Update 19: That Kills Somebody

♪ No music ♪

Still sleepy-like?
Mmyeah. Mornin', Wynne.

Wait. Hang on. Something's not right.
Didn't sleep good? Dat'd explain da yawn.
Mm. Yeah, kinda. Thanks, Wynne.

What're you doing here?
Oh, Ray'n I had a sleepover last night. Dat alright?
I mean, yeah, you're welcome aboard, was just kinda surprised. Aren't you manning the atelier at...basically all hours of the day?
Nothin' says I can't take a night and mornin' off if I wanna.
Your parents don't mind if you just go sleep at some guild's skyship for the night?
Parents...? Oh, my folks. Don't got 'em, 'least as far as I know. Boss's raised me far back as I can remember.
Oh, shit, sorry.
For what?
Usually when you assume someone who doesn't have parents has parents, that's rude on the assumer's—
I don't got folks, is dat a problem? I ain't bothered by it.
...Well, if you're not bothered by it, I won't be. Still, uh, change your parents to your boss. They don't mind?
I mean, if I was goofin' off and yakkin' it up with some randos dat'd just gotten outta da Old Forest Mine, maybe. But, uh, y'know dat your guild's our best customers, yeah? Unless ya drag me inta a labyrinth, boss's cool with it.
...Long as I ain't leavin' da shop without its, if I do say so myself, lovely an' talented saleswoman for more than a day or so.
Right. I just, uh, hope no-one needed to buy anything last night. Or this morning.
Eh, dey can wait. Sure, we sell gear, dat's real important, but no-one's gonna croak because we were closed at da wrong time. We ain't Dalla's inn.
That's... Yeah, that's fair.
...You're not coming with us on today's exploration, though, right?
Pretty sure I'd freeze ta death if I went out to da mountains wearin' dese duds. Which are pretty much da only duds I've got. I'll be...whatever dat fancy word for gettin' off a ship is in a bit.
Yeah, dat! Ship talk is fun.
Gotcha. You told Ray thanks and goodbye, then?
Nah, she's out cold. I'll tell her dat next time I see her.
Fair enough. Don't forget to, though, it's only polite.
...You feelin' alright, Shells? Never heard ya sound dis mom-like.

Never tell anyone of this.
Let me pilot da ship for a bit someday, and ya gotta deal.
Deal. On another note, I've got rounds to make around town. You wanna come with?
Good morning.
H-Hiya, Harp...
Stealthy girl...

Oh, Shelly, Harper, and Wynne? What an unusual combination.
Mornin', Dalla! I'm taggin' along with dem.
Hi, Dalla.
So, tell me, dearies, I've heard you've met another new group of people recently. The Sentinels, if I remember correctly?
Big furry warrior people, like Naijou, yes.
Ahh, so that's what he is. Hmm, he is very big, yes, but my guests have been describing Sentinels as big enough to crush a skyship in one hand. I guess they were exaggerating.
Naijou could crush a lot of stuff in one hand. But not a skyship. Especially not our skyship.
Indeed. Still, if the other Sentinels are like Naijou, they must still be very big. And if they're very big, they must eat a lot. I need to prepare for if some of them come by the inn, so... I wonder if it's time to break out that one dish again...
Oh, don't let me distract you, dearies. Have a good day!
You have a good day too, Dalla.
She's stuck. Help me push her, Wynne.
Uh, yeah, sure.

Ah, good morning, you two. What is it that brings you to my establishment to this day?
Two?! Hey, I'm here, too!
...Oh, so you are. My apologies, Wynne. The bar is quite tall, you see...
You sound upset. Did something happen?
Mm... Another guild I knew is lost.
No, please, do not misunderstand! They are still in good health.
Oh. Good.
Still, some internal strife had caused them to doubt their skills as explorers. Thus, they chose to disband last night. Right here in the Dancing Peacock...
Better than ending up monster chow, but still. That can't be fun to hear.
You understand my feelings. I am thankful that they still live... But I hope that Guild Daffodil does not share their fate.
I'm going to keep everyone together until we get to Yggdrasil. We have a lot of adventure left ahead of us.
I am glad to hear that.

