Update 22: Effective Against Armored Units

Today we begin not with a cold open, but with another diversion out of the narrative, same as when we met with Wufan in the Count's office.
Daffodil Guild, I entrust this Battle Goblet to you. Whenever you wish, you may call upon my bushi to be your sword and cut through whatever obstacles you face! This Bushi's Script will help you train. If you wish to do so, speak to the Sentinel warrior at the bar.

Same deal as with Wufan. In an unmodified game, this is where you would unlock the ability to create bushi characters of your own. You also get two free opportunities to automatically level someone to 30 at the bar.

Or, if you don't mind his portrait and very bad subclass choice, you can just recruit Kibagami.

The EXP from reporting the previous mission also gave everyone a level, but you'll forgive me for finding the timing at the end of the last update to be very awkward.

Now, back to the show.
♪ No music ♪

Are you going to leave, Waylon?
I don't know. I would rather not. But if my position becomes untenable, then that's that. And, well, all but one person in this guild distrusting me is certainly an untenable position.
Your faith in me is appreciated, Harper. It's a level of kindness I have only rarely been extended. No matter what happens, I will not forget it.
You've got the trust of more than "one person in this guild."
I, uh, I'm saying I trust you, Waylon. I don't think you're in cahoots with Logre, or the empire.
That's quite a sudden shift.
Look, man, I fucked up earlier, alright? I...I let the suspicious side of me take hold. It lost its grip after Harper started making her points, but...
Shelly buries her face in her hands.
Gods. It's happening again.
Shelly's voice falters midway through.
It's happening again, and I... Once again, I'm part of it. My own failure to lead, when a leader is needed the most. I...I should've spoken up, but...
Shelly's thought trails off there. She goes silent.
Tonight has been difficult. We're not even two hours removed from chasing Logre. I don't blame you for any of this. I don't blame anyone in the guild for this. Don't beat yourself up, Shelly.
...I'm sorry, Harper. You deserve an apology too.
...Mm. That's fair.
No. Apology accepted. I'm just tired.
At least someone's body is finally catching up with reality. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.
Doesn't mean we shouldn't try, at least. I dunno when the others are getting back, but...they'll probably be fine.
And, Waylon? I can't take back what I said earlier, but... If there's more talk about this tomorrow, I'll make the strongest possible case for you staying. I don't know if we can get Ray and Xiuan back without you.
Waylon briefly smiles.
Thank you, Shelly. I appreciate that. Now go at least try to get some rest.
Waylon, heeding his own advice, leaves the common area for his room.
I'll get going, too. You gonna be alright?
That's a no, then?
...I've had nightmares like tonight for a long time. I make friends, but then everyone gets upset at each other, no-one listens to me, and it all falls apart.
Sometimes I fall apart, too.
I'm not falling apart right now. But I felt like I might. Xiuan and Ray are in danger because I brought everyone to the Misty Ravine. If I had stayed home, none of this would be happening.
Not right now, maybe. But wouldn't the imperials have made their move eventually? Whirl— Logre was going through the labyrinths on his own. It might've taken a while, but he would've gotten to the Misty Ravine and Golden Lair eventually.
You're trying to make me feel better, Shelly. Thank you. But you're wrong.
Arguing about hypotheticals isn't gonna get us anywhere...
My brain and heart are both hurting right now. I don't think they'll stop hurting for a while. I'm sorry.
It's okay, Harper. I just wish I knew how to help you hurt less right now.
...I'm gonna go to bed. Who knows if I'll sleep, though. Drop by if you need anything, though, alright?
As Shelly is leaving the common area, Harper quickly gets up and runs towards her, then grabs her left arm.
H-Huh? What, did I forget something?
You said I could come to you if I needed anything.
I didn't think you'd take me up on that so quickly.
...Can I sleep in your room tonight? On the couch.
Oh, of course.

Oh, Marls. Mornin'.
Hoy, lass. Can you do anythin' with this lizard horn?
Is da Outland Count rich? How's dat even a question?

Berund Atelier has the following new items in stock:

Hmm... Aye. That's good. Harper'll like that.
Alright, what's goin' on? Ain't never heard ya dis quiet. And where's everyone else? I know ya had somethin' big goin' on in da Golden Lair yesterday—Ray's usually rushin' over ta tell me about dat stuff soon as it's over.
...Things're complicated right now, lass. And Ray's... Bah, never mind.
Ya can't just trail off on dat kinda lead-in! I'm gettin' worried, Marlin, what's goin' on?
Oy, lass... I'm sorry, but please keep what I said to yourself, aye? I promise I'll tell you what's going on tomorrow night.
...Ya better. And bring Ray.
Aye, lass, don't worry.

...I had heard that Guild Daffodil battled an incredibly powerful monster in the Golden Lair yesterday. Please tell me that the worst has not come to pass. Please tell me that all of you yet live.
We are all alive, yes. There are internal matters we must deal with right now.
I am glad to hear that no-one died, but... sigh
There is nothing that I can do regarding a guild's internal affairs, I suppose. I implore you however, members of Guild Daffodil, to consider how much your presence has transformed the field of adventuring and exploration here in Tharsis.
Have no fear, Kirtida. I had worried about it last night, but I heavily doubt we will disband.
To prove that we do not intend to disband, may we inquire about the details of that special request that has been on the board for some time now?
Perhaps that's for the best. I mentioned this previously, but this request comes from the guildmaster. Apparently, the baboons in the Old Forest Mine have turned violent. It has been closed off now...but not before multiple guilds of novice explorers were annihilated during the initiation mission, before they could even be officially recognized.
Ye gods.
For the time being, new guilds are being offered skyship rides to the Lush Woodlands, where the monsters are not immediately lethal, but the Old Forest Mine being impossible to venture into poses another problem for Tharsis: we cannot retrieve more iridescent ore.
So new skyships have no fuel source, then?
Correct, Xiaohu. Thus, this is a problem affecting both explorers and the general populace alike. The guildmaster, therefore, asks only one thing of you: the extermination of every baboon inhabiting the Old Forest Mine.
We recognize this is a very important task, but we... Well, we have even more pressing matters to attend to.
I understand, and I will still let you take this request. All I ask is that if you find the time to handle it, please do so.

It's been quite some time since you've come here to train, Ace.
We've got good facilities for training on the Air B'n'B, but...that place is stifling right now.
I hope we're not intruding. We both have some frustrations to work out.
All officially-recognized explorers are welcome to train here whenever they like. That said, I assume this is related to whatever is happening with the Eikthyrnir Empire.
Wow, you've already got that memorized? It's gonna take me forever to memorize how to both spell and say that.
Did the Count tell you everything we talked about last night?
Yes. I'm responsible for Tharsis's explorers and soldiers, remember. I need to be just as informed as the Count is.
So, you know that Whirlwind's a turncoat.
As well as his true name, yes.
And that he took Ray and the Medium.
Yes. If I had the werewithal, I would fly off to those imperial lands and crush his throat with my own fists.
That's...much more violent a thought than I'd expect from you, guildmaster.
That man has betrayed the trust of everyone in Tharsis, after ten years of receiving nothing but hospitality from this town, including me personally. I will never forgive that traitor.
He's not the only one.
Ah, you mean Waylon?
Yeah. I—
Ace, can you come over here for a second?
Huh? Sure. Is there something you need to—
The guildmaster delivers a very strong gut punch to Ace. Caught unawares, Ace is knocked back, and ends up doubled up in pain on the ground.
T— Ace?!
Merula quickly rushes to their side.
Ggghh... Uhh...
You are a fool, Ace! After all this time and everything you've done, how do you have so little faith in your guildmates?!
The guildmaster's expression bears some traces of disappointment, but mostly, a deep burning fury.
What are you doing, guildmaster?! Punching her is... Are you insane?!
It was the only way to get my point across to this empty-headed buffoon.
Wh— You just punched her! Assaulted her! Have you lost your mind?!
She has, clearly, if that meeting in the Count's office was enough to make her doubt Waylon.
Ace, still trying to recover from having the wind knocked out of them, and Merula both glare at the guildmaster.
...Get out, the both of you. Do not return until you've come to your senses.

