(Floor subtitle: The Crystal Dragon, enshrined in sparkling light)

There's a campfire here.

Labyrinth Wheat food point.

Hammer Lizard
HP: 1041
STR: 97
INT: 86
VIT: 79
WIS: 75
AGI: 67
LUC: 72
- Skull Bash: Uses the arms. Deals 140% melee STR-based bash damage to one row of party members. Attempts to bind the heads of hit targets, with a 40% base chance. Has an 80% speed modifier and a base accuracy of 99%.
- Crystal Dust: Uses the arms. Deals 130% ranged INT-based damage to all party members. The element is random, and can be either fire, ice, or volt. Has a 60% speed modifier and a base accuracy of 120%.
- Normal:
Gray Iron Lump. 60% chance. Sells for 408 en.
- 1 needed to make
Plackart (+54 DEF, +36 MDEF). Costs 17900 en, sells for 7160 en.
- 1 Gray Iron Lump (Hammer Lizard normal) and 1 Chipped Blade (Sword Lizard normal) are needed to make
Inabago (+106 ATK, +67 MATK, LUC Up 2, Bronze x4). Costs 32100 en, sells for 12840 en.
- 1 Gray Iron Lump (Hammer Lizard normal) and 2 Red Insect Wings (Alarm Cicada normal) are needed to make
Dulle Griet (+84 ATK, +68 MATK, AGI Up 2, Bronze x4). Costs 28900 en, sells for 11560 en.
- Rare:
Lizard Tail. 50% chance. Sells for 423 en.
- 1 needed to make
Reptile Rod (+67 ATK, +101 MATK, LUC Up 2, Bronze x4). Costs 27000 en, sells for 10800 en.
- 2 needed to make
Tail Mitt (+21 DEF, +25 MDEF). Costs 6100 en, sells for 2440 en.
- Conditional:
Frozen Hammerhead (Kill with ice damage). 100% chance. Sells for 615 en.
- 1 needed to make
Gale Amulet (+30 HP, +20 AGI). Costs 13000 en, sells for 5200 en.
Damage Resistances:
Disable Resistances:

...Oh, uh, I ran away, because I hadn't summoned Falz yet. I'll show the next battle with a Hammer Lizard.

A pair of miners
You met a pair of guards and explained to them how dangerous the Labyrinth is.
You met a pair of guards and explained to them how dangerous the Labyrinth is.
Telling the guards to go home not only results in an Adventure Episode, they'll show up on other parts of the floor once we leave and come back.
Which, uh... I kinda did 20F in one go here. I'll have to check on those two in the boss update.
Which, uh... I kinda did 20F in one go here. I'll have to check on those two in the boss update.

So, the main gimmick of this floor is that there's four teleporter crystals in each corner of the room. The floor is basically four discrete quadrants that aren't connected beyond the corner crystals.

That's not to say there's only four teleporter crystals on the floor, though.

Nectar II.

This room is the path to the central destination of the room, but going forward from this direction isn't possible without killing both the dog and the worm.
I mean, I could do that, pretty easily, but where's the fun in that?
I mean, I could do that, pretty easily, but where's the fun in that?

Received 1 Quartz Bamboo naturally, and 1 Shining Bark from Cecil.
20F, F5 Chop Point
Shining Bark. 46% chance. Sells for 200 en.
- 1 needed to make
Kurabit (+29 DEF, +14 MDEF). Costs 5400 en, sells for 2160 en.
- 2 Bat Needlefangs (Hypnotizing Bat normal) and 2 Shining Barks (4th Stratum Chop 1) are needed to make
Mow Down Scythe (+73 ATK, +73 MATK, VIT Up 2, Bronze x4). Costs 11200 en, sells for 4480 en.
Quartz Bamboo. 45% chance. Sells for 240 en.
- 1 needed to make
Quartz Knuckle (+86 ATK, +60 MATK, LUC Up 2, Bronze x4). Costs 10000 en, sells for 4000 en.
- 1 Quartz Bamboo (4th Stratum Chop 2) and 2 Stretchy Leech Skins (Green Leech normal) are needed to make
Quartz Armor (+40 DEF, +40 MDEF). Costs 9500 en, sells for 3800 en.
Crystal Wood. 9% chance. Sells for 1200 en.
- 1 needed to make
Fortune Necklace (+30 TP, +50 LUC). Costs 8500 en, sells for 3400 en.
- Ambush Chance: 10%

Okay, enough introductory nonsense, let's explore another quadrant.

Obtained 1 Bismuth naturally, 1 Selenite and 1 Bismuth from Sasha, and 1 Selenite from Cecil.
20F, E2 Mine Point
Selenite. 46% chance. Sells for 200 en.
- 1 needed to make
Zhezl (+54 ATK, +86 MATK, INT Up 2, Bronze x4). Costs 18000 en, sells for 7200 en.
- 1 Beast Arm Membrane (Mighty Gorilla normal) and 1 Selenite (4th Stratum Mine 1) are needed to make
Brogan (+14 DEF, +29 MDEF). Costs 3900 en, sells for 1560 en.
Bismuth. 45% chance. Sells for 240 en.
- 1 needed to make
Chain Glove (+19 DEF, +23 MDEF). Costs 4000 en, sells for 1600 en.
- 1 Champion Shell (Raging Fortress normal) and 1 Bismuth (4th Stratum Mine 2) are needed to make
Palm (+103 ATK, +80 MATK, Shell Guard, Silver x4). Costs 20000 en, sells for 8000 en.
- 1 Bismuth (4th Stratum Mine 2) and 2 Stretchy Leech Skins (Green Leech normal) are needed to make
Compound Bow (+69 ATK, +65 MATK, TP Up 2, Bronze x4). Costs 12700 en, sells for 5080 en.
Agate. 9% chance. Sells for 1200 en.
- 1 needed to make
Pavise (+37 DEF, +9 MDEF, +15% stab resistance). Costs 10000 en, sells for 4000 en.
- Ambush Chance: 10%

Not much going on in this area, although that little corridor is where we'll find the next guards event.