Heavily bandaged explorer:
Gggh, ow...
Man, ya look like hell. What happened ta ya?
Oh, you're the girl from the shop... See, I took a request from a Vessel to get some ice up in the Underground Lake, but I... No way around it, I slipped on the ice. Feels like I broke every bone in my body. Sure hope someone else took that request on...
The, uh, perpetual ice one? Yeah, we took that.
Oh, you're explorers too, thank the gods. I felt really bad about having to welch on that. Best of luck. Oh, and don't slip on the ice.
Passionate Vessel:
Ah, another archer. Are you an explorer?
Mhm. Are you?
I'm part of a guild of Vessels, yes. We're testing our skills against the outside world, now that the High Arcanist has managed to talk the elders into letting us go exploring. We're making our way through the mountains right now, though the scales in the Golden Lair are a very annoying impediment.
The Boiling Lizard's scales.
I heard a Sentinel use that same name, "Boiling Lizard." So that's what's leaving those accursed scales all over. Once we reach it, though, I think we Vessels will have nothing to fear from it.
We're going to fight it soon, for an important mission. But maybe you'll get to fight one of its babies.
...If you're going to beat us to the punch, then I've got more time to get used to those human skills I learned from that scroll than I thought...
Runemaster of Vulcanus:
Hey, you okay? You look really pained.
Oh, don't worry about me. I've just been holding this ice stake so long, I've got an ice burn... Ironic for a fire specialist like me, no?
Ironic, and also, I don't get what that has to do with deliberately giving yourself an ice burn. Why?
Our guild doesn't have anybody who can use manipulate ice runes, so when we fight fire monsters, we need these ice stakes.
There's...other people like Xiaohu now?
I don't know who that is. All I know is that the Mark Grand Court started offering lectures about this new form of magic. I was an alchemist before I came to Tharsis, so I figured I could take it up pretty quick. Anyway, it's very annoying when throwing these ice stakes is the only thing I can do in battle... But just show me a plant monster or an oil monster, and then you'll see me really start to cook...
Well, I hope the ice burns don't get in the way of that.
Lonely hunter Dylan:
Hey, you three. Are you familiar with the lonely hunter Dylan? Heh, that's right. You're looking at him.
Ya didn't even let us respond.
Why would you need to? Everyone knows me. But do you know the icy pincer? It's a big, powerful praying mantis that flies around the Sacred Mountains.
Oh, trust me, I know them. Friggin' pain in the ass to fly around.
They look scary to fight, too.
That's the thing. Parts from a monster that tough sell for a bundle to collectors. That's where I come in; I got hired to collect the icy pincer's, well, icy pincers. Now, uh, I went out for some recon, and that thing looked impossible.
You got hired to kill one of those things without having ever met one?
My clients know how good I am. But, uhhhhh, see, there's power in numbers, especially when taking on a thing that big. I don't do groups, though, I'd just get slowed down most of the time. So I put out a request for whatever guild takes it up to bring me a frigid sickle instead.
Oh, we're the ones that took that request.
I see. Well, you've got your job, right? Get hunting!

Giving up the smithing life for the adventuring life, Wynne?
Not in a million years. Just out with dese two gals.
I see. Well met, Shelly and Harper. I trust Guild Daffodil is still making good progress into the Golden Lair.
We've got a couple of requests to take care of, but last I heard, our previous active group managed to get to the third floor.
If previous patterns hold, then the way to opening the barrier to the north isn't far off. Keep up the good work.
Yes, patterns. You've obtained a way to advance to new lands at the third floor of each large maze, and with each new land so far, you've met a new race of people. This can't be a coincidence, can it?
...I'm not sure. Probably not.
Gotta wonder what's comin' up after you beat dis big, what was it, cookin' lizard?
Boiling Lizard. All I can say is that Yggdrasil's getting closer and closer with each new land we discover.
Depending on how long the passage to the next land is, perhaps you'll reach the great tree sooner than you think.
Man, that'd be nice. The sooner the Medium can get to Yggdrasil, the sooner we can get a better idea of what it's worried about, and the sooner I can quit fretting about what we don't know.

Huh, Shelly and Harper. How's the exploring life treating yeh recently?
We've got a mission. We're doing good, but having a mission is stressful.
Hmm. Sounds stressful. If I may give some advice: don't overcompensate. If yeh think yeh're in trouble, even if yeh've got a mission, take some time to explore the smaller caves. We tell that to every guild, but that doesn't make it any less true.
We've got some requests that are going to take us into the two caves in the Sacred Mountains we haven't explored yet, so...already ahead of you on that one.
Heh, well, I ain't gonna grouse about yeh taking my advice without me having to give it. Good luck.

Dat's a lotta papers.
What? Oh, Miss Wynne. And...Shelly and Harper, as well. What an odd trio.
Just making the rounds around town before we get to exploring some caves. Anything interesting going on with you today?
Well, compared to your daily lives, mine must seem dreadfully dull, haha!
...Jokes aside, I'm reading through written accounts of both the Vessels' and the Sentinels' legends of the Titan. Two very disparate tales, with both sides insisting their version is true... And yet, they are impossible to reconcile. One, a tale of a holy tree. The other, a tale of a demon dwelling within the great tree.
Both stories don't make sense with each other. Maybe there's a third version that gives the missing pieces, though.
I had hoped that there would be some account of the Titan from us humans' perspective in our archives, but alas, nothing has turned up. I almost wonder if there's some other human settlement that does have their own story...but, of course, we are the only human settlement for quite some distance. How vexing all of this is.
All of this must sound like gibberish to you, huh?
I got "humans," "Vessels," and "Sentinels" outta dat. Dunno what's going on with da rest of it.

Welp, back ta my usual stompin' grounds. Tanks for lettin' me tag along for a bit!
No prob.
What's that giant thing on the workbench?
Ooh, ya noticed! Dis...is a giant boomerang! I made it outta scrap. Whaddya think?
I'm happy with my bows.
Dag, not going for it, huh? Whaddabout...dis paddle-ball flail?!
I'm not sure I'd want to play paddle-ball with something that could really mess up my face.
Man, ya sound like a mom again— Wait. Ah, crap.
Don't worry about it, I think she just misspoke.
Y-Yeah, don't worry about it, Harp! It's, uh, just like when ya call ya teacher "mom!" Dumb mistake!
My moms were my teachers. And Uncle Ranger too. I don't remember calling him "mom" though.
Bah, fuhgeddaboutit! I gotta get ready ta sell stuff again. G'luck with da caves!