♪ No music ♪

Later that day...
...I'd like to get straight to the matter at hand.
Go ahead.
As we all know, tomorrow is the day of the Count and, I would assume, Baldur's meeting. I have been informed that the Count has requested Guild Daffodil escort him to and from this meeting. In my opinion, it would be best if we could come to a conclusion on my future here before that happens.
No-one verbally disagrees. Waylon looks around.
I would like to know where everyone stands, then.
Waylon needs to stay. I do not believe he's done anything wrong.
I'm with Harper, I want Waylon to stay. I screwed up in the Count's office, but... Nothing about how Waylon has acted up until now, both before and after the Count's office, is how an imperial turncoat would be acting.
Agreed. Were he acting in concert with Logre, he would have fled already. He would also not have given us any context on the Eikthyrnir Empire or its history.
...Mind if I ask a question, Waylon?
Go ahead.
Do you have any qualms about fighting your countrymen? Committin' treason?
No. I feel little attachment to the Eikthyrnir Empire, if any. For all of the suffering and death that came from us crashing in Tharsis ten years ago, coming here was also one of the best possible things that could have happened to me, in retrospect. If I had to take the emperor's head to be able to return to my everyday life here, I would, should it come to that.
I see.
Marlin closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and then looks at the others.
Well, if he lets me hold him to that, then I see no problem in keeping him around. Besides, none of us actually want to deal with the consequences of kickin' someone out, yeah? 'Specially not when we've got bigger things to worry about.
I, personally, will continue to remain suspicious for the time being. But I am open to Waylon's actions changing my mind. More importantly, however, is Marlin's point: we have no time to deal with forcing a current member out, no matter the circumstances.
...Once Ray has returned, I doubt she would be enthused about Waylon being gone, as well.
Ace looks at Waylon.
I can't trust you yet, man. Not this soon. But we've got bigger things to worry about, like Eine said. Forgive me if I'm wary around you for a while, though.
I see things the way Eine does as well. We'll see how things turn out!
I'm fine with that.
No-one wants Waylon to go, then.
Shelly exhales deeply, her body visibly relaxing.
...Thank you, everyone. I will not let you down.
Okay, uh... Well, we've gotta be up early for escorting the Count tomorrow, and it's... Shit, when did it get this late? It's almost sunset.
Everyone rest up as well as you can, aye? Got a feeling tomorrow's gonna be one of the longest days any of us've ever lived through.

The following morning...
Hey. Any of yeh awake?
Ciaran? What're you doing here?
Just finished up adding another mount for equipment to the hull of yer ship. Sorry I didn't tell yeh ahead of time, but the Count was insistent this I get this done PDQ.

Meh. I'm not gonna get mad at you for helping improve my baby, at least not this time. Thanks, Ciaran.
Heh, think nothing of it. I know yeh and the Count've got a lot— Oh, speak of the devil, there he is.
Good morning. I'll get right to the point, Shelly, are you and your guild ready to go?
I'm as ready as I'll ever be, and I don't think anyone's still sleeping. We're ready to go if you are.
Oh, you're bringing your dog.
But of course! My sweet Margherita would worry herself sick if I were to leave her on her own today. Now, how long will the flight to the meeting spot take, by your estimate?
The new land's not really far from the Sacred Mountains's geomagnetic pole. No more than 30, 45 minutes, I'd guess?
I see. Well, permission to come aboard, then?
Oh, uh, granted.
Ha! Forgive me, I've always wanted to say that. Now, let's be off.

Those black ships are still here... Off in the distance, though.
Probably gonna let us into the South Sanctuary and nowhere else.
Well, it's not as if we have business anywhere else in these lands, no? Shelly, bring us around to the South Sanctuary.
Already on it.

The building looks old, but solidly constructed. A simple imperial skyship is moored near it. If you are prepared for your meeting with the Empire, then land your skyship and step inside.

Now, who shall be accompanying me?
I'm going.
Like hell am I going to let anyone here go in without me. Who knows what those pricks are planning to pull on us?
I'd best be present to treat any injuries, then.
If there are any imperial soldiers trying to stay out of sight and set a trap for us, I'll find them. I don't think anyone knows more about how to ambush someone than me...
I would like to come along, as well! Logre has seen what runic incantations can do, but any other imperials would likely be caught off-guard.
Hmm. Just the five of you, then?
Any more of us than that, and things start to get confusin'.
Very well, then, I trust your judgment.

Near the entrance, imperial soldiers have been posted to keep monsters away from the summit.
Is this some sort of imperial installation?
I've never been here before. The architecture seems Eikthyrnian, but it's very antiquated.

This must've been some sort of library. All of the walls are, floor to ceiling, filled with books.
It looks like it's been forever since anyone was last here, at any rate. There's plants everywhere.
I wonder what the plants are feeding on.
Anyhoo, we'll keep the skyship ready to go at a moment's notice.

Hopefully everything will go smoothly. Shall we be off?

Past the opened door stands a man whose face is familiar to you. His hair is slicked back and his stare is pointed, but it is unmistakably still Whirlwind.
...Welcome to the South Sanctuary, Outland Count and guests.
Behind him stands Ray, hands and feet bound. Upon seeing the party, she speaks up.
Oi, oi, finally, you five are a sight for sore eyes! What the bloody hell's happening?! I've been stuck in this muppet's ship for two days, and I ain't seen Xiuan for just as long!
Eine winces at seeing Ray again, feeling deep regret over not going with her to investigate what Logre was doing at the end of the feast. Ace gives Logre a murderous glare, while Merula, Xiaohu, and Harper all remain silent—the sooner the summit ends, their thinking goes, the sooner they can get Ray and Xiuan back.
Ignore her. You'll have time to chat when we're done.
Just as he finishes his "greeting," a young man emerges from a room further in.

I am gladdened to my heart's core to be reunited with fellow humans.
The imperial prince's carriage is dignified and aloof. He seems to pay the party no mind.
It is a pleasure to make your aquaintance, Prince Baldur. Is there something in particular you wished to discuss?
Yes, though I would like to request any further discussions be made in private. The room I came from will suffice.
...Are you okay being alone with him?
Don't worry, Harper, Margherita won't let anything bad happen!
I know you all must have questions as well... Hopefully, Logre will be at least somewhat receptive to them.
The Count smiles dauntlessly and walks into the next room.

The party is then left alone with Logre. He looks at the party expressionlessly, occasionally glancing back to check on Ray. He seems to bear no rancor towards them, at least...

We have nothing but time until the Count and your prince have finished talking. Would you mind answering a few questions?
Waylon has given us some information about the empire. We know it is called the Eikthyrnir Empire, that it is quite old, that it has been going through a crisis for some time, and that it is the original inventor of skyships. Is there anything we are missing?
Our empire is descended from the humans who once lived at the foot of Yggdrasil. It was our ancestors who created the Vessels and Sentinels...
More talk of humans having created the Vessels and Sentinels... I had thought the humans that now live in Tharsis were the descendants of those who fought the Titan.
A few of the humans who once lived here did evacuate south after an accident at Yggdrasil. Most of them, though, went north—where the Eikthyrnir Empire is today.
Does this "accident" refer to the Titan emerging from Yggdrasil long ago?
It's the truth of the Vessels and Sentinels' legends, yes.
What the hell do you mean "truth?" What've we gotten wrong?
Oh, go "..." yourself, tosser. What's your deal, anyway?
I heard the Count say my actual name. Waylon told the others, I assume. Did he actually say what I do?
Cool it with the gritted teeth, I'm not here to fight you. Anyway, my bloodline has served the Emperor for generations as imperial knights. I ended up with a lot of military responsibilities as a result—hence, how Waylon and I came to meet a long time ago. Did he tell you how we ended up in Tharsis?
Xiaohu nods.
Saves me the trouble.
Were you helping people just to get closer to Yggdrasil?
Don't ignore me.
...Where's the Medium?
She's safe. She should be resting in the Echoing Library to the north as our guest. Kibagami didn't get to tell you this, but part of the Sentinels' legend is that the Titan was split into three pieces, to ensure it could never rise again. You've already seen the Titan's Heart. There's also the Titan's Crown, which some of the humans that went south took, and the Titan's Soul, which the Vessels took.
The latter sounds very metaphysical.
Hardly. What they mean is the Medium. She's the form that the Titan's Soul has taken. How or why, we don't know, and personally, I don't care. What I do know is that I was told to bring back the Titan's Soul, and one of the Vessel elders blabbed that she was it. Don't worry, we have no intention of harming the girl, but she will remain in our custody until we are done with her.
I did not realize the Eikthyrnir Empire's troubles—I assume they're the reason for all of this—gave it, and you, the authority to kidnap her.
You can call it what you want. I don't care. We've got hundreds of thousands of people, and every day, we lose more than we gain. Only Yggdrasil's power can save us, and to utilize it, we need all three remnants of the Titan.
So, you stole the Titan's Heart and the Titan's Soul. That much we've gathered, but what's the Titan's Crown?
It's a glass circlet, hell if I know what it does. But the Outland Count gave it to me years ago as thanks for everything I'd done for Tharsis. Didn't know—
Just then, the door bursts open, interrupting Whirlwind's speech. The Count comes out alone, utterly enraged. His face is red and his lips are drawn into a tight line. Not long afterward, the Imperial Prince appears from the next room and addresses the Count.

If you are a leader of men, then you must consider what is most beneficial to Tharsis as well. We are both humans, who share an ancestry. What else can we do but join hands?
And you think this worth sacrificing the Medium? Slaughtering the Vessels and the Sentinels?! Your project is loathsome to me. What worth is there in a utopia built on a mountain of corpses?!
Everyone in the main room—even Logre—gasps at the Count's statement. Logre turns his gaze towards his lord, only to receive no acknowledgement.
It seems further explanation is due. I cannot let you leave in this state. Logre, detain the Outland Count. I leave the handling of his escort to your discretion.
Logre hesitates for a moment before he draws his drive blade and begins to approach the Count. Ace quickly gets between the two as the rest of the party gets in position.
Oh no you fucking don't! You want the Count, you fight us!
As she draws her bow, Harper worriedly looks at Ray.
What the— Don't look at me, I'm aces! Knock this tosser on his arse before you fret about me!
Shut up already. I've been dealing with a headache for two days because of you.
And I'll give ya dozens more 'fore all's said and done!
Logre grits his teeth and turns his head to yell at Ray, only to receive a sizable rock to the side of his head for his troubles.


Eyes forward, shithead, unless you wanna look real idiotic in front of the prince!
Logre says nothing, but gives Ace a murderous glare.
Alright, we're even, you can cut it out now.
What are you babbling about?
I looked at you like I wanted to kill you, you've looked at me like you've wanted to kill me, we're even! So how about a fair fight, eh?
Ace maliciously grins as she mockingly extends her right hand forward, as though she were expecting a handshake.
...Take this seriously. I have no qualms about killing any of you.
Mhm. I'm sure you don't.
This isn't a real fight, so I'm not going to treat it like one.
logre's pants confirmed for brawl

Everyone wants to take turns glaring at me, I see.
I would not provoke Merula when she's in this state, if I were you.

Hey, by the way, kid, what're you doing up front?

Harper's first arrow of the battle lands precisely on target: dead center in Logre's right elbow.
Gghhh... Oh, you're...you're very upset, aren't you?
Logre speaks through gritted teeth, his knees buckling.

Unable to operate your sword, are we? Oh, this shall be fun!
Great, now the—ngh—megalomaniac is out, too.


Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this.

Going for the head's...a bit of a cheap shot.
You will thank me when you sleep through the worst of the pain.

Though Logre manages to keep his mouth shut, the arrow into his exposed, unarmored pants hurts just as much as the one in his elbow, judging by his rapidly-contorting expression.

Kuh— Uhhhghh...
I had hoped that would knock you out, but a concussion will have to suffice.
...Oy, y'think he's suffered enough?
Me either.

Ugh... Agh...
Logre is supposed to run away on this turn if you have not depleted his HP. However, he can't right now, due to the leg bind.

His escape happens at the end of the turn, after disable recovery has been rolled for, so it's possible for him to escape even if he started the turn with his legs bound.

I... Ugh...
Logre. Enough.


Logre, the arrow having fallen out of his arm, swings his drive blade, allowing him to put distance between himself and the party; he drags Ray with him at the same time.
So, you are the explorers that have managed to trailblaze to our Cloudy Stronghold, all the way from Tharsis.
From the back of the room, Baldur claps.
Your skill is impressive. I've never seen Logre brought this low.
Though Baldur's expression remains neutral, his voice conveys a genuine respect for the party's strength.
If we ever find the time, I would love to hear from each of you about how you've come to develop your skills.
...We won. Give Ray back.
No. Did we say we would? All I remember agreeing to was showing that she's alive.
You... You...!
Logre hovers his free hand over Ray's neck.
You'll get her and the Medium back when we're done. That should be fine, shouldn't it?
Though each member of the party feels a deep loathing for Logre and Baldur burning in their chest, none of them wish to risk Ray's life to act upon it.
Your guild always was a sensible bunch. That'll take you far once you're done here. I genuinely mean it.
...Come, Logre. We should be off.
As Logre turns around, Ray in tow, to walk towards Baldur...
Eine sees his opportunity.

What the—

In the blink of an eye, Eine managed to dash forward, draw his ceremonial rapier—
—and stab Logre square in the right shoulder from behind.
Logre quickly looks around, trying to find Eine, only to realize he was stabbed from behind. The searing pain in his right shoulder causes him to drop Ray.
...I would not recommend moving right now. I was very careful with where I positioned my rapier. Any sudden movements, or improper removal of my rapier, would likely permanently damage your right arm. Your sword arm.
You... YOU!
Logre clumsily uses his left arm to try and grab Eine from behind. Unable to turn around, he can't see that Eine is out of reach.
I repeat: I suggest you do not make any sudden movements.
Eine's expression, despite the tension, remains completely placid.
...Prince Baldur.
Though yours and Logre's actions are detestable, you seem to at least be of sound mind and good intelligence.
...You remember that there are imperial soldiers in the southern room, correct? You have made a serious mistake.
You will not call them.
I beg your pardon?
My comrades and I are not at full strength, but I invite you to imagine something. If I was able to advance on Logre so quickly, what would I be able to do in the several seconds it would take your soldiers to hear your command, process it, and enter this room? That would be a veritable ocean of time.
...Listen to your knight. He's already losing strength. I avoided any major blood vessels, and yet, were my weapon to be removed, he would likely lose quite a lot of blood.
In the time before your soldiers are able to apprehend us, I could... Yes, I could stab Logre in the lower torso, where his stomach is. Perhaps a bit lower, to hit the intestines. Not only would that compound the blood loss, it would likely induce sepsis. That'd be a horrific way to go, a race between hypovolemic shock and septic shock.
Eine's voice and breathing are both measured, steady.
Though his words have not changed, Baldur's voice cracks slightly.
You've made your point. You caught Logre unawares. Bravo, genuinely. Now, what are your demands for removing your weapon safely? Avoiding permanent damage?
Return Ray and the Medium to us.
Well, no, that's a redundant demand. Logre has already lost hold of Ray. Return the Medium to us.
I'll... I'll...
I cannot do that.
Then we are at an impasse, doomed to remain here until either my body gives out, or Logre perishes.
The rest of the party stays silent, looking on at Eine in awe. Merula and Xiaohu are impressed by the physical feat Eine accomplished, while Ace, Harper, and the Count are astonished by what Eine is saying.
...I implore you, understand where I am coming from. The Medium is a key component of saving the Eikthyrnir Empire, saving my people. Without her power, we are doomed to an eternal famine.
I would be more receptive to your plea, were you to tell us exactly what it is you are planning on doing.
...You've taken every piece of the Titan. Are you going to do something with Yggdrasil?
If Baldur is too cowardly to say exactly what he plans, then I will. As he alluded to, the empire's land is dilapidated—crops can only barely grow. This crisis has been getting worse for over a century. Without some sort of decisive action, the empire will succumb to a terrible famine. Thus, they plan to purify the land using Yggdrasil's power.
You said something about the Vessels and Sentinels. Would using Yggdrasil...?
It would make the empire's land arable once again, yes. It would also, over time, wipe out all life near Yggdrasil, spanning out into the Scarlet Pillars.
Logre, once again, seems unaware of what Baldur's plan truly entails.
It... It would...?
The Titan's Curse, would it—
Become a plague? Yes.
My nation, my people, are at risk. Were you to wear the crown in my—
Cut the "heavy is the head that wears the crown" bullshit. You don't get to pull that when you want to exterminate the Vessels and Sentinels.
...Your comrade is free to go. But I cannot return the Medium.
Violence is the only language you understand, it seems.
Eine finally pulls his rapier out of Logre's shoulder, and quickly moves to both unbind Ray and close the imperial's wound.
Very well then. Get him proper medical care as soon as possible.
We will fight to get the Medium back.
I will not let you kill my friends.
Logre looks at his liege.
...Pick yourself up, Logre. As the boy said, you need to be treated.
Logre manages to stand up and limp towards Baldur. The two of them then exit through the western door.

