unconscious.
I was afraid this would happen.
Gods above. Guess the combination of a blood surge, the lass bein' kind of frail to begin with, and all the exhaustion of everything that happened today caught up to her.
I'll get her to her bed. Unless someone else wants to learn how to make themselves pass out, we should finish up with that weird-ass scroll and then get some sleep.

Well, guess I'll have to wait, then.
You were...going to utilize the twinfang scroll with Ace?
Aye. Figure I could make use of the fact that I'm so eye-catchin' and do somethin' like what they do, eh? Keep the monsters off the rest of you.
Either that, or using your natural agility to dive in front of attacks quicker than Ace could.
Ooh, gonna have to remember that, could be useful.
I was joking, Marlin.
And that makes it a bad idea how, lad?

Oi, Eine. Mind teachin' me some of that healin' know-how?
I would be more than happy to.
One more one more white flash later...
That didn't take much talking.
I mean, it just makes a kinda natural sense, least I think so.
Healing music.
Not my first goal, but it'd be very rock if I could pull that off.

Hmm... Merula, you've been practicing with dual-wielding weapons, yes?
Well, yes, but more to shake the rust off. It's been a very long time since I was trained in how to properly dual-wield.
Nevertheless, would you mind allowing me to use the twinfang scroll in your presence?
If you think you can learn something from me shaking metaphorical rust off, then I'm fine with that.
Let's call it mutually-beneficial, given that I'll also be instructing you on bushi techniques.
Fair enough.
Yet one more white flash later...
Out of curiosity, what are you planning on dual-wielding?
Clubs and katanas. For a very, very long time, I have neglected my katana training—to the point of forgetting what katanas even were. Our clash with Kibagami stirred ancient memories, however. Using both of my kind's preferred weaponry could prove decisive in battle, don't you agree?
It'd be interesting to see, if nothing else.

Oh, are we finished? Waylon still has yet to pick a partner.
That'll have to wait until tomorrow.
Lemme guess, you were gonna ask to learn about runes from Xiaohu too, right? Make those kinda-magic drives hurt more.
They're not "kinda-magic," but otherwise, yes. Good night, everyone.
Man, I'm gonna crash the instant I get in bed, I'm so bushed...
Today was, if nothing else, eventful.
Okay! Subclassing. You, obviously, unlock it after defeating Kibagami, so a bit over halfway into the game. What it allows you to do is learn one other class's skills, at half of their maximum rank, with the following caveat: subclasses do not allow you to learn class skills and one-rank skills (such as gather skills and Chef skills).

The general power of class skills in EO4, as well as the restriction of subclass skills maxing out at half of their usual rank, is a direct result of EO3, where subclassing allowed a character to learn another class's entire skillset, sans class skill, at full max rank. While this does allow for creative mix-and-matching to create either very powerful or very versatile units, it also had the unfortunate consequence of rendering certain mainclasses worse at using their own skills compared to a different mainclass-and-subclass combos. For damage-dealers, there also just wasn't much choice in terms of optimal subclass, because it was Gladiator, it was always Gladiator. Yes, this includes Zodiac, that game's equivalent of Runemaster, because Gladiator's entire thing as a subclass was massively powering up physical damage, and Zodiac's most potent skill dealt physical damage.

Limiting subclasses to only being able to learn skills at half of their usual max rank isn't as big a problem as it might seem, however. If you've been reading the class overviews, you'll notice that half of the columns for a given skill's data table have a blue background behind their level, and the other half have a green background. Columns with a blue background behind their level represent ranks of a skill that subclasses can learn. With that in mind, you may have also noticed that for most skills, the bulk of the benefits of investing SP in them come with the first half of ranks, with the latter half of ranks having diminishing returns. This is not a hard-and-fast rule, but it is the case for most skills. For example, take Follow Trace on Nightseeker: ranks 1 through 4 scale the chance from 25% to 40% (an increase of 15% compared to rank 1), while ranks 5 through 8 scale the chance from 43% to 50% (an increase of 10% compared to rank 4).

When it comes to subclasses in EO4, it's generally useful to invest in passives that materially benefit what a given mainclass already does (such as Runic Guidance for mainclasses that deal elemental damage). There are, of course, mainclass-subclass combinations that very much want active skills from a subclass. Nightseeker/Imperial is a fun one, for example, since while you do have to lock yourself out of Nightseeker's great sword skills, you end up with the ability to dish out the juiciest drives ever seen by mankind. Bushi is a subclass that's also generically useful for things that aren't passives. Blood Surge is a huge damage increase at a HP/TP cost that gets easier to maintain as the game goes on, and comes with the huge upside of not requiring uptime maintenance like standard buffs do, and Charge on a subclass caps out at DPT-neutral and therefore allows for using it as a method of conserving TP.