There's a lot of SP to invest with this party, given both the amount of levels they've gained since last time its members were in the active party, and the 5 SP you gain upon taking a subclass.

I have Shelly immediately max out Runic Guidance. She then grabs both Spiral Slice and Penetrate for multi-target coverage. She'll equip both a rapier and a sword at some point, but for now, she only has access to Penetrate. Finally, her last skill point goes into Blazing Link. I'll want Freezing Link potentially maxed out for Boiling Lizard, but for now, there's a handful of enemies we'll be fighting that have fire weaknesses.

Ace gets a point in Endure immediately. I won't be using Blood Surge on them for a while, but it's a prereq for Endure, so it gets a point dropped in it. Its time will come.

Aside from that, Ace gets Bolt Strike to rank 5 to provide extra damage against enemies that resist every physical damage type, and then drops their last four points equally into Line Shield and Party Shield.

Marlin does not get any Fortress skills yet. Instead, he gets Chase Samba up to rank 4, maxes out Attack Tango, and puts one point into Fan Dance. Fan Dance takes a while to get up to its max potential, but that first point is an incredible value. For one skill point, you get a flat +10% to your evasion chance. One skill point for an extra 10% chance to completely no-sell an attack, plus whatever additional effects it might have.

Merula grabs one point each in Blood Surge, Endure, and Deep Breath. I might bump up Endure at some point, but for now, one point in each of these is all she needs.

Most of the rest of her available skill points went into maxing out Shadow Bite, which will now deal even more ridiculous damage to targets with ailments. Her final skill point gets tossed into Nerve Throw.

Harper maxes out all of Squall Volley, Head Snipe, and Arm Snipe, and then whatever SP was left went into Leg Snipe. She's now more reliable at inflicting the two most important bind types, and Squall Volley is now at its maximum potential.
Heh heh heh... Gun
♪ No music ♪

Before we take care of the requests, I looked over our treasure maps, and...as weird as it sounds, I think some of them are right in the middle of tornadoes. Only a few, though.
No reason not to get them, I guess. Just hope the dowsing rods won't get ripped off by tornadoes...

Well, wouldja look at that, another one'a the real good shivs.
Ah, good! Wynne will appreciate not having to reforge the same knife over and over again, I'm sure.

The ancient kunai is, functionally, another ancient makiri, that knife we got forever ago (read: back in Update 4). Its ATK is irrelevant, the important part is that it has four open forge slots. It does require poinciana pods (rare chop material) to forge, but that's fine, it could be much worse.

+80% resistance to panic. Several lategame and postgame FOEs and bosses have access to panic, which is a very bad ailment to get inflicted with, so this thing will be going into storage until we need it.

+80% resistance to curse. This thing, meanwhile, will be sold to Wynne for a bit of extra money.

Well, we've got the drop on this overgrown bug, but I'm still pretty nervous here.
Just gotta hope we're good enough to kill it. What happens, happens.

Icy Pincer
Level: 40HP: 3744STR: 47TEC: 46VIT: 44AGI: 40LUC: 36DS: 118
EXP Given: 16432
Damage Vulnerabilities:
75% 100% 125%
125% 25% 100%
Disable Vulnerabilities:
40% 30% 20% 30% 20% 30%
10% 10% 20%
30% 30% 30%
  • Frigid Scythe: Deals severe cut + ice damage to one party member. If the attack does not miss, attempts to instantly kill the target, with a medium chance. Slow.
  • Overhand Swing: Deals colossal cut damage to one party member. Extremely inaccurate.
  • Scythe Dance: Deals 4 to 6 instances of heavy cut + ice damage to random party members. Slow, and somewhat inaccurate.
  • Blinding Blade: Deals heavy cut damage to one row of party members. Attempts to inflict blind on hit targets, with an extremely high chance.
  • Frigid Scythe: Deals 170% melee STR-based cut + ice damage to one party member. If the attack does not miss, attempts to instantly kill the target, with a 30% base chance. Has a speed modifier of -5, and a base accuracy of 99%.
  • Overhand Swing: Deals 200% melee STR-based cut damage to one party member. Has a speed modifier of -1, and a base accuracy of 30%.
  • Scythe Dance: Deals 4 to 6 instances of 120% melee STR-based cut + ice damage to random party members. Has a speed modifier of -5, and a base accuracy of 70%.
  • Blinding Blade: Deals 100% melee STR-based cut damage to one row of party members. Attempts to inflict blind on hit targets, with a 70% base chance. Has a speed modifier of ±0, and a base accuracy of 99%.
  • Icy pincers always use Frigid Scythe on the first turn. After that, they will use it on turns that are multiples of 4.
  • When above 50% HP, icy pincers will heavily prioritize using Blinding Blade, with a small chance to use Scythe Dance.
  • When below 50% HP, icy pincers will become much less likely to use Blinding Blade, and much more likely to use normal attacks.
  • At all HP levels, if any player characters are afflicted with blind, icy pincers have a moderate chance to use Overhand Swing, specifically targeting player characters who are afflicted with blind.
  • If this is the first turn, or the current turn is a multiple of 4:
    • Use Frigid Scythe.
  • If the Icy Pincer's HP is below 50%:
    • If any player character is afflicted with blind:
      • 35% chance to use Overhand Swing, targeting player characters who are afflicted with blind.
      • 35% chance to use Scythe Dance.
      • 20% chance to use Blinding Blade.
      • 10% chance to attack.
    • If the above did not occur:
      • 35% chance to use Blinding Blade.
      • 35% chance to use Scythe Dance.
      • 30% chance to attack.
  • If none of the above occurred:
    • If any player character is afflicted with blind:
      • 45% chance to use Overhand Swing, targeting player characters who are afflicted with blind.
      • 40% chance to use Blinding Blade.
      • 15% chance to attack.
    • If the above did not occur:
      • 30% chance to use Overhand Swing.
      • 60% chance to use Blinding Blade.
      • 10% chance to attack.
  • Frigid Sickle: 100% chance. Sells for 1135 en.
    • Icy Almace (103 ATK, +14% Ice Imbue): Made from 1 Frigid Sickle. Costs 11810 en.
    • Terminator (115 ATK, 4 Slots, +12% Phys Damage): Made from 1 Frigid Sickle. Costs 8325 en.
The icy mantises who call the northern mountains home are deeply threatening, and should be avoided by all but experienced adventurers. Their blades swing deep and hard, with their size allowing them to strike multiple foes at once, and their frozen armor repels the common blades. Blunt strikes will damage their relatively hollow bones, but be aware this is not a catch-all solution. A head-on battle with these foes will be bloody, and it's best you make it swift. You could try blinding it, though.
Icy pincers are not to be trifled with. All of their skills carry at least some degree of risk that at least one party member will get killed, and many of them run a risk of multiple player characters biting it. Your main saving grace here is that Scythe Dance, which icy pincers are always capable of using, regardless of their current HP, is moderately inaccurate. Adding insult to injury, icy pincers also reduce cut damage by 25% for...no real reason, while taking 25% more damage from bash attacks. That is a very favorable trade—cut damage is a lot more common on serious damage dealers than bash damage.