In here, we have a worm and a turtle--the turtle being the rightmost FOE, the worm being the topmost.

Surprise surprise, breaking the obvious thing puts the worm in a bad position for us.

Oh, fuck it, I'd rather just fight my way out.

Echo-Chasing Worm
HP: 12399
STR: 98
INT: 84
VIT: 81
WIS: 84
AGI: 28
LUC: 80
- Echo Effect: Does not use up the Echo-Chasing Worm's turn. Used in response to taking damage--doesn't seem to have a visible effect, though. Uses the head. Increases the Echo-Chasing Worm's attack by 50%, and accuracy by 99.9% for one turn. Does not count as a buff.
- Panic Voice: Uses the head. Attempts to inflict panic on one row of party members, with a 70% base chance. Has an 80% speed modifier.
- Predatory Needle: Uses the head. Deals 4-6 instances of 90% melee STR-based stab damage to random party members. Can hit the same party member multiple times. Has an 80% speed modifier and a base accuracy of 50%.
- Normal:
Giant Worm Needleclaw. 100% chance. Sells for 3150 en.
- 1 needed to make
Paniard (+91 ATK, +66 MATK, Predatory Needle, Silver x4). Costs 24800 en, sells for 9920 en.
- 1 Giant Worm Needleclaw (Echo-Chasing Worm normal) and 1 Chipped Blade (Sword Lizard normal) are needed to make
Vambrace (+18 DEF, +27 MDEF, +5 STR). Costs 8460 en, sells for 3384 en.
Damage Resistances:
Disable Resistances:
Ironically, I don't think Echo Effect is really that much of a problem. It's Panic Voice that's a big problem, since that base chance is stupidly high for how strong panic is.
On the other hand, the fact that its only attack skill is a multi-target thing means...
On the other hand, the fact that its only attack skill is a multi-target thing means...

(Pillbox is selected.)
(Pillbox is selected.)

As long as a Pillbox doesn't die from one turn of actions, it will attack for as many times as it was hit on that turn.
As you might imagine, this makes them extremely good against multi-hit attacks. They're maybe slightly less good about just making them completely useless compared to Illusionary Fencers, but they make up for it through the fact that you still have a Dragoon on hand, and their damage is pretty decent.
As you might imagine, this makes them extremely good against multi-hit attacks. They're maybe slightly less good about just making them completely useless compared to Illusionary Fencers, but they make up for it through the fact that you still have a Dragoon on hand, and their damage is pretty decent.

While the worm hits itself, I feel I should mention something about panic: from what I can tell, the target for panicked attacks is truly 100% random. It seems to completely bypass the normal targeting routines, since there have been multiple times where a panicked target will consistently fail to attack either a Bunker/Pillbox, or Alexis under the effect of Predict/Sharp Thrust.

Oh yeah, one thing about Bunkers and Pillboxes: you can't heal them. At all. Targeting them with a healing skill will just result in the skill whiffing.

Oh yeah, also: Pillboxes won't counter on misses.

I should mention that this has been exactly all of what Cecil has done for the past few turns. One-Two, Flicker, Arm Break, no binds.

We're doing pretty good, I think.

(Panic Voice.)
Fun fact: Panic Voice uses the same weird warbling sound effect that Ur-Child makes when you collide with it on the field in EO2U.

Even with Cecil panicked, we're gonna be just fine, I think.

Especially when that continues to happen.

Aw, dammit, you couldn't have hit Dosen one more time, you stupid worm? All those counterattacks would've been fun to watch.

Oh yeah, I should note, petrification does halve all physical damage taken for the duration. Something to be mindful of if you have a party that relies heavily on purely physical attacks!

I have no qualms about cheesing a minor puzzle like this through just killing an FOE.

Here, it might look like we'd have to kill the turtle to advance.

But nah, it's a dog puzzle.

Going to the top of that crystal warps us right in front of the turtle.

And upon reentering this room, the dog warps itself out.

Here's the other corner crystal. We're actually nearing the end of the floor!

Obtained 1 Silica Flower naturally, and 1 Sticky Moss and 1 Silica Flower from Cecil.
20F, A3 Take Point
Sticky Moss. 41% chance. Sells for 200 en.
- 1 needed to make
Unihorn (Purges all buffs and debuffs from all party members). Costs 2500 en, sells for 1000 en.
Silica Flower. 41% chance. Sells for 240 en.
- 1 needed to make
Soma (Restores 80 HP to all party members). Costs 800 en, sells for 320 en.
Crystal Blossom. 18% chance. Sells for 600 en.
- 1 needed to make
Cut/Stab/Bash Jar (Deals 100% ranged INT-based cut/stab/bash damage to all enemies; 200% speed modifier, 100 base accuracy). Costs 700 en, sells for 280 en.
- Ambush Chance: 10%

Standing on the left of the crystal in this otherwise-empty room brings us to...

That room from earlier, except now we're in a much better position.

Lure the dog into the other room...

...and then kill it
(you can keep circling around while luring the worm away by hitting the crystals, I just didn't have the patience)
(you can keep circling around while luring the worm away by hitting the crystals, I just didn't have the patience)

Anyway whack both of the crystals in the top to draw the worm as far away from those three crystals in a row.

And then you're done!

Actually, how about we just run home and go contemplate what to do next? That sounds good to me.
Next time: Crystal Dragon.
Next UpdateNext time: Crystal Dragon.
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