Looks like the soldiers left in a hurry. Look, one of 'em dropped their spear.
They ran for an exit after hearing that scream.
Were I a military man, I would condemn them as cowards. Truthfully, though, fleeing in response to Logre's scream is understandable.
...I'm glad to see you're safe, Ray.
Chuffed to see you too, Wales.
You seem... Well, to be honest, not much worse for wear.
Sucked being stuck in his ship's brig for two days, and that mess back there was...a mess, but hey, I got to hit his arse with my Devil Rocker's Wail, so all's good.
Your what now?
How'd I put this... See, I've got my singing voice, and then I've got my Singing Voice.
Oh, you finally put our experiments to work!

Two hours earlier, while Logre and Baldur were waiting for the Count to arrive...
Aaaaagh! That unholy noise...!
Ghhrrrrkk...! I'm no longer asking, stop that!

...Still, though... Tch. Couldn't keep them from takin' the Medium to that library.
Don't beat yourself up about it, I don't think anything but physical violence would've stopped 'em.
Not to interrupt your reunion, but we should return to Tharsis.
Oop, yep, Count's right.
As everyone boards the Air B'n'B, Harper hugs Ray tightly.
Oi, Harp, I was only gone for a few days, c'mon...
I was very scared. I'm glad you're back.

Not much else we can do right now, so... Feel like leadin' the way back to the Grand Court, Count?
Capital idea.

Now that everyone is present... To summarize for those of you that were not escorting me, the Eikthyrnir Empire's land has, for over a century, severely degraded. Without decisive action, their population will most likely experience a severe famine.
Our mission to the Maginian Yggdrasil was actually in pursuit of a lead on safely restoring arability to our soil, but... Well, you all know how that turned out.
So... What is their plan, then?
To harness Yggdrasil's power, which will purify the land. Unfortunately, if they are successful in doing so...it will release the Titan's Curse upon all life within a good distance from Yggdrasil, extending out to the Scarlet Pillars.
...They wish to sacrifice the Vessels and my kin to save themselves, then.
Naijou emits a very low growl.
We can't let that happen. I won't let that happen.
...But, uh, how do we keep it from happening?
Logre said the Medium is in the Echoing Library.
I think I know what that is. There's a very large structure a bit northwest of where we were, down in the valley—that has to be it.
Good luck getting there, though, with that aqueduct in the way.
Oh, Ciaran, I didn't realize you were here.
Sorry for intruding, but I did a bit of recon on the Cloudy Stronghold myself. Pretty sure Merula's got the right idea about what this Echoing Library is, and where it is, but yeh're not getting there unless yeh can get Shelly's ship soaring even higher.
And...how do we do that? The night shard's already giving us as much lift as it can.
Well, the imperials manage it, and their ships aren't far off of yours, so it's gotta be possible.
There's another smaller building not far from the South Sanctuary, right? I'm not the only one that saw it?
Correct. For lack of any concrete leads, perhaps exploration of it is in order.
A very reasonable idea. Before you all get going however, don't forget your reward!

Reward? That's hardly necessary. Saving Ray is a reward unto itself.
I suppose, but... Listen, consider it payment for services rendered for escorting me, hm? I wish to help you in whatever way I can.

Pbbbbhhhhhhh. It's not even noon yet, but I'm real damn tired.
Even if we do need to get a move on, I don't think anyone here would seriously suggest we go to that other structure today.
Not happening. Let's bum around town to try and get whatever tension we can out of our bodies, sleep, and then we can get going again.

Still traveling as a group, I see.
Yup. Shit's stressful, but things're better than they were yesterday.
That's a relief to hear.
Three requests have been posted since when we were last here yesterday. That's impressive.
Do you, perhaps, wish to hear about these requests?
Learnin' on a fish:
...Ah, the hell with it, might as well.
Thank you. This first one, then, comes from Dalla. She heard that your guild has reached a new land, and much like before, she wishes to sample what sorts of food may be found there. In particular, she has requested you bring her five fish from this new land.
Takes a lot of time to do these ones, but at least they're easy.
Wind resistance:
The second one is from a member of the Carpenters Guild. He has need of a tree root for a new construction project. Specifically, he wants a root from a tree that grows in a very windy area.
The winds we get here aren't enough for this?
Apparently not. If your travels take you to any windy areas, keep an eye out for what sorts of trees may grow there.
What about the third request?
Oh, curses, I forgot to take that down. The Outland Count requested your assistance for a private matter, but one of his soldiers came by only a few minutes ago to tell me there's details that need to be clarified first.
Hey, no rush, we've got plenty to do already.
Mission from the Count, much like Rise of the baboons, is a quest that culminates in a boss that would pound me into the dirt if I tried to fight it as soon as it becomes available. I will not be taking it on right now.

Oy, what's the offended stare for?
Ya got any idea how worried I was yesterday aboutcha?! First I don't see ya da day ya fight dat big monster, den yesterday mornin', Marlin comes in here all mumble-like and doesn't actually tell me what happened ta ya!
Bit hard to stop by when I got nabbed by Tharsis's favorite explorer.
Wynne goes silent, then starts rapidly blinking in disbelief.
Yeah, Whirlwind nabbed me and the Medium. Real bellend, him. But hey, I'm back. Medium's still gone, but...halfway there!
What, you think me'n the others're making this up?
Buh? Nah nah nah, just... I'unno, ya sound like it was no big deal.
Look at me, Wynne. Don't I look aces?
I mean, ya always do.
Fair. Put another way, do I look any worse for havin' been stuck in that arse's brig for a few days?
Eh, not really, but dat don't mean it's not affected your brain some.
Feh. Any stress I built up, I got to vent by givin' Logre and that snobby prince a good ol' Devil Rocker's Wail.
Ooh, ya finally got ta use dat?
Didn't just get to use it. If I'd gotten to give it to Logre one more time, pretty sure his ears woulda started bleedin'.
Dat's rock.
Eheh, you bet it is.
So, ya guys got any junk?
Nnnnnnnot today. Sorry to disappoint, lass.
Eh, dat's fine. Ya kept your promise, Marls. Ya've avoided my wrath...dis time.
Marlin wipes his forehead exaggeratedly.
'Ey, I'm serious! Ya don't wanna mess wit' my wrath! It's all fiery and it'll mess your head up! Probably your arms and legs too!
Hohohoh, of course, lass.
...Oh, Ray, can ya swing by here 'round dinnertime?
Sure. Why?
I'm gonna take ya somewhere nice for dinner! Food ain't therapy, but it's pretty dag close.
Y-You can afford that?
Never mind that, you make money, lass? Thought that wasn't part of apprenticeships.
Da boss gives me an allowance, don't worry! Dis is...probably gonna be a few months' worth of allowances, but it's worth it!

Now's as good a time as any to explain the 4th Land's foods.

Skipping ahead a bit, I got five dragon carp for Learnin' on a fish. The mechanics for this are the same as they were for previous quests like this: crucian carp are worth 1 point each, silver carp are worth 2 points each, and dragon carp are worth 3 points each. The requirements for the better rewards are more strict this time around, however. You need at least 9 points to get the medium reward, and at least 12 points to get the maximum reward.

That was very quick.
Best to not keep Dalla waitin'.
We've got more important things to worry about, too. Getting this out of the way'll help.
I will make haste in bringing these to Dalla, then.
Much appreciated.

...Y'know, we've never really had a chance to actually chill out here, get something to drink, huh?
The life of an explorer's a busy one, mate.
Don't have to tell me twice. Still, soon as everything's calmed down, I need to remember to actually see what this place is like.

As usual, Dalla was very pleased with what you brought her. I can hardly wait to taste what she has planned...
Come to think of it, I think a few of us've stopped by at Dalla's for dinner, but I haven't.
Bit of a homebody when you're not on duty, eh?
Not really? Just never been in the mood.
I'm sure she would love to serve you if you came by, Ace. With that said, she also included an extra reward as a token of appreciation.

You get 3400 EXP per party member for the minimum reward, 3700 EXP for the medium reward, and 4000 EXP for the maximum reward.

You also receive one medica III for the medium reward, and none for the minimum reward.

You also receive another increase to your storage space.

Alarmingly, an Imperial skyship is here! Could Imperial soldiers be awaiting you inside? You are less sure whether you should land or not...

These guys are gonna hound us at every turn from now on, aren't they...
Can't say I'm surprised. Just gotta bowl over however many of them are dumb enough to get in our way.

Seven hells, where're these winds coming from?!
I have no idea. It wasn't that windy outside...

That's quite the drop.
Let's hope this railing is sturdy.

Alright, yeah, no, this isn't happening. We're gonna have to cross the currents in this room one at a time.
You're all way too light, especially Harper and Xiaohu. I don't trust you not to get blown into that pit if you cross it alone.
I have no objections. Taking things slowly is preferable to a horrific death by falling!
Air currents are, functionally, conveyor belts. They go in one direction, and if you step into one, you will get pushed until you hit a wall.

I can get why birds would make their home here, but why rats?
Small enough to go through the bookshelves, avoiding the wind. Maybe.

Peach Crow
Level: 40HP: 820STR: 44TEC: 41VIT: 40AGI: 32LUC: 32DS: 105
EXP Given: 4981
Damage Vulnerabilities:
100% 125% 100%
50% 100% 125%
Disable Vulnerabilities:
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
100% 100% 100%
100% 100% 100%
  • Smashing Press: Deals heavy bash damage to one row of party members. Attempts to stun hit targets, with a high chance. Fast.
  • Smashing Press: Deals 150% melee STR-based bash damage to one row of party members. Attempts to stun hit targets, with a 60% base chance. Has a speed modifier of +5, and a base accuracy of 99%.
  • Peach crows are more likely to use Smashing Press when at low HP.
  • If the Peach Crow's HP is below 50%:
    • 70% chance to use Smashing Press.
    • 30% chance to attack.
  • If the above did not occur:
    • 30% chance to use Smashing Press.
    • 70% chance to attack.
  • Peach Feather: 70% chance. Sells for 255 en.
    • Wing Plate (95 DEF): Made from 1 Red Jasper (Mine: Echoing Library B3F) and 1 Peach Feather. Costs 9720 en.
  • Peach Leg: 50% chance. Sells for 277 en.
    • Dramborleg (116 ATK): Made from 1 Peach Leg. Costs 13220 en.
My homeland has a particular region that is lousy with massive birds. My countrymen refer to them as "peach crows", despite the fact that they have very, very little resemblance to a 'crow'.

At any rate, the peach crow crushes its prey with its powerful jumping ability—they are far too bulky to fly, but that same bulk can serve as a powerful weapon. As one might expect, surviving an onslaught of peach crows will become much more likely if you manage to prevent them from jumping. Notably, one trait peach crows do not share with real crows is their intelligence—real crows are really startlingly intelligent birds, whereas peach crows are incredibly stupid. Befuddling them is as easy as shouting "Boo!" particularly loudly.
Peach crows are a real headache. They're bulky (elevated HP and VIT), and Smashing Press is dangerous as far as random encounter enemy skills go. High damage, high chance to stun whoever it hits, row-target, pretty fast, and it has normal accuracy.

Taking them on in a straight fight is, of course, doable. However, look at their disable vulnerabilities. If you have access to anything that can prevent peach crows from acting—paralysis, panic, sleep, leg binds—you owe it to yourself to just smack them with it, though. They'll still take a while to take down, but at least you won't have to worry about Smashing Press.

Flame Rat
Level: 39HP: 480STR: 39TEC: 42VIT: 36AGI: 37LUC: 31DS: 104
EXP Given: 2195
Damage Vulnerabilities:
100% 100% 100%
25% 150% 100%
Disable Vulnerabilities:
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
100% 100% 100%
100% 125% 100%
  • Flaming Fang: Deals heavy STR-based fire damage to one party member. Very fast.
  • Hellish Sparks: Requires a Flame Lynx to use. Deals 3 to 5 instances of severe fire damage to random party members. Kills the user after use. Fast.
  • Flaming Fang: Deals 150% melee STR-based fire damage to one party member. Has a speed modifier of +8, and a base accuracy of 99%.
  • Hellish Sparks: Requires a Flame Lynx to use. Deals 3 to 5 instances of 120% ranged TEC-based fire damage to random party members. Kills the user after use. Has a speed modifier of +5, and a base accuracy of 99%.
  • Flame rats use Flaming Fang when they're at low HP, or when they're in the back row and have performed a normal attack once.
  • When a flame lynx is in the battle, flame rats are likely to use Hellish Sparks over normal attacks.
  • If there is one or more Flame Lynxes in the battle:
    • 70% chance to use Hellish Sparks, in cooperation with a Flame Lynx.
    • 30% chance to attack.
  • If the Flame Rat is in the back row:
    • Attack.
  • If the Flame Rat attacked while in the back row:
    • Use Flaming Fang.
  • If the Flame Rat's HP is below 50%:
    • 80% chance to use Flaming Fang.
    • 20% chance to attack.
  • If none of the above occurred:
    • Attack.
  • Flame Fang: 80% chance. Sells for 145 en.
    • Bastard Sword (107 ATK, 2 Slots, +1 STR): Made from 1 Flame Fang. Costs 13390 en.
    • Uchigatana (111 ATK, 4 Slots): Made from 1 Flame Fang. Costs 16200 en.
    • Red Baron (120 ATK, 4 Slots): Made from 1 Flame Claw (Flame Lynx Drop 2) and 2 Flame Fangs. Costs 9150 en.
  • Flame Tail: Obtained by killing the enemy with cut damage. 60% chance. Sells for 176 en.
    • Stone Charm (+80% Petrify Resist): Made from 2 Serpentinites (Mine: Golden Deer Keep) and 3 Flame Tails. Costs 6500 en.
The opportunistic flame rat is capable of using its fur to generate static electricity. Ordinarily, the creatures simply use this to heat up their fangs to bite—however, the true danger of a flame rat is in many numbers. When a larger predator, such as a flame lynx, bears down on massive prey, a flame rat will frequently turn itself into an incredibly hot bomb by overloading its own body. While obviously lethal to the creature itself, the true value of this detonation is in allowing its pack to feed off of the large prey once the larger predator has finished.

...At any rate, they're rats, so please deal with them as you would any other rat.
Flame rats, on the other hand, are trash mobs in most circumstances. If there's a flame lynx in the battle, then they become priority targets, but otherwise, you can leave them for last without much issue.

The most notable thing about them is that they're another instance of an enemy dealing STR-based elemental damage, something that does not happen in later games.

If you were wondering why I was scared of Smashing Press, there it is in action. That took off over half of my front row's HP.

Stop sitting on my friends.

Man, why'd the scratching only hurt a bit less than being sat on...

Even with an ice-imbued sword, I could feel it heating up as I hit that rat.

All I felt was that bird's head caving in. Less fun.

Windy Archive is not a complicated dungeon. You avoid wind currents that will shove you backwards, and look for the door that will take you to the next row.

The sorts of flora that grow when exposed to constant heavy winds should be interesting, at least.
Obtained myrciaria fruit x3.

Metal scorpion.
It's not some sort of automaton, but rather a naturally-occurring creature... Fascinating.

Steel Barb
Level: 39HP: 401STR: 41TEC: 40VIT: 42AGI: 33LUC: 31DS: 102
EXP Given: 2599
Damage Vulnerabilities:
25% 25% 50%
150% 150% 200%
Disable Vulnerabilities:
100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 100%
0% 100% 100%
100% 100% 100%
  • Stone Needle: Deals heavy stab damage to one party member. If the attack does not miss, attempts to petrify the target, with a very high chance. Very fast.
  • Stone Needle: Deals 160% melee STR-based stab damage to one party member. If the attack does not miss, attempts to petrify the target, with a 70% base chance. Has a speed modifier of +8, and a base accuracy of 99%.
  • Steel barbs use Stone Needle when they are in the front row.
  • If the Steel Barb is in the front row:
    • Use Stone Needle.
      • If any player characters are not petrified, target them.
  • If the Steel Barb is in the back row:
    • Do nothing.
  • Barbed Needle: 70% chance. Sells for 215 en.
    • Estoc (101 ATK, 3 Slots): Made from 1 Barbed Needle. Costs 11030 en.
  • Barbed Shell: 40% chance. Sells for 227 en.
    • Composite Armor (89 DEF): Made from 2 Barbed Shells. Costs 8760 en.
    • Aspis (38 DEF): Made from 1 Barbed Shell and 1 Thujopsis Root (Chop: Windy Archive). Costs 6670 en.
Training exercises for imperial knights will frequently involve a skirmish with the steel-barbed scorpions that roam the caves. Their body has evolved to a consistency on par with our own armor, but their bodies are painfully weak to the elements behind it—as such, the charged Drive Blade is excellent at destroying them.

The steel-barbed scorpion is an ambush predator. Its tail contains a toxin that can rapidly petrify its victim's skin, allowing the scorpion to suck out their entrails at its leisure. Its hunting involves silently following packs of smaller creatures until they engage in a battle—it falls back until one side is destroyed, then ambushes the remaining, weakened side of the battle with its brutal tail. Rapid medical treatment is necessary for those afflicted with its toxin—I myself am lucky enough to have avoided ever being struck during my training, but I had schoolmates who lacked my good fortune and talked of the experience in hushed tones for years to come.
Steel barbs are another fun experiment in enemies using their new row system to mess with you. This time, an enemy is not in the back row for their own safety, but rather your safety. Soon as you take out the enemy front row and let a steel barb move to the front, if you didn't inflict something on it that prevents it from acting, at least one person is probably going to get petrified.

This is the first time we've seen an enemy that's capable of inflicting petrification, actually. Petrification, when inflicted on enemies, is instant death by another name. When an enemy is petrified, they're immediately taken out of the battle. Petrification, when inflicted on player characters, renders them completely unable to act. Like death (which is, strictly speaking, also an ailment), it persists after battle. It also does not naturally wear off over time. The only ways to remove petrification are for the petrified player character to die, having Refresh or a Theriaca B used on them, having Refresh Waltz activate on them, or the clinic at the inn (which costs half as much as reviving a dead party member). If every party member is either dead or petrified, then you get a game over.

All that said, steel barbs are dangerous, and if you don't have a medic or Theriaca Bs, then a petrified party member can be a serious disruption to your current outing. Thankfully, steel barbs have 100% vulnerability to every debilitating ailment, plus leg binds. On top of that, while they take barely any damage from physical sources, they take an increased amount from fire and ice, and take a whopping double damage from volt. Runemasters, then, are the best option for taking them out before they can get to the front row, with any elemental coverage physical skills a distant second (due to suffering a damage penalty from attacking a back row enemy with a melee skill).

Paralysis isn't perfect, but it'll do for giving me some safety from this thing once the rats are gone.

When I was recording this, I had forgotten that steel barbs are extra weak to volt, hence the slightly unoptimal use of Ice Lance Rune over Lightning Rune. I apologize for this grievous error.

Did the imperials put all these books here before these winds started, or after?
It must have been before, no?
It's a minor miracle that there are not giant piles of books at the end of each of these currents.
This is the value of proper organization.

Oh man I hate that tree. Do not like it one bit.
Nature is beautiful.
Gonna have to disagree with you on that one, if nature managed to spit out that thing.

Medusa Tree
Level: 39HP: 512STR: 39TEC: 40VIT: 40AGI: 31LUC: 32DS: 104
EXP Given: 2426
Damage Vulnerabilities:
100% 75% 100%
150% 100% 100%
Disable Vulnerabilities:
125% 100% 75% 100% 100% 150%
50% 100% 100%
100% 100% 100%
  • Coiling Branch: Deals light cut damage to the front row of party members. Attempts to bind hit targets' arms, with a high chance. Slightly fast.
  • Coiling Branch: Deals 75% melee STR-based cut damage to the front row of party members. Attempts to bind hit targets' arms, with a 50% base chance. Has a speed modifier of +3, and a base accuracy of 99%.
  • Medusa trees only use Coiling Branch when they are in the back row, and no player characters have their arms bound.
    • Even then, they are not guaranteed to use Coiling Branch when these conditions are true.
  • If the Medusa Tree is in the front row:
    • Attack.
  • If the Medusa Tree is in the back row:
    • If any player character has their arms bound:
      • Attack.
    • If the above did not occur:
      • 70% chance to use Coiling Branch.
      • 30% chance to attack.
  • Hard Bark: 80% chance. Sells for 174 en.
    • Round Helm (25 DEF): Made from 1 Hard Bark. Costs 4420 en.
    • Kilt Tassels (17 DEF, +10% Max TP): Made from 1 Hard Bark. Costs 3110 en.
  • Scorched Sap: Obtained by killing the enemy with fire damage. 100% chance. Sells for 211 en.
    • Panic Guard (+80% Panic Resist): Made from 1 Rose Quartz (Mine: South Sanctuary) and 3 Scorched Saps. Costs 6500 en.
If there is any clearer evidence to the state of my homeland than the fact that there is a predatory plant shaped like a dead tree stalking the local archive, I cannot think of one. The medusa tree, as it's called, uses the branches that extend from its writhing head to bind its prey before simply beating them to death. They are made of a sort of wood, so flame works well.

...Would that getting rid of the Titan's Curse removed these things, as well. It seems I'm destined to be face to face with evil plants for all my life, much to my chagrin...
Medusa trees are a nuisance, no doubt, but their actual damage is pretty low, and if you have a decently-built party, you should still have options for clearing enemies out even when your front row damage dealers all have their arms bound.

If you're really having problems with medusa trees, you could always put arm guards on characters that rely on their arms to deal damage when you're going through floors that have medusa trees in them.