What are your options for safely taking down an icy pincer, then? Arm binds are an obvious answer, but as with many FOEs, that 30% vulnerability is troublesome, and means that you only get one infliction before the icy pincer is immune to them for the rest of the battle. Icy pincers are slightly weaker to blind than other ailments, but if someone in your party is already blinded, that won't do you much good. If you've obtained Aegis Ward, the burst skill that nullifies elemental damage), you can use it to give yourself a free turn whenever Frigid Scythe is about to be used. Since it's composite damage, Aegis Ward will nullify it.

Can't do much more than scratch this thing, but when's that ever stopped me?

Oh. Okay.

...Well, that was worth a shot, at least.

Not even close, bud.

Thank you for not moving.
11 hits, 305 total damage. Given that crits didn't kick in until the last 3 hits, that's pretty good! It'll be even better when Shelly's done getting set up and can actually use Blazing Link. (I had to have her apply Vanguard as well since Merula was outspeeding her.)

Oi, Shelly, you about ready yet?
Would my rapier be covered in this red gunk if I wasn't ready?
Just checkin', lass. Ready when the rest of you are.

Heh. Funny just how much a few scratches can do.
I'm certainly not complaining.

If only this thing didn't take 25% less cut damage.

Didn't even hurt.

Already on it!
Only 8 hits, 220 total damage. A mediocre showing from Squall Volley, but...

Three activations of Blazing Link, 108 damage total. Shelly actually hit the activation cap for Improved Link on that turn, dealing around almost 400 total damage. This thing is 7 levels above everyone in the party, remember, so one character taking off over 10% of its max HP in one turn is a very impressive showing.
Links... they save the DAY... they come to SAVE... the princess Harper

I think the nerve toxin wore off. Ugh...
Why does everything we fight have to be really healthy?
Time to try for a blind infliction.

No dice. Uh-oh.

Oh, shit, it's aiming for my head.

...What the fuck was that? I didn't even feel anything, its pincer just bounced off me.
I...think I did something? I don't know what I did, but it was...some kind of runic thing?
Runic, huh? Remind me to thank Xiaohu later.
And, uh, you as well.
You could thank me right now.
I could.
Remember what I said about Frigid Scythe being composite damage? In addition to Aegis Ward being able to nullify it, Runic Shield can activate on it as well.
Brave Magi, it seems you've mastered the Mirror Rune! This powerful Rune allows you to repel magical attacks and nullify damage to yourself and your allies... But be warned! This Rune is fickle, and requires full confidence, and no less, to use properly!
Whyyyyy are you talking like that?
For the fun of interactive education!

The fact that icy pincers become more likely to use normal attacks when their HP is low is very strange to me. At the same time, though, I'd much rather it semi-effectually poke at Ace rather than use Blinding Blade or something else.

After a few more turns of lobbing attack after attack, Link activation after Link activation at the icy pincer, it's almost dead. Let's see if Shelly can finish this quickly with Falling Stars.

Oh yeah, I'm really feeling the—


Bit of an anticlimax, sure, but look on the bright side: the bug's dead.

All that remains is to deliver it to the client, Dylan, without losing it. Then the request will be fulfilled!
...Someone go get Naijou, we're gonna need help carryin' this thing aboard.