Most of my subclass choices for Guild Daffodil should be pretty intuitive, but I'll give a basic explanation for each anyways.One final note about subclassing is that it lets all characters, not just Nightseekers that know Blade Flurry, to equip subweapons. Subweapons are exactly what they sound like: you trade an armor slot for the ability to equip another weapon. While this does not increase a character's overall ATK, subweapon forges are applied to the user the same as forges from their main weapon are. More importantly, subweapons let you use skills that require the subweapon's type—for example, a character equipped with both a sword and a mace would be able to use both skills that require a sword, and skills that require a mace. This isn't usually a huge gamechanger, but it does allow, for example, a nightseeker with Bushi subclassed to equip a katana, and then make use of Shockwave, finally giving them a skill that hits multiple enemies.

Note that drive blades cannot be equipped as subweapons. Additionally, while a character has a drive blade equipped, they cannot equip a subweapon. While this makes some amount of in-universe sense, since drive blades are large and probably require both hands to operate, it's also meant to prevent characters from subclassing Imperial, firing off a very powerful drive skill, and then spending the cooldown period doing what they normally do.

Now that we have global access to subweapons, I buy a katana subweapon for Naijou. The HIT forges on the plain wakizashi will be useful for his club skills too.

Even if you don't have a great subclass in mind for a given character, it's still worth assigning them one, even something useless, since characters get 5 SP for free upon subclassing.

Naijou is not at a level where anything Nightseeker offers him would be useful yet, so I instead use his 5 SP on maxing out Auto-Surge (from 2 to 4), getting Shockwave up to 3 (from 1), and putting 1 point in Ice Slash. Ice Slash at least ensures that Naijou isn't a sitting duck against enemies that resist physical damage, and maxing out Auto-Surge will help him be more immediately useful in random encounters. Sure, it'll drain his TP quickly, but using Shockwave under the effects of Blood Surge is great for clearing out encounters quickly.

Waylon puts 2 points in Runic Gleam and 2 points in Runic Shield in order to get to Runic Guidance, which he puts 1 point into. Runic Guidance, at just rank 1, already boosts the damage of his drives by 25% in most situations. Runic Shield is also pretty much the ur-example of a nice-to-have passive, especially on someone in the front line—characters up in the front line tend to generally do worse against elemental damage.

Eine immediately grabs Vanguard, and uses his 4 remaining SP on Heavy Strike and Knockout Blow, with 2 SP being put into each. I don't really need to invest further in his healing skills right now, so...time to give him some other form of utility!

Xiaohu uses 1 SP to get Storm Rune to the rank 4 breakpoint, and then grabs Blood Surge, Endure, and Deep Breath. Her next two SP will go into Auto-Surge, once she gets them. If you thought she was putting out good numbers before, you haven't seen anything yet.

Ray gets rank 2 of Refresh, rank 1 of Recovery, and then uses her 2 remaining on SP on getting Sleep Circle and Chaos Circle to their next breakpoints, rank 4.

In order to facilitate actually using the skills he just learned, I grab a luck staff for Eine. This will negatively impact his speed, but I'll just put a knife subweapon on him if I feel like he's too slow.

I also decide to put the gold icon I had laying around on him. Slightly reduces his speed further, but upping his HP and the rest of his core stats will serve him well soon.

Look, with a happiness hare in effect, he manages to hit 30 STR, and nearly hits 30 LUC!

It seems most of the Sentinels have gone ahead of us.
That's not terribly surprising, given that we did take a day to rest.
Still, can't let 'em do everything for us.

Obtained luminous moss x3 and scarlet sage x3.

Oi, look, we're right near where we got stuck when we came down here.

Oh, hello, I recognize you six. Finally joining us on the trek to the Titan's Heart, huh?
My apologies if our need to rest has caused any trouble.
Don't worry about it, Kibagami and the others are taking it slow. You'll catch up with them in no time, probably. Those scales have been a real nuisance down here.
What are these strange scales, if I may ask?
Huh, no-one told you? They're the scales of a gigantic monster—we call it the Boiling Lizard.
Kibagami did mention that name, though without telling us what it is...
It's pretty much what it sounds like, it's a giant lizard that runs really, really hot. Scatters its scales all over the place to make itself more comfortable—though, uh, don't ask me how they end up on the first or second floors. Here, actually, take one of these.

No need to worry about me, I've got a bunch of spares.
Thank you.
I'm gonna stay here, got some weird problem with my legs I need to sort out. Good luck!

More frogs, eh?
I have to wonder how they survive harsh oscillations in the cave's temperature.

Jumping Frog
Level: 33HP: 444STR: 35TEC: 33VIT: 34AGI: 31LUC: 27DS: 87
EXP Given: 3162
Damage Vulnerabilities:
100% 100% 125%
50% 100% 50%
Disable Vulnerabilities:
100% 50% 100% 100% 100% 75%
100% 100% 100%
75% 75% 100%
  • Jump: Deals heavy bash damage to one party member. Inaccurate.
  • Belly Flop: Requires a Zapper Frog to use. Drains all of the party's burst.
  • Jump: Deals 180% melee STR-based bash damage to one party member. Has a speed modifier of ±0, and a base accuracy of 65%.
  • Belly Flop: Requires a Zapper Frog to use. Drains all of the party's burst. Has a speed modifier of ±0.
  • Jumping frogs are more likely to use Jump than a regular attack.
  • When a zapper frog is in the battle, jumping frogs do not use regular attacks, instead preferring to use Belly Flop, with a small chance to use Jump.
  • If a Zapper Frog is in the battle:
    • 80% chance to use Belly Flop.
    • 20% chance to use Jump.
  • If the above did not occur:
    • 70% chance to use Jump.
    • 30% chance to attack.
  • Frog Belly Skin: 60% chance. Sells for 144 en.
    • Mantle (52 DEF): Made from 1 Frog Belly Skin. Costs 3580 en.
    • Caresche (22 DEF): Made from 1 Frog Belly Skin. Costs 3770 en.
  • Glassy Eye: 40% chance. Sells for 166 en.
    • Jewel Staff (71 ATK, +5% Max TP, +2 TEC): Made from 1 Glassy Eye. Costs 5590 en.
    • Brilliance Belt (+25% Max TP): Made from 3 Glassy Eyes. Costs 3500 en.
I remember once, after a trip to the Golden Lair, that I was mocked over the idea of a 'jumping frog'. "Waylon, you dullard," I was told, "all frogs jump". I insisted, then, that they had never seen these particular frogs jump. Most frogs, I would say, 'hop'. To them, it's a great leap, but to we who use the common tongue, that is a 'hop'. This is a 'jump'.

Anyway, I was flattened that day, as I regularly am. Very unfortunate. Attempt to avoid their chorus with other varieties of frogs—it's quite disheartening.
Jumping frogs aren't a deadly threat, but they are very annoying. They have far less opportunities to hit someone whose evasion is disabled, unlike their cousins back in the 1st Land, but make up for that by generally hitting harder. Additionally, they can also drain your burst gauge, though that's a co-op attack that requires a different type of frog that only starts showing up on B3F. Building burst is pretty quick, at least, so while Belly Flop is annoying, it doesn't put you in an immediately dangerous situation.

At least it's having fun.

Ice Slash isn't the fanciest attack, but it's elemental coverage. Hard to go wrong with that.

Man, I didn't get either of the frog's drops? Annoying.

This is an ice stake chop point. As a reminder, all ice stake chop points on B2F give two ice stakes per day.

I wonder why the tortoises of this cave consistently patrol around small ponds.
Perhaps they are able to keep themselves hydrated with the...very hot water.
Nope, that doesn't really scan.
Indeed, hence my hesitation.
I wouldn't immediately discard that theory. Perhaps these tortoises are able to drink hot water with minimal discomfort.
Hope not, otherwise they'd be able to suck up some boiling water and then hock it back at us. A whole new, way grodier way of burnin' us.

Trying to harvest useful materials while two tortoises are chasing us seems ill-advised, in retrospect.
Obtained dried vine x1.

Ah, you're the outsiders that are bound for the Boiling Lizard's hall. Well met.
What's gotten you separated from the other Sentinels?
Nothing serious, don't worry. My group is running low on food, so I need to replenish our supplies.
Ah. Well, best of luck on your way. We should continue our exploration.
Oh, before you go, here. Take this.

It's a special bell which wards off monsters. Only small fry, though, not like the big tortoises over there.
Thank you.

There's this horrific room of pain, off to the east of the two tortoises.

"Is there anything actually useful in there?"
A sense of fulfillment?

I missed it on my map, but there's a chop point just above the top-rightmost scale.
It's the same deal as the chop point in the middle of the tortoises, pretty much.

Ah, there's the accursed large scale pile.

Next to a shortcut, thankfully.
Perhaps we should take this opportunity to return to town for the day? Judging by Ray's expression, the pack seems to be getting quite full.
What? Nahhhh, don't worry about—
Okay, fine, yeah, this thing's gettin' to be a huge bother.

Can I help you, Wynne?
Ya gots violence in ya now, Einz. Cool.
...Thank you?
And ta augment dat violence, why not buy dis cool new rapier?
Berund Atelier has the following new items in stock:

Look, it's all glassy-like!
I will pass for now, thank you.
You wanna sell to this guy, Wynne, you gotta be subtle about it.
Hmm, one'a dose guys dat can't take suggestions? I get whatcha puttin' down.
I'm right here, you two.

If I may suggest something: while we're in the ship, perhaps we should find that strange voice? I can't imagine it will take too long.
Feel like we're makin' good time in the cave, so yeah, why not?
Sounds like a plan—

You peer over the edge of the skyship to gauge the threat it poses to you, and then pale in terror!

There's a third one?!
That one is Dake. It breathes ice.
Can't say it picked a bad place to live, at least.

These appear to just be ice.
Very pretty ice! But yes, just ice.
Maybe we can use it to make ice cream that doesn't melt?
That's a good idea. I'll try it.
Hoh! Well, let me be first in line to get a serving of it, lass. Sounds like it'll help when it's my turn to go caving.

If we're going to be entering the Golden Lair from the western entrance, I suggest we kill this FOE before today's expedition.
No complaints here on that idea. It's a pain in the ass to fly around with it chasing us.

