HP: 42234
STR: 111
INT: 141
VIT: 121
WIS: 131
AGI: 121
LUC: 108
- Bullwhip: Uses the arms. Deals 400% melee STR-based cut damage to all party members. Attempts to inflict paralysis on hit targets, with a 50% base chance. Has a 60% speed modifier and a base accuracy of 70%.
- Black Pollen: Uses the head. Reduces all party members' evasion by 50% for 4 turns. Attempts to inflict blind on all party members, with a 50% base chance. Has an 80% speed modifier.
- Double Flame: Uses the head. Deals 2 instances of 200% ranged INT-based fire damage to one party member, with splash damage. Has a 60% speed modifier and a base accuracy of 100%.
- Triple Icicle: Uses the head. Deals 3 instances of 150% ranged INT-based ice damage to one party member, with line-piercing effect. Has a 60% speed modifier and a base accuracy of 100%.
- Thunderbolt: Uses the head. Deals 3-6 instances of 250% ranged INT-based volt damage to random party members. Can hit the same target multiple times. Attempts to stun hit targets, with a 50% base chance. Has a 60% speed modifier and a base accuracy of 100%.
- Outburst: Uses the legs. Deals 8 instances of 800% melee STR-based bash damage to random party members. Can hit the same target multiple times. Has a 40% speed modifier and a base accuracy of 60%.
- Earth Healing: Uses the head. Restores Dryad's HP, with 30000% healing power (around 23k HP). Increases Dryad's attack by 50%, her defense by 50%, and her evasion by 50% for 4 turns. Has no speed modifier.
- Normal:
Bewitching Bud. 100% chance. Sells for 44500 en.
- 1 needed to make
Gridr Boots (+33 DEF, +68 MDEF, +4 all stats).
- Conditional:
Tree Princess Velvet (Kill with poison damage). 100% chance. Sells for 120000 en.
- 1 needed to make
Pharmakon Robe (Herbalist ultimate armor; +77 DEF, +109 MDEF, +25 WIS).
Damage Resistances:
Disable Resistances:
Dryad as a boss is very simple: disable or die. Even without blind or debuffs, you are going to be left hurting extremely hard after...any of her skills, really, but especially Bullwhip and Outburst. You also really, really, really do not want Earth Healing to go off, unless you like Dryad restoring about 75% of her HP and then becoming extremely high-damage, tanky, and evasive.
Now, Dryad's power is not without a catch. Her LUC is pretty below average for what you'd expect of a boss at this point (hell, Jaryuu had more LUC than her), and please look at her disable resistances. 50% is her resisting something, and she has no resistance at all to all three types of binds.
Conventional tactics won't get you very far with Dryad, and all of her skills speak for themselves, so let's just get right to party members.
- General: Please take a second to review Dryad's bind resistances, and then consider what Cecil can do when given extreme bind vulnerabilities.
- Combo Boxer: Please take a second to review Dryad's overall resistances, and then consider what Lead Blow can do now that I'll have the points to max out everything if I retool Cecil a bit.
- Devastating Fistfighter: why would you ever eschew focusing on disables for Dryad
- Death-Bringing Reaper: Raven has access to two ailments that Dryad is weak to (paralysis and panic) and one that she's neutral to (poison) with the Death-Bringing spec. Rotating poison -> paralysis -> panic equals three stacks of Black Blade. Great Scythe of Cold Ash unfortunately does not hit Dryad's weakness, but what're you gonna do?
- Death-Warding Reaper: Raven with the Death-Warding spec can do basically what he did for Jaryuu: debuff Dryad a lot, and then break out Scythe of Transience.
- Master of the Six Ways: Multistrike Fireball is gonna be Kaelin's bread-and-butter for Dryad, but he can also bind Dryad's arms with Windstorm (I guess), and he might finally have the skill points to make good use of Alter. As with anything involving petrification, though, beware of it possibly being a detriment to physical damage dealers!
- Ruler of Fire, Ice, and Lightning: Compressed Explosions is Kaelin's bread-and-butter for this spec. They're more consistent than Multistrike Fireballs but considerably more expensive.
- Spirit-Summoning Necromancer: Gravestone Binding I guess?
- Spirit-Destroying Necromancer: The Gates of Hell + Equivalent Exchange + Sacrifice, as always, is An Option for Damage.
- Falcon-Accompanied Hound: Flying Talon Strike and Sky Dive are all but guaranteed to bind Dryad's head. Besides those, stab attacks from Gram herself can proc Chains from Iseria.
- Dog-Leading Hound: Hunter Shot's got an okay chance of binding Dryad's arms and legs, while Foot Pierce can actually deal fairly good damage. Same thing with Chains, too.
- Four Heavens as One Masurao: Honestly, Jana's lack of armor doesn't matter in this fight, since she dies to a stiff breeze anyway. If you want me to show off four katanas in a boss fight, this is basically the best chance you'll get.
- Single Peerless Blade Masurao: Crits. Dryad's susceptibility to disables means it's easy to kill her evasion and guarantee that Helm Divide lands, too.
- Heaven's Wrath Shaman: Oracle: Three Runs with Prayer: Blaze can equal pretty big hurt for Dryad, although Mio's INT unfortunately isn't quite high enough (innately, mind you) to bypass the WIS * 2 barrier and not get penalized for it.
- Heaven's Love Shaman: Umm... Okay, no, I don't have anything. Defense really isn't the best strategy for Dryad if the defense isn't "disable her with everything possible."
Vote for a maximum of four party members, with a limit of one vote per character. Remember to specify specializations if you want, too.
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