Hey. Here's the ice mantis's pincer.
...Oh. Oh, you guys are... You actually...got it.
Sure did. Hell of a fight, but it went down in the end.
No-one in your guild got...hurt, right?
Cocky bastard tried going for my head once, but some magic stuff made it just bounce off.
Your...head... Man, you guys... What's your guild's name?
Guild Daffodil... Got it. You guys sure are something. I, uh... Thank you. You've been...extremely helpful. Fulfilled my request with style. I'll fill out my report. The bartender's already got your reward.
Are you alright? You look real pale.
I...feel really... No, it's nothing. I'm sorry I bit off more than I could chew. Excuse me...

Sounds like he'll think twice before subcontractin' a dangerous hunt next time.
I assume you're referring to Dylan's request.
Aye. Don't think the kid knew just how dangerous those frozen mantises really are.
Clearly not. At least your guild was able to accept it before anyone else, and you seem no worse for the wear.
Eh. The thing nearly took my head off, but Shelly did...something that stopped it.
...It nearly... I see. I may need to change my policy about subcontracted requests involving dangerous monsters... But that's a matter for me to resolve. Here is your reward.

...This was not worth the trouble.

At least it's a good experience, mate.
For some value of "good," I guess.
Note that we don't get to keep the frigid scythe. I'll have to kill another one later to unlock the Terminator, that'll be a very nice upgrade for Waylon.

The party's skill points go into incremental upgrades. Nerve Throw and Line Shield get maxed out, but even those are just incremental upgrades compared to their previous ranks.

Having to use Vanguard to make Shelly outspeed everyone during the fight against the icy pincer really, really annoyed me. It annoyed me enough that I swapped out Shelly's power ring for a gale amulet. Exchanging +5 STR for +8 AGI, basically. I hate losing any amount of her primary stat, but the less time she has to waste on maintaining a second buff besides Improved Link, the better.

Pooka. Right next to us. Pooka.

Man, these guys'll eat anything.
...Do they actually eat? This one seems content to just sit and look at the veggies.
A mystery for the ages.

Goodbye, red pooka.

I gave the power book to Harper. Maybe it'd have been better to give it to Merula, but honestly, both of them can use more STR.
Pook. Pook. Pook. Pook. Pook.
What's with the pooking?
Pook. The book—Pook.—gave me instructions—Pook.—for my form—Pook.—while doing—Pook.—pull-ups. Pook.
So you have to say 'Pook' while you exercise? Crazy.
No. That's counting. Every Pook is different.
Whoa. Guess I've got a lot to learn...

So much nicer to be able to just fly up to a cave and not have to deal with tornadoes or FOEs or whatever headaches this place feels like throwing at us. It's downright relaxing.

I see why that man at the bar needed so many bandages now.
Icy floors, icy pillars, ice as far as the eye can bloody see.
Something's frozen in the middle of one of the pillars right in front of us.

Gotta remember to check the other side of the wall later.

I almost feel bad for the beastie, that can't be pleasant.
Being frozen is bad, but would you actually feel being frozen?
Unless you get thawed out with some really special magic, if your body's somehow still capable of functioning after you get unfrozen, you'd probably be lucky to have all of your limbs not succumb to frostbite. At minimum.
Harper shivers in discomfort.
Didn't mean to freak you out. C'mon, let's move. At least we won't get harrassed by these giant bats.

I can see somethin' behind all the ice... What is that, a giant torch?
Either that, or some kind of cauldron.
Alright, everyone back up, lemme try something.
After backing up to get a running start, Ace dashes towards the ice in an attempt to smash it!
...Unfortunately, their efforts result only in them rebounding off the ice and onto the floor, causing a loud crashing sound to echo throughout the cave.
Oof. Well, it was worth a shot, at least. That's some damn thick ice.
Normally, just letting the Boiling Lizard's giant scale pile come back melts the ice in the Golden Lair, but... I don't think that's going to be an option here.
Probably don't want to melt the ice before we take care of that Vessel's request, but... Well, gotta hope there's nothing we want—or worse, need—behind these ice walls.

...Me and my big mouth.
It's just a treasure chest, lass. Doubt there's anything important in it.
Yeah, but... It's a treasure chest. It's right there. It's taunting me.
It's tantalizing.
See? She gets me.

Oy, more stuff entombed in ice. Can't even tell what's in it this time.
...I...think that's maybe an animal corpse? Or parts of it, at least. The angle makes it really hard to see.
If it's a corpse, I'm in no rush to figure out of what. Let's move on.

A lone tortoise waddles along in this frozen cave.
Wonder what it feeds on.

I don't like how that mushroom looks like it's always screaming.
If I was a walking mushroom, I would probably scream too.