It's like the big purple gator thing from before, but with even more teeth.
Too many teeth, frankly. I'm slightly regretting my choice to be in the front with Waylon and Naijou now.
You won't have to worry about the teeth if we kill it before it can bite you!
That's an "if" I'm afraid to risk my limbs for.

Tusked Crusher
Level: 34HP: 2465STR: 37TEC: 36VIT: 40AGI: 30LUC: 28DS: 92
EXP Given: 14281
Damage Vulnerabilities:
75% 75% 75%
100% 125% 100%
Disable Vulnerabilities:
50% 40% 20% 30% 10% 20%
10% 10% 20%
30% 30% 30%
  • Binge Eating: Deals bash damage to all party members. The damage starts at medium range, and increases with each use, eventually capping at overkill damage.
  • Binge Eating: Deals melee STR-based bash damage to all party members. The damage starts at 80%, and increases by 50% for the first eight turns, then 60% for two more turns up to a cap of 550%. Has a speed modifier of ±0, and a base accuracy of 99%.
  • Tusked crushers will use Binge Eating until they are dead.
  • Use Binge Eating.
  • Crusher's Hide: 100% chance. Sells for 888 en.
    • Poleyn (14 DEF, +10% Phys Resist): Made from 1 Crusher's Hide. Costs 1450 en.
Dinogators are loving mothers who care deeply for their young. They're cute, in their own megafauna sort of way. Playful and sweet.

Tusked Crushers are not that. I would recommend being aware of the fact that not only will they eat you and your ship, they will, in fact, enjoy it. However, besides their being cold-blooded creatures in a snowy climate, they're actually also acutely vulnerable to brain freeze. Keep this in mind. Perhaps trick it into eating a block of runic ice.
Tusked crushers are a refreshingly simple FOE. Fighting them comes down to a pure damage race. You either kill them, or you die to Binge Eating.

Head binds are the best option for killing tusked crushers quickly. Not only do they stop Binge Eating and, therefore, cause tusked crushers to do nothing for however long their head is bound, but they also augment TEC-based damage. Given that tusked crushers resist every physical type, and assuming you don't have access to Imperial when you fight them, snipers/arcanists in combination with runemasters are your best bet for getting a quick kill.

How a monster that lives in these frozen wastes could be vulnerable to cold is beyond me.
It may be used to the perpetual snow, but not rapid freezing.

...I am ashamed of myself.

That's not good.

This one is certainly thick-headed.

Oi, chin up, that's not a bad hit.
Please, I know when I'm performing badly.
Oh, please, why do you say that?
For one, I can tell that I barely injured it. And besides...

Oh, hell.
Yes, exactly.

Goooohuhuhhh... Yep, alright, that smarts.
There is...no way we'll be able to survive another mass chomping...

Oh, look, I think it liked my tunes a bit more after it ate. Ow.
The timing could be better, but—

Difficult to argue with the results.
I've remarked on it before, but it bears repeating how terrifying your weapon's power is, Waylon.
Wynne would be thrilled to hear that, I'm sure.

Nothing spectacular going on with these skill point investments. The most notable thing is Xiaohu learning Auto-Surge, which will on net up her damage in random encounters.

I don't have a narrative justification for going back to town right now. Sorry.
Berund Atelier has the following new items in stock:

Boots? With a flat 10% resistance to physical damage? Fantastic! Basically every possible character can benefit from equipping poleyns. Obviously, they're extra good on fortresses; every point of damage you can save a fortress from adds up when taking hits for multiple party members.
You can call me Poleynanna, say I'm crazy as a boot~

However, we do not have a fortress in our party right now. The second best choice in this case would be Eine, since he's fragile for a party member in the front row.

While we're cleaning up our to-do list, let's take care of that strange voice the Count mentioned.
I remember accepting a request to that effect, but as far as I know, we have not received our official briefing on it.
...Nor did I inform anyone that we had an official briefing to receive. Damn.
Don't worry about it, lad, he told me when I popped in for a chat.
You popped in for a chat? Without any prior notice?
The Count's a busy man, but we've got a rapport, y'see. Each of us's always got time for the other.
So you have the ear of the most powerful man in Tharsis, then.
That's one way of puttin' it.
Is this part of constructing your club, followed by your fleet? Making political connections? Very shrewd.
Nah, none of that politics hogwash. That'd take all the fun out of our chats.
...I see.
Life's not all about gettin' ahead'a everyone, lad. Anyways, there's this terrifyin' noise comin' from...thereabouts. Due north.
I seem to have somehow completed Find the demonic voice without actually talking to the Count in any recorded footage. Apologies, I don't know how I made that mistake. I've reproduced it below, sans narrative.
Ah, so you were the ones to take up the request. The other explorers are so scared that none would touch it. Tell me, my friends, have you heard about the demonic voice at the Sacred Mountains? Many explorers claim to. It is probably merely a beast's howl. You cannot be ruled by fear! Explorers must be courageous and inquisitive! That is why I want you to seek out points where the voice can be heard and identify where it comes from. Reports say the voice is often heard in the northeast of the Sacred Mountains. Be careful, my friends!
Because I find it amusing, here is his dialogue for if you refuse his briefing.
Ah, not yet, I see... No, there's no need to worry. I can be a patient man. Though... I do not like to be one. Oh yes, I told you this earlier... I wasn't trying to remind you.

