...Who could be in the study at this hour? It's not Sigrid, she's sleeping in her room, with Momoe. It's not Thierry, he's still helping Derek at the clinic. Emmett is fast asleep, too...

It wouldn't be bothering me so much if it wasn't keeping me from getting a glass of milk. Dangit, brain.

Quixote? In the study? Now I've seen everything.
I could say the same to you, young rapscallion.
...Okay, the more lucid Quixote. Quixote the second. Why are you standing in the corner? I can see that from Normal Quixote, but...
...I have been putting people in danger, haven't I?
With the summoning of monsters. The other me has been indulging in such for a while now, and it doesn't seem to end up well any time.
Wait a second. "The other" you? I thought that was an acting persona, old man.
I am not so certain anymore. I do not truly feel in full control during those times anymore. Either my method acting has overtaken me... Or I actually am losing my precious gourd. I've hurt people, haven't I?
Those four did come back pretty angry.

...Dang. This is heavy, buddy. Maybe, uh... I wish I could just knock some sense into other you so you could rest easy. It's not so easy, though, is it?
Are you gonna refuse my buddyship?
Ahah, I suppose not.
We'll figure this out, old man. And if it happens again, I'll just punch the next one that comes up before it can touch anyone.

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