Level: 35HP: 448STR: 33TEC: 36VIT: 29AGI: 30LUC: 39DS: 114
EXP Given: 2368
Damage Vulnerabilities:
100% 100% 125%
150% 100% 100%
Disable Vulnerabilities:
100% 100% 100% 100% 10% 100%
100% 100% 100%
100% 100% 100%
  • Poison Spores: Attempts to inflict poison on one row of party members, with a very high chance. The poison deals 51 to 60 damage each turn. Fast.
  • Poison Spores: Attempts to inflict poison on one row of party members, with a 70% base chance. The poison deals 51 to 60 damage each turn. Has a speed modifier of +5.
  • Venomshrooms are guaranteed to use Poison Spores on the first turn, if another venomshroom isn't already using it.
  • If no player characters are afflicted with poison, venomshrooms are guaranteed to use Poison Spores.
  • If any player character is afflicted with poison, venomshrooms are equally likely to either use Poison Spores, or perform a normal attack.
  • If this is the first turn:
    • If no enemy is using Poison Spores:
      • Use Poison Spores.
    • If the above did not occur:
      • Attack.
  • If any player character is afflicted with poison:
    • 50% chance to use Poison Spores.
    • 50% chance to attack.
  • If none of the above occurred:
    • Use Poison Spores.
  • Poison Hypha: 70% chance. Sells for 175 en.
    • Alla Romana (76 DEF): Made from 1 Pagoda Branch (Chop: Toxic Cave) and 1 Poison Hypha. Costs 5890 en.
    • Stain Gages (19 DEF, +2 STR): Made from 1 Poison Hypha. Costs 2760 en.
  • Poison Ferrule: 60% chance. Sells for 205 en.
    • Falchion (100 ATK): Made from 1 Thick Bone (Baboon Drop) and 1 Poison Ferrule. Costs 10510 en.
    • Kanasaibou (109 ATK): Made from 1 Poison Ferrule. Costs 11020 en.
    • Caetra (34 DEF): Made from 1 Poison Ferrule and 1 Pagoda Branch (Chop: Toxic Cave). Costs 4320 en.
    • Strength Ring (+8 STR): Made from 3 Poison Ferrules and 3 Toxic Bones (Baboon Conditional). Costs 4500 en.
As the name implies, venomshrooms are extremely venomous. Their spores can inflict a painful skin-melting toxin. With that said, it's also fairly easy to counteract, and isn't life-threatening if treated quickly. Its prey are another story, but for the adventurer, handle them as you would any small creature.
There isn't a lot to venomshrooms, they're one of the least interesting monsters in EO4. They can inflict a moderately-damaging poison on one row of party members. They're not really put in any encounters with enemies that can capitalize on it. If you start each battle by using Refresh Waltz, then you've got good odds of making venomshrooms completely useless.


If there's one thing I hate more'n pollen, it's poison pollen.

Screaming until the end.
Poor thing.

Holy Smite's a fun skill to have around. That's more than half of Ace's max HP.

It's not hard to dodge the plated chaser here, the single ice tiles make it easy to put distance between you and it.

Obtained fennel x4 and glove grass x2.

Did the other group make any notes about these tortoises in the Monstrous Codex?
...Doesn't look like it.
I suggest we fight this one, then. This is as safe a place as any.
Less busy than the Golden Lair. Yes.
I'm fine with that.

Just hope I don't run out of swords. That thing's shell looks sturdy.

Plated Chaser
Level: 38HP: 2420STR: 41TEC: 41VIT: 43AGI: 34LUC: 42DS: 125
EXP Given: 15633
Damage Vulnerabilities:
50% 50% 50%
100% 75% 100%
Disable Vulnerabilities:
30% 20% 20% 30% 30% 30%
10% 10% 20%
30% 30% 50%
  • Grinder: Deals colossal bash damage that pierces rows. Extremely slow, and somewhat inaccurate.
  • Oil Spin: Increases the user's evasion by 50% for 4 turns. Slow.
  • Grinder: Deals 240% melee STR-based bash damage that pierces rows. Has a speed modifier of -15, and a base accuracy of 90%.
  • Oil Spin: Increases the user's evasion by 50% for 4 turns. Has a speed modifier of -6.
  • Plated chasers will always use Grinder as their first action.
  • Plated chasers start out slightly preferring to use Grinder over normal attacks. When they fall below 60% HP, they will almost never use normal attacks.
  • Plated chasers start using Oil Spin when their HP is below 60%. They use it on every turn that is a multiple of 3.
  • If Grinder has not been used yet:
    • Use Grinder.
  • If the Plated Chaser's HP is below 60%:
    • If the current turn is a multiple of 3:
      • Use Oil Spin.
    • If the above did not occur:
      • 90% chance to use Grinder.
      • 10% chance to attack.
  • If none of the above occurred:
    • 60% chance to use Grinder.
    • 40% chance to attack.
  • Armor Shard: 100% chance. Sells for 456 en.
    • Shell Armor (80 DEF, +2 VIT): Made from 1 Armor Shard. Costs 7080 en.
The plated chaser is a powerful predator of the Golden Lair and surrounding regions. Their mastery of the ice in their region can lead to deceptively high-speed impacts, and take it from me—that is not a pleasant feeling. Moreover, it's capable of generating a slick oil-like substance that can decrease the vision of prey.