The winds in this region appear to be particularly strong. You exercise greater caution in steering the ship.
I-It's terrifyin' and freezin'! G-Get us outta here 'fore my limbs snap off!
S-Sure sounds like the voice the C-Count was lookin' for, at least. Let's take a q-quick stop at town.
And on another "I ended up skipping over this," here is the narration for examining this spot after getting the briefing from the Count.
After carefully piloting your skyship through the mountains, you cover your ears as a frightening moan echoes! The roar shakes your very skyship! You begin to fear that a large beast is closing in on you... If so, you will not be able to avoid a battle should you stay here. It may be prudent to run away...!
You are then prompted to run away. If you refuse...
You find the courage to discover the owner of that moan and decide to hold your position! As the moan grows louder, you begin to fear this terrifying beast may be fully larger than your skyship...! There is still time to flee, but if you do not do so now, you must be prepared to face whatever comes!
Once again, you are prompted to run away. If you refuse, you must confirm that you wish to face whatever is lurking. If you do so...
You draw your weapons and prepare yourselves for a fight to the death!
The party waits anxiously... But no matter how long you wait, nothing appears to face you... Yet the overwhelming moan does not die down...
There can be no doubt this is the voice the explorers feared so and the Count would like investigated! The other explorers were too afraid of the moans heard here and fled. The voice's origin is most likely somewhere else. You continue the search without lowering your guard...

Good to see you, Marlin. Is something the matter?
Not much, not much, we just found the source of that terrifyin' sound up in the mountains.
Hmm, I see. Pray tell me that it's not some matter of deadly beast. I have heard that a terrifyingly strong mantis patrols that area, and I shudder to think what else might lurk there as well.
You can take it easy, man, it's just the sound of wind blowin' through a chasm. Probably has to do with the cave that has an entrance just above.
Oi, Count?
First our soldiers terrify themselves over mere mist, and now explorers throughout Tharsis are terrified of wind. How mortifying.
Mm, I wouldn't think of it like that. Even explorers good enough to trundle into the mountains're probably on edge from the cold, the strong winds, and all the damn giant FOEs out and about. Not really a surprise they'd get jumpy, eh?
I will try to see this your way. Now, for recordkeeping purposes, can you please indicate where the source of this noise is?

Right thereabouts.
Thank you. Now to get the scouts sent out...

Apologies for the delay, I know you and your guild have urgent matters to attend to.
Eh, don't worry about it. After everything that's been happenin' lately, any time to unwind is a godsend.
Hah. Well, the sooner you all take care of whatever is troubling Yggdrasil, the sooner you can return to your regular leisure.
Too right.

As expected, my scouts confirmed that the source of the noise is merely wind blowing through the chasm. Marvelous work, Marlin. Please share my praise with your comrades.
Aye. Pleasure as always, time for me to get goin'.
Safe travels. Don't forget to collect your reward from Kirtida!

I heard from the Count, I'll make this quick. Once again, we find a group of people who should know better embarrassing themselves—
Apologies, I did say I'd make this quick. Here is the reward.

The addle hammer allows us to apply panic forges to weapons.

At this point, I chose to replace Flame Wall in my burst skills with Falling Stars. Falling Stars is the skill we obtained from Whirlwind when he horned in on us talking with Kibagami last update. It deals 3-4 instances of 135% ranged STR-based stab damage to random targets. If all of the hits are against one target, this means it will deal a total of either 405% or 540% damage. Remember that burst skills cannot miss, so this damage is guaranteed.

Falling Stars is pretty good! 540% is comparable to a low-level drive skill, which isn't bad for using 3 units of burst. It's especially deadly if Merula can use it on a target afflicted with an ailment, although that statement applies to literally any action that can deal physical damage. The downside to it, as with any multi-hit random-target skill, is that as soon as there's more than one target, how much damage any given target takes is completely up to chance, making it an unreliable tool in case you need to kill a particular target in a group.

Rude timin'.
I am surprised this plant monster hasn't been burned by the Boiling Lizard's scales.

Level: 31HP: 400STR: 34TEC: 33VIT: 28AGI: 25LUC: 36DS: 105
EXP Given: 1923
Damage Vulnerabilities:
125% 100% 100%
150% 100% 75%
Disable Vulnerabilities:
100% 25% 100% 100% 125% 100%
100% 100% 100%
100% 100% 100%
  • Cowering Voice: Used upon death. Attempts to inflict paralysis on all party members, with a high chance.
  • Cowering Voice: Used upon death. Attempts to inflict paralysis on all party members, with a 50% base chance.
  • Hexroots will only perform normal attacks.
  • Attack.
  • Withered Vine: 80% chance. Sells for 162 en.
    • Fin Bow (88 ATK, +6% Crit Chance): Made from 1 Withered Vine. Costs 6640 en.
When I was in military academy, I 'fondly' recall an incident where, as a prank, an upperclassman of mine surreptitiously placed hexroot rinds in my lunch. It's not common knowledge, but one can reproduce the effects of the paralyzing scream a hexroot lets out by preparing its outer skin in a particular manner.

...While it was an accident that I couldn't leave my bed for the next day and a half, I have never quite let it go. Dear reader, please forgive me, but I am known to hold the occasional grudge.
Meet the mandrake's older sibling. Instead of attempting to bind the party's heads upon death, it attempts to inflict paralysis on everyone instead. And, already in our first encounter against it, it is in a formation that is designed to push you into killing it first, thus having to deal with paralysis while there's a frog attempting to crush us to death.

As such, hexroots have roughly the same solutions as mandrakes: either kill them last, or kill them while their heads are bound, or they're panicked/asleep and therefore unable to act. Parties without disables have a higher disadvantage against hexroots than parties that do, but that's also something you can say about basically any situation in this game.

Also, look at the party's HP totals. This is why Tame Ground is useful—without it, you run the risk of starting battles with your party in this sort of condition. Especially problematic when there's a rare breed involved, given their action speed bonus.
plants in an eo game. not even once

Well, the frog seems to be having fun, at least.
I had Naijou, Waylon, and Eine each restore their HP using Calm Breath at the start of the turn. This turned out to be a very good idea, because...

Ggghh... Well, that definitely stung.
A monster that leverages the speed at which it can swing its limbs over raw strength, how unique!
That is one other part of the hexroot puzzle, the damage on their normal attacks (at least right now) is sizable.

Apologies for how long I needed to prepare.
You move quickly once you're ready. I see no reason to apologize.
Were that I was as quick with my hands as I am on my feet.

Man, that's a hell of a bonk if I've ever seen one, damn near caved the thing's...head?...in.
I've not forgotten those strange plant things we fought in the Lush Woodlands.
The screamin' buggers, oi, right. Hopefully it's stuffed now?

Certainly seems that way.

Neheheh, always fun to bring a beastie down with the weakest shivvin' possible.

Well, this configuration of scale piles is very annoying! But at least we're at the giant one now.
Alright, Ray, an ice stake, please.
Comin' right up.

One sec.
...Think we went through all the ones we grabbed just gettin' here.
Of course we did.
So...time to double back to near the entrance, then.
Is your face red due to the heat, or are we somehow witnessing the extent of your patience?
All I'll say is that I hope the Boiling Lizard is able to give me some good feedback on my improved freezing cartridges after we battle it.

I do not like the Golden Lair's gimmick.
That just means you're spiritually weak and will not see the light of heaven.

At least I have level-ups to brighten my mood.

Naijou gets a value point in Fire Strike for elemental coverage.

Waylon, Eine, and Xiaohu continue to get skills they were getting previously. Waylon and Xiaohu maxing out the passives they were working on means they can get something else now. For Waylon, I'm currently thinking about augmenting Freeze Drive as we get close to Boiling Lizard, TP cost increase be damned. Same with Glacier Rune on Xiaohu.

Meanwhile, Ray gets a new skill, Dismiss Blow. It can only be used while a circle is active, and ends it immediately. In exchange, Ray gets to deal TEC-based almighty damage to one enemy. Basically just another button she can press when I've gotten what I want out of a circle, but I also don't need healing at that particular moment.

Catharsis. Let's move on.
There's a few former dead ends we have yet to explore. I suggest we map them out before proceeding.
We're losing a lot of time we probably should be spending getting to the next floor...but I also can't disagree.
It's never fun when two sensible courses of action run counter to each other.
One of the Sentinels we passed by earlier said that Kibagami and his group are taking things slowly. I think it's okay to be thorough, rather than quick.

Freezing the floor means I can finally get to this chest. It's got money in it. Money is useful. Hell, it's usually significantly more useful than incremental gear upgrades.

A-Are you okay?!
Body's fine. Pack's too heavy. Can't walk with it.
...Back to town it is, I suppose.
Obtained trileaf stalk x4 and poinciana pod x3.

Woahs, Wales, ain't seen ya dis grouchy since dat first Type-0—
I've had a trying enough day already, please don't remind me of that.
Aw, c'mon, I'm sure everyone'd get a hoot outta da thing bouncin' around da workshop like rubber!
Yeah, that's a certifiable hoot.
That's impressive!
What did I just say, Wynne?
Dat ya wanna see da new things I can make with da junk ya brought back?
...No, but show me anyways.
Berund Atelier has the following new items in stock:

I checked and realized it's actually been a bit since I upgraded Waylon's weapon, so I did so.

Now that I have the materials for volcanics in the store, I'm also able to forge Naijou's ancient volcanic. I put 3 HIT forges on it (+9% base accuracy). That should help get him to near-perfect accuracy on attacks.