Swipe Slash is nice. Given how quickly the burst gauge builds up, you can use it every few battles to make your life just a bit easier.

Okay, now that this thing's got its godsdamn creepy-ass tentacle claws all over my arms, I really don't like it.

Oh, ah... Please tell me that using fire to kill that tree did not burn you, Ace.
Wrists are a bit singed, but I'll take that any day over something like that continuing to exist.

That rat is smart.
The shining ones do have way better self-preservation instincts, huh.

Next to it, however, is an Imperial soldier clad in steel armor!

...You here to fight, asshole?
Everyone slowly prepares to draw their weapons. However, the imperial soldier merely gazes quietly at them.
No. Heed my words, for there is something you must know. After your meeting at the South Sanctuary, Lord Baldur ordered that the Echoing Library be guarded with as many battleships as possible.
I see his logic. If he's not confident that his forces could stop us in normal battles, he can stop us in the air.
Correct. I saw your skyship outside. It's very well-built, no doubt. But it's not made for fighting in the air. If you rush towards the Echoing Library, the only thing remaining of you and your ship after you've been intercepted will be blackened smears on the ground.
And what makes you think we'd do that?
You each have that careless look in your eyes, that says you'd march in, heedless of the danger...
The soldier pauses.
There's much I don't understand about the world outside the empire, even now. But I see what Lord Logre spoke of.
Though you cannot see the soldier's face behind his helmet, the amusement in his voice carries through.
Oh, so this is a trap, then. That asshole sent you here to freak us out.
Perish the thought. Lord Logre would never act counter to Lord Baldur. I simply saw his pained face as they were returning from the summit, and thought... "What would he have done if he were not duty-bound?"
You do realize his face was pained because I had pierced his right shoulder, yes?
Make of my thoughts what you will. I should be going. Best of luck making your way through our battleships...powered by the same flame you see in front of you.

I don't know what that man is thinking.
Very difficult to get a read on his true thoughts, yes.
We can worry about that later. That guy said something about this flame powering their ships. That's as good a lead on how to get over those aqueducts as we're gonna get, I think.
The question is, how are we meant to transport this? The iridescent ore and night shards were solid objects, and while this goes without saying, this is an active, roaring flame.
Leave this to me, please!
Xiaohu reaches towards the black flame, and quietly murmurs an incantation. After she finishes, some of the flame leaps towards her open palms, and is then encased in an odd bubble.

...You scare me sometimes, you know that?
I probably should!
Xiaohu places the bubbled flame inside the party's pack.
The pack didn't catch on fire. Good.
There's still a bit of this building to map out. Let's see everything in it.
You could call it like... a fire... inside a ball.

This is a mean formation.

...Ah. My flesh is lithifying.
It's what?!
Harper looks at Xiaohu's legs, which have partially turned to stone, and screams.
H-Hold still, I believe this should...

Eine exhales deeply, relieved that his educated guess paid off.
Are... Are you okay, Xiaohu?
As okay as I can be following that! That was certainly an interesting experience... But for once, it's one I'd rather not repeat, even for research purposes.

Obtained pachypodium x2.
You need one pachypodium to complete Wind resistance, so that's taken care of.

Another potentially nasty formation.

Flame Lynx
Level: 39HP: 580STR: 41TEC: 42VIT: 38AGI: 35LUC: 30DS: 102
EXP Given: 2573
Damage Vulnerabilities:
100% 100% 100%
25% 150% 100%
Disable Vulnerabilities:
100% 100% 100% 50% 100% 100%
100% 100% 100%
100% 100% 125%
  • Flame Claw: Deals heavy STR-based fire damage that pierces rows. Slightly fast.
  • Hellish Sparks: Requires a Flame Rat to use. Deals 3 to 5 instances of severe fire damage to random party members. Kills the cooperating Flame Rat after use. Fast.
  • Flame Claw: Deals 140% melee STR-based fire damage that pierces rows. Has a speed modifier of +3, and a base accuracy of 99%.
  • Hellish Sparks: Requires a Flame Rat to use. Deals 3 to 5 instances of 120% ranged TEC-based fire damage to random party members. Kills the cooperating Flame Rat after use. Has a speed modifier of +5, and a base accuracy of 99%.
  • Flame lynxes are more likely to use Flame Claw when at low HP.
  • If the Flame Lynx's HP is below 70%:
    • 70% chance to use Flame Claw.
    • 30% chance to attack.
  • If the above did not occur:
    • 50% chance to use Flame Claw.
    • 50% chance to attack.
  • Crimson Fur: 70% chance. Sells for 176 en.
    • Aketon (75 DEF): Made from 1 Crimson Fur. Costs 7030 en.
    • Exorcism Gloves (22 DEF, +20% Curse Resist): Made from 1 Crimson Fur. Costs 3580 en.
  • Flame Claw: 40% chance. Sells for 197 en.
    • Red Baron (120 ATK, 4 Slots): Made from 1 Flame Claw and 2 Flame Fangs (Flame Rat Drop). Costs 9150 en.
    • Parazonium (92 ATK, 4 Slots): Made from 1 Flame Claw. Costs 8080 en.
There was a brief effort in my father's time to see about domesticating flame lynxes the same way other cats have been domesticated. After all, if we could domesticate a flame-generating creature, think of the possibilities! ...they no doubt thought.

This was very poorly thought-out, and is why there are now flame lynxes in the local library. Thank you, Science Team of the prior generation. How many times was I made to leg it down the hallway with my pants on fire, seeing as I'd just come around for study? Thanks to you, I had to bring my drive blade with me to the library. The librarian did not appreciate that!

...At any rate, the flame lynx is a large cat that can burn you by biting you. I hesitate to say I have much more to say on the matter, save that if you see rats nearby, please take care of the rats first.
Flame lynxes are, essentially, flame rats, but their standard attack skill pierces rows instead of being single-target. Deal with them in the same way you'd deal with flame rats.

Did that thing hit me? Kind of felt like it, but I'm not sure.
The melee damage penalty is not kind to flame lynxes.

Kind of anticlimactic.

My ears hurt.
Obtained pachypodium x3.

I did not know a simple mask could be so unnerving.

Obtained hyacinth petal x2 and myrciaria fruit x2.

I'm done mapping.
Let's return to Tharsis, then.

After spending a few hours in there, returning to a fairly quiet town feels weird, almost.

Yeowch! Dat claw's hot to da touch!
Oh, shit, sorry, yeah, that came off a cat that was on fire.
Dat's gotta be a real hot cat, for it to burn me even through dese gloves. Anyway, what's dis tail— Yeowch!
Berund Atelier has the following new items in stock:

The jars we just unlocked are, effectively, item versions of Flame Rune, Glacier Rune, and Storm Rune.

Blast jars deal 50% ranged TEC-based fire damage to all enemies; -9 speed modifier, 95% base accuracy.

Frost jars deal 2-4 instances of 40% ranged TEC-based ice damage to random enemies; -9 speed modifier, 95% base accuracy.

Thunderbolt jars deal 90% ranged TEC-based volt damage to one enemy; -9 speed modifier, 95% base accuracy.

Hmm... Well, this does seem to be wood, as the client requested.
This specimen, in particular, constantly had deafening winds being blown at it. It should suffice for the client's purposes.
Very well then. Thank you, Guild Daffodil. Though... What sort of labyrinth were you in that had deafening winds?
Your guess is as good as ours for how that works.
Give Solor my wood? In the back?

So close to Master skills...

I actually held off on investing everyone's SP for now, saving up for when Master gets unlocked.

This quest comes in after you've obtained the black flame.

Preserved by ice:
Wait a minute, I see a new request. What's the client want?
Ah, have you been to the cave in the Sacred Mountains known as the Underground Lake? The client, a researcher, heard that the ice within it contains the preserved corpse of an ancient creature. They wish to have this corpse.
Oh. That thing. Okay.
You already know where it is?
Harper shuffles through her maps.
Here. It's in the ice in the southwest corner.
Well, that makes things simple, then. I do not know how you will melt the ice, though—the researcher commented that the ice entombing it is tall and thick.
We'll figure something out.