The heavy shell on its back and its bulky body allow it to devour creatures like venomshrooms easily despite any toxins. The only smaller creature it will not devour are the weakned forms of the Magma and Glacier Spawns, and for good reason—their stomachs are incapable of handling such extreme temperatures. Use high-temperature attacks, low-temperature attacks, or electric blasts to defeat them quickly.
Plated chasers aren't really dangerous, just annoying to fight. They only take half damage from all physical damage types, and they don't even have the courtesy to have an actual weakness. On top of that, once you get them down to just over half HP, they'll start using Oil Spin, making all of your attacks have worse-than-a-coinflip's odds of actually connecting if you don't disable its evasion. The only ways to get rid of Oil Spin are Roar (the bushi skill), metopons, or making sure they can't act or have their legs bound on turns that are a multiple of 3. Waiting its duration out isn't an option, since its AI is set up to always reapply Oil Spin when it runs out.

Grinder hurts like hell, but can only hit a maximum of two people at a time, one of whom will only take half damage from it. That said, whoever takes it in the front row is almost certainly going to die, unless they're a fortress.

The solutions to plated chasers should be pretty obvious, then. Bring a fortress and a runemaster, preferably a landsknecht too. Anyone that has elemental damage skills, really. Poison Circle on arcanists isn't a bad idea, either. If you can get around its low damage vulnerabilities, then you'll get to take advantage of its lower-than-average maximum HP.

Unlike most FOEs that are completely shut down from having one body part bound, plated chasers have a 50% vulnerability to leg binds, meaning that you can inflict them up to twice per battle. Having a plated chaser's legs bound on an Oil Spin turn is very valuable, since it won't attempt to reapply it until the next turn that's a multiple of 3.

If all else fails, and you're doomed to just slug it out with a plated chaser until it dies, pretty much any physical defense buff will take Grinder from being near-guaranteed death on the target in the front row down to just pretty severe damage.

Something tells me this thing's not going down easy, so get comfortable, you two.

WOOOOOOOOOOGH I'm okay. I'm standing. I'm okay.

Didn't flinch much. That's a bad sign.

I don't like this thing.

Doesn't hurt anywhere near as much when it's not spinning like crazy.

Huh, that actually seemed to bother it. Go figure.

I don't like this thing.
Bad turtle.
I agree.
Me too.


No more spinning.

Hahhh... That's cathartic.

No more spinning. Forever.

...I'm exhausted.
I'd say a quick jaunt back to town's in order, eh?
That was about the best-case scenario for taking on a plated chaser with a suboptimal team. I'm proud of these five.

Well, if dis ain't da thickest monster shell I've ever seen. Where'd it come from?
A really rapidly spinning turtle.
How'd ya get it ta stop spinnin' long enough to hit it?
No, it wasn't, like, spinning the entire time.
I don't want to think about what that turtle could do to us if it was always spinning.
Don't remind me. To say nothing of the first two fights with a Gohma Squasher, Episode 19 on Hard was absolutely brutal. Yasha doesn't have the bulk to handle getting slammed into by that thing.
Berund Atelier has the following new items in stock:

Shell armor's a very solid defensive upgrade for Ace. I decided to buy one for her.

I didn't buy a pair of stain gages, but they're non-body armor with an STR bonus. As such, they're much more useful than your average pair of gloves. Any damage stat bonus that's not on an accessory is great.
♪ No music ♪

Got another idea: how about we go talk to the Vessel that wants this ice? Maybe they've got some kinda clue to where it is.
None of the ice in that place looked particularly special, so... Yeah, agreed. Any clue'd be helpful here.

One Vessel comes out to greet you with a surprised look.
When you have this quest active, and haven't talked to the client before, you'll get this scene automatically upon entering Vessel Town.

That bag... Are you the ones that accepted the request I filed with that woman in Tharsis?
Sure are, lad.
One strip of paper has so much weight there... That bar is no ordinary place. Ah, that aside, was there something you needed?
You got any idea where this unmeltin' ice might be in that cave?
No, I'm sorry. I haven't actually been there, I was just told about it. I didn't have time to check it myself... I need the ice for my mother, you see. She's come down with a fever, and I need something that can help cool her down, as soon as possible. We don't have any ice in Vessel Town.
Mm. Well, we'll be quick about it, then. Don't want to let your poor mum suffer.
I appreciate your efforts.
The Vessel bows his head to you respectfully. He then withdraws to the village to care for his mother. You, for your part, set out on the request.

Kinda nice to have a place that's so straightforward to explore, even if it's colder'n the lowest circle of hell.

It is constructed to allow wind to pass through it. You can tell that it is meant to hold a flame.
Got a couple of matches, let's see if... Nope.
Maybe if I try hitting it with a burning sword...
Looks like this isn't any normal torch.
I think we need a special fire to light it.
What the hell could be special about a fire? A fire's a fire.
No, no, I think she's onto something.
We've seen weirder things than a "special fire," I wouldn't rule it out.
Even you, Meri? Welp, guess I'm overruled on this.
Might not have any special fire with us, but we've gotta leave with some special ice. Let's check around here.

That's not ice.
The spread hammer lets us add splash forges to weapons. Splash forges add a splash damage effect to normal attacks. Stacking splash forges increases the damage of this splash damage effect. The first splash forge is worth 8% of the base damage, while subsequent pierce forges are worth 6%, up to a cap of 50%.

Perhaps the shimmering ice is due to its location in the very center of the labyrinth...
I think I've got something here.
Alright, where'd I put that pickaxe...

Done. Let's get back to Vessel Town pronto.