You know, I wasn't actually expecting there to be a new request when I came in.
I doubt the requester would complain about the timing if you were to take it now. Will you?
Can't think of a reason not to, I guess. What does the client need?
Mr. Donbre, a gourmand who lives here in Tharsis—though I don't know if you two have met before—wants a fire fungus from the Golden Lair. According to Mr. Donbre's sources, this sort of mushroom is—
Inky black, and feeds off fire somehow?
Yes, actually. How did you guess?
Marlin ate one some days ago, and we ended up coming up with the exact same name. If I remember correctly, he said it tasted absolutely foul, but had restorative properties.
What a strange mushroom. Well, at least you know where to find them already, no?
Yes, but I'm not exactly thrilled about deliberately torching myself more. It is what it is, though.
Oh, and one last thing: Mr. Donbre will accept just one fire fungus, but said he would greatly appreciate if you are able to find two.
Investigate two spots near scale piles—one on Golden Lair B1F and one on B2F—in order to get the best reward. This is a pretty straightforward quest.

So this bloke wants those mushrooms that deliberately cook themselves to a char, I got that right?
I'm not happy about this strange extra diversion either, but the sooner we get our schedule completely clear, the better we can focus on the hunt for the Titan's Heart.
I have reservations about bringing a gourmand a wild fungus that is already burnt, its restorative properties aside.
If the client is of sound mind, I see no reason to refuse them.
Perhaps Mr. Donbre has the mythical...oh, what do you call it... Oh yes, iron stomach. Or perhaps he just wishes to ingest a naturally-burnt food in order to increase his appreciation for properly-cooked meals?
Please tell me that ain't somethin' you'd do, Xiao.
Why wouldn't I? I'm in no particular mood to ingest a burnt mushroom, but I could see the logic, especially if I've grown bored with normal meals. Especially when it can give me a burst of energy!
...Still wouldn't do it myself, but...

You recall taking a request to deliver a mushroom... This must be the fire fungus in question.

Euch. Gourmand's gonna learn what the next step after "well done" is.
Is observing the fire fungus making you nauseous?
Well... Yes, it's not much to look at on the surface, but I made a dire mistake perceiving what its exact composition is.
What, is the actual fungus disgusting?
There's barely any actual fungus left in that mushroom, actually. Most of it is just cinders. I imagine the taste would be not dissimilar to eating a large lump of ash.
That would track with how Marlin reacted to it, yes.

There's still a large amount of this floor we have yet to explore.
Yes. I just want to do an initial survey of the third floor, see if anything has gone wrong, and we can finish mapping out the rest of this floor afterwards.

It's...fairly quiet.
No sign of any of my brethren.
I'm going to assume things are slow-going. We should be able to afford the time to double back and finish exploring the second floor.
And then take a good break, oi. I'm gettin' tired of bein' in the active party, and it sure sounds like tryin' to keep a schedule's gettin' to Waylon's head.
No comment.

This is another ice stake point.

Very good to get another one of these when we're not far off from fighting the next stratum boss.

Too close for comfort...
At least we caught it while it's tired.

Huh, another way to the third floor.
Good to know there's another passage in case we run into a dead end.

You are kneeling. Are you hurt?
A monster managed to break my left leg, yeah. Uh, I was part of the expedition party with Kibagami. I'm ashamed to admit it, but a lot of us, uh, got hurt bad by the monsters here on the second floor. I feel bad for slowing Kibagami and the stronger ones down.
What's done is done. Where are Kibagami and the rest of the expedition party now?
Down in the third floor. Not a lot of them left, though, so, uh, I think they're taking it slow. Sooner you can catch up to them, the better.
I see. May your return to the village be swift and safe.

Still quiet, and I still don't see any Sentinels in the immediate vicinity.

Guh, another one...
At least Mr. Donbre will reward us extra for this.

Obtained trileaf stalk x4.

Huh, stairs up, too?

Oh, that's very convenient!
Yes, this will save the others quite a bit of time getting to the third floor.
...There I go, perseverating on time management again.
You very much need a break.

Ah, welcome, Guild Daffodil. Are you here to fulfill Mr. Donbre's request?
Yes! Here you go!
...Well, these mushrooms certainly do fit the "inky black" description I was given.
That would be because they are mostly cinders at this point.
I...see. There truly is no accounting for taste, especially with gourmands. Still, thank you for your diligence, Guild Daffodil. I am sure Mr. Donbre will be very pleased. Here is your reward.

If you only return one fire fungus, you get 1 madora and 3100 EXP per party member. If you return two, you get 2 madoras and 3600 EXP per party member.