...Yeah, I thought the torch back in the Windy Archive looked familiar. Xiaohu, you think you can light this thing without using up all of the black flame?

The ice here certainly melted fast...

There it is.
Give me some time to prepare this carcass for transport...

Back so soon?
We knew where the animal was. I showed you.
Even knowing that, your turnaround time on this was astounding.
Here's the carcass. I would get it to the client as quickly as possible, given that the ice is no longer keeping it preserved.
Of course, if for no other reason to get the smell out of my bar. Here is the reward.

That'll do for now.

Next time: we upgrade the Air B'n'B, and see what the rest of the Cloudy Stronghold has to offer.

Oh, good evening, Eine.
Hello, Xiaohu.
Odd to see you heading off the ship at such a late hour.
It's just as odd to see you heading onto the ship at such a late hour. Do you not have research you could be doing?
There is always research to be done! But... Well, for once in my life, I cannot focus. I thought a walk around Tharsis would help clear my head.
Did it?
No. But tonight is pleasantly cool, at least!
Hm. I've heard of people taking night walks to clear their heads. I've never tried one myself, but that's dispiriting to hear.
Perhaps you're the sort of person calmed down by a night walk, while I am not. You never know!
...That said, do you have something you need to talk about? I know the past few days have been much on the heart.
"Much on the heart...?" Ah, I think I know what you mean. If you have nothing else to do, then truthfully, I would appreciate some company.

The plaza is oddly quiet tonight.
I welcome the quiet, honestly. Tharsis's normal hustle and bustle has its charms, but sometimes I yearn to exist in the quiet outside.
The medic and runemaster observe Tharsis in silence for a while. Eventually...
...Oh, Eine, where's your rapier?
Hm? It's in my room. Why do you ask?
I've never seen you leave the ship without it, even when we're only going shopping or to the Dancing Peacock.
...Come to think of it, when did you last have it with you? You, obviously, had it when we—
At the summit.
Eine's head tilts slightly downwards, and he closes his eyes.
Ah. Yes.
...You saved Ray.
I also permanently injured Logre's right arm. His dominant arm, judging by how he wields his drive blade. Had my own right arm been even slightly unsteady, I'd have missed my target, which would have led to one of two outcomes. Outcome one, my rapier pierces Logre somewhere that would've proven fatal. Perhaps I would have struck a major artery, or in the worst case scenario, an organ. Outcome two...
...I miss Logre. Best case scenario, I am struck down, and I am the one that ends up permanently injured. Maybe even killed. Perhaps, however... Perhaps, in a fit of rage, or just as revenge for attempting to strike him, Logre might have harmed Ray.
The sight of his open hand so close to her neck haunts me. I do not think that was a bluff. If my aim had not been true, he may have followed through on it.
What I did was beyond reckless! It...it was sickeningly violent! The best possible outcome was that one of Ray, Logre or I ends up badly injured! The worst outcome was that Ray and I may have been killed!
Eine slams his right fist on the landing wall.
And yet. And yet! In the instant where Logre finished turning his back to us, all I could see was an opportunity... An opportunity to harm him. To harm him and benefit us, by rendering the arm holding Ray's bindings unusable. To assert power over the situation by way of violence.
I could swear my heart had stopped beating. I felt no hesitation. No fear for anyone's safety, not even my own. No moral objections to harming another person, even one that was doing a great wrong to us.
Eine, please—
Is this what this journey has taught me? How to best harm others? How to horrifically injure someone while leaving them alive, in what must feel like agonizing, unending mortal pain? I sounded like a demon when I was negotiating with Baldur!
Eine slams his left fist on the landing wall.
I am stained! Body, mind, and soul!
Xiaohu's distressed shouting—a first for her, as far as Eine can remember—startles him.
Oh. Yes, I am... I am being too loud. I hope I've woken no-one up.
Eine, that's not the issue here. Are you...okay?
I will manage. This, too, shall pass.
I see. You are not okay.
Do not try to convince me that you are okay! You just said, quote, "I am stained! Body, mind, and soul!" Someone who is okay does not say things like that! Would your fathers be unbothered by you saying that?
Eine grimaces.
I say this not to put you down, Eine, but because I think you yourself forget: you are a child. A mere thirteen years old. These sorts of thoughts would be heartrending to hear from a person of any age, but especially from someone who is only just starting their adolescence! I...I fear that we, the adults in the guild, have failed you and Ray.
...Failed in what sense? We've been provided companionship, food, and shelter. Our explorations have provided a wealth of experience and enrichment that most could only dream of.
But you two have been given such crucial duties that, especially in light of everything you just said, I fear may have overstressed you both! Ray is responsible for rendering our enemies unable to harm us, while you function not only as an ad-hoc physician, but a combat medic as well. I recognize you both do this of your own volition, but...
Xiaohu looks off to the side and weakly smiles.
Hm. I had heard from Ace about the sorts of things Wufan said when her and the active group's paths first crossed at the bottom of the Misty Ravine. I feel as though I understand her better now.
Quite interesting to hear this from someone who regularly passes out at her desk due to exhaustion from hours upon hours of research.
At what point have I ever said that my devotion to runic studies is healthy?
"Do as I say, not as I do," then?
A fair response. My reasons for my single-minded focus on my research as of late are...different, but I will not deny that they started as a devotion that bordered on unhealthy.
Not "bordered on." The neglect you inflict on your body is very unhealthy.
Quite true! It's not just the neglect on my body, however. You've seen how I act when I am undergoing a blood surge, even if only briefly.
...You did seem very different when we were in combat with Logre, yes.
It frightens me. For well over half of my life, I have studied the science of runes. First to prove the worth of my research to the wider world, and as of late, to safeguard it. Alone. And, well, look at what I have wrought in return.
I don't follow.
...Look at me, Eine. I know my garb masks it, but years of sitting at desks furthering my research has taken a great toll on my body. I was far from strong as a child, but I am now downright frail.
The damage isn't limited to my physical form, either. How I act while undergoing a blood surge isn't a different personality. Rather... It is my devotion—obsession, some might call it—coming to the front, absent my inhibitions and concern for those around me. Years of desperation and a deep loathing for all that stands in my way, mixed together and given emotional form.
My recent discoveries have left me deeply terrified of what someone with ill intent could do, given enough knowledge of runic manipulation and plentiful stamina. And even before then, I spent over a decade shouldering the burden of being the only living disciple of this deeply profound, deeply useful...and, now, deeply destructive science. I felt there was no-one I could turn to, even after joining Guild Daffodil. And now, I fear I may have become that "someone with ill intent."
Do you see now, Eine? In you, I sense the damaging effects of shouldering burdens by oneself taking root, and that frightens me. Not because you frighten me, do not misunderstand, but because you do not deserve to suffer as I have—in silent isolation, obligated to refuse any potential assistance.
I am, truthfully, relieved that you felt you could say how you felt about our confrontation with the Eikthyrnirians, the pain you've felt because of what ended up transpiring. And I hope that you will be able to do it again, with less built-up stress, when the time comes. Even had your gambit failed, you wouldn't need to shoulder the burden of it alone. The rest of us wouldn't make you. You, myself, and the other members of Guild Daffodil, we are teammates. Please, let us assist you when you need it.
...It is our responsibility as the adults in your life, at least at this point in time, to shield you from the worst of the burdens that come from this adventure. And, until now, we have failed you. For that, I am sorry.
Eine stares at the stars for a few minutes, before sitting down on a nearby bench.
I don't know what to do. How to respond to that.
Nothing demands that you act upon it, or respond to it right now. It is okay to ruminate on it.
...Have you eaten yet today, Eine?
I'll ask Harper to cook you something after we've returned to the ship, then.
...I would...welcome that.

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