Thank you, thank you!
...Amazing. Just as I was told, this ice has barely melted. This should quell my mother's fever.
Go tend to her then, lad. Glad to have helped.
Thank you, everyone. I hope the reward I left is sufficient.

Not the most exciting request in the world, but hey, we did a good deed.
Gotta suck to have a fever with no way to cool off. Hope that guy's mom gets well soon.

Ah, you've returned. A Vessel came by earlier to inform me that you've delivered the ice.
That was quick. We only just got back after coming straight here from Vessel Town.
Maybe that lad's got a friend here in Tharsis with a linkpearl, eh?
Sure, that's plausible.
It was a friend of the client that informed me, yes. Hopefully more Vessels will stop by here to put in requests, perhaps even have a drink. I would like nothing more than Vessels and the people of Tharsis to find common ground in requests. But enough about my hopes, here is the reward the Vessel provided.

The ice hammer lets us add ice forges to weapons. See my note on fire forges in Update 3 if you need a refresher on how elemental forges work.

Berund Atelier has the following new items in stock:

Nothing interesting here.

For once, I'm going to keep an update short. Next time: another cave.
I've never heard of a 'short update' in my life.

Man, after all the twists and turns things've taken lately, the past few days've been nice. Go here, kill this bug, go there, get this thing.
I couldn't agree more. I...kind of miss when we were just starting out, sometimes.
All of, what, three months and a bit ago?
Three months is a while! But even if we treat it as not that long ago, you have to admit that it's felt a lot longer than that.
Don't gotta tell me twice, heh. That week we were rushing through the lower floors of the Misty Ravine to get to the Hollow Queen probably took a couple years off my lifespan.
Same. I didn't know seven days could last that long. But back to my point, most of our time in Guild Daffodil has been on a dire time pressure. First it was saving Xiuan, and now it's getting to Yggdrasil before that "deluded darkness from the sky" does.
Yeah... At least I function alright under pressure.
You function more than "alright" under pressure, I would say.
If'n you say so.
Ahaha... Take the compliment, Ace.
I'll gas myself up once we're done with all this and we, I dunno, get a big trophy from the Count. Maybe the Vessels and Sentinels'll give us big trophies too.
Maybe Yggdrasil will have one.
Turn one of its branches gold and let it fall down onto us. It's the great tree, it's probably capable of that, right?
...I actually do wonder what would count as the end of our exploring, though.
All the other Yggdrasil cities make it easy. Make it through the tree, make it through that last bit that's either above or below it, and you get officially recognized.
Meanwhile, we get to fly from land to land, exploring every small cave and big labyrinth. It almost feels like we could go on forever.
...I kinda hope not. I like exploring, I like everyone here, but I don't wanna just stick around this Yggdrasil. There's a lotta places I've gotta visit, all of them pretty far from here.
Ah. That's fair enough.
How about you? I know we're in the thick of it right now, but you've got an idea of what you wanna do after we finish, yeah?
Mmm... Not really. I guess I'll see what everyone plans to do after we wrap up, and just...ask if I can come along.
...Your family makes it hard to plan for the future, don't they?
You've...hit the nail on the head, yes. Even that non-plan I gave just now, it worries me. I fear that anyone I travel with would be put in danger.
Well... I mean, look at it this way, you've been MIA for a few months, but no sign of them yet, right? If I were them, I would've come after you when we were all freaking out about the Hollows kidnapping Xiuan.
I did worry about that for a little bit right after it happened, and I'm thankful it didn't come to pass. But...what if they thought that I would think that? I know how my family functions, and maybe they're using that against me. Maybe they'd strike when I think it'd be too obvious.
It's mind games all the way down. I hate that.
I take solace in the fact that some of my more impatient family hate it as much as you do.
If one of them ever crosses me, I'll let them tell me how much they hate this infinite mind games bullshit, I'll tell them I agree, and then I'll smash their face in.
Ahaha! I'd give everything I own to see that.

Hey, Meri?
I can't promise anything for certain, but whenever we call our time as a guild done and disband, if nothing else comes to you before then... I, uh, wouldn't mind having you tag along with me wherever I end up going. Or wherever you want to go, if you've got a better idea than me.

I...I honestly don't have anything else to do after we're done. I came here to get stronger and, well, prove I could take on one of the Yggdrasils. We haven't gotten to go into the tree here, obviously, but everything we've been doing counts just as much as if we'd been going through one of the other labyrinths, I think. I hope that makes sense, it probably doesn't. I was probably gonna just look for work as a mercenary after we were done, but... If you can travel around without worrying about your family, you can probably come up with some good ways to spend our— Uh, your limited time on this planet. And I'd... Even if I gotta be a bodyguard, I'd want to be there.
I would like to date you. Would you like to date me?

What you've offered me, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is incredibly generous: indefinite service as a bodyguard. That usually comes at a very hefty price, especially from someone who just professed a desire for future mercenary work.

If you're offering me that peace of mind free of charge... I, um, I think most people would assume you'd do that because you feel a lot of affection for your "client." If that's the case...then, well, the feeling is mutual.

...My mouth ran so much faster than my brain that I forgot to say the most important part, huh?
Ehehe, it appears so.
Leave it to me to bungle that...
You've bungled nothing.

Pfahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Gimme a sec, gotta let my guts depressurize...
D-Deep breaths, Terra, deep breaths!

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