How...are there even more requests than earlier?
Are you alright, Waylon? You sound distressed by that.
...Yes, I'm alright, don't worry. I've just gotten hung up on our time management, it seems.
Ahh. So much to do, and not enough time to do it. A problem as old as, well, time. Would you prefer I keep these open for other explorers?
No, no, that's fine. Though, for the sake of my own mental health, someone else should take these briefings...
I volunteer!
Frigid sickle seeker:
What does the topmost request say?
Annoyingly little.
This request comes from, and I quote, "the lonely hunter Dylan." Part of his request was that you speak to him directly for the details on it. I do dislike when I am unable to give my usual briefings on requests... Nonetheless, you can find him within here most hours of the day. I believe he's here right now, actually, if you have the time.
Deliver perpetual ice:
I see, I see. The next one, then?
This request comes from a Vessel. In fact, I was specifically asked to save it for the "champion of the alliance with the Vessels."
Us, I assume.
Undoubtedly. The client wishes for a particular type of ice that can only be found in what they referred to as the Underground Lake. They also said you would need this bag—it's designed to keep the ice frozen for up to six hours.
A special kind of ice in a specific cave... Interesting! Perhaps I should get a sample of this ice myself after we've fulfilled this request.
Volt research:
And the last one?
This one is quite straightforward. A reclusive witch named Lament needs some particular organs from a particular type of frog in the labyrinth. For what, exactly, I am unsure. Still, she has requested...let me see here...two zapper skins and a zapper tongue. This type of frog is, appropriately enough, called a zapper frog.
Oh, there's another type of frog in the Golden Lair besides the ones on the second floor? How odd. Still, we'll get these organs as soon as possible!
Thank you.

♪ No music ♪

Before we conclude today, now that we have the storm god icon, there's one last section of the Sacred Mountains I have yet to map out.

...Even with the protection of that idol, every bone in my body is screaming at me that this is suicidal.
It'll be okay. Fly into the tornado.
That felt very strange to say. It's what we need to do, though.

We're safe.
What? I can't hear you, this wind's godsdamned deafening!
What? I can't hear you.
Huh? I— What am I doing.

Much better.
Even if we can go through tornadoes safely now, we should probably do it as little as necessary.
There's some sort of primal urge that makes the adrenaline spike when you're right in the middle of a fierce storm, even when you're completely safe, aye.

But the bat's flight is weaving and unsteady... It isn't long before it falls to the earth, unmoving.
Not every day you see a labyrinth's monsters take their chances with being on the outside, especially with this place being eternally frozen. Don't like what that says about our chances there.
If you wish to escape the bat's fate, you must solve the cave's secret.

Let's...leave this for another day. I speak for the rest of the current expedition party when I say we need a break.
You've been exploring for a while, yes. And also fought Kibagami.
Kinda surprised you five didn't throw in the towel earlier. I wouldn't have minded taking over, at least.
We made a significant amount of progress, so our exhaustion isn't for naught. We do need to recuperate, though, yes.
I'm going to end this update here. Next time: we check in on the townspeople in Tharsis, and take care of the two unexplored caves, plus their associated quests.

Alright, I'm ready. Hit me.
You're quite sure about this, yes?
That's the third time you've asked me. If you're so nervous about practicing blood surging, why not just get Naijou?
Primarily... I am worried about what a "blood surge" for us actually is.
It's some unconscious nervous system mumbo-jumbo, isn't it? That's what Eine seemed to think, and I've got no reason to doubt the kid's guess.
I do, as much as I wouldn't want to admit that to his face. Three of us used the twinfang scroll with Naijou, and each of us had a very different reaction.
You two had reactions, I'm pretty much the same as ever.
I would not be so sure of that. Perhaps you just haven't discovered how to trigger a blood surge within you yet. Meri and I were fortunate enough to immediately know what had changed within us, but you can't say the same, can you?
I mean. Can't say that's not a possibility, but I've got another question: what's got you so worried? I've never seen you like this.
You'll remember that I was able to briefly undergo a blood surge when we were passing the twinfang scroll around.
Uh-huh. Your eyes turned blue, you floated off the ground, said some stuff that sounded pretty normal for you, and then you went whump onto the floor.
Indeed. My blood surge was brief, due to the lingering exhaustion of that day, but even in that short time...something wasn't right.
Hm. What kind of not right? Your brain wasn't getting taken over, was it?
Someone's eyes changing color suddenly is never a good sign. Couldn't tell you why, but that's usually a sign something's gotten in their brain.
That, at least, I am confident isn't the case. Although... Well, what I actually felt wouldn't appear dissimilar on the outside. I felt parts of my personality being suppressed. Everything that comprises my inhibitions vanished; my ethics, my concern for those around me, my fears of what runic manipulation could be used for in the wrong hands...
So, your blood surge messes with your brain.
I'm afraid so. I pride myself on my observations of unexplainable phenomena, but my assumption about what a blood surge would do to me, based on what it did to Meri, was incorrect.
That's bad. Is there a way to get rid of what the scroll did to you?
I believe so, but...
There's always a "but."
I understand that this is likely very fallacious thinking, nevertheless: even with the suppression of my inhibitions, I believe I can still make good use of blood surging for exploration. Perhaps even my research, but I would want to gain greater control over myself first.
You think that's a safe gamble?
I trust the rest of you to assert yourselves if my blood surged self runs amok.
Even when you aren't rapidly losing stamina, you're pretty easy to take down, true.
I appreciate your candid assessment of my physical frailty. It is genuinely reassuring!
I've gotten where I am through bein' real pragmatic, even when it makes me sound like an asshole.
I feel better having said all of that. Thank you, Ace.
No prob. Now, that said, wanna try incineratin' me?
Just remember to beat me senseless when needed!

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