HP: 55%
Str: 45% Lck: 40%
Mag: 25% Def: 30%
Dex: 45% Res: 20%
Spd: 45% Cha: 25%


Personal Skill:

Black/Dark Magic Learn List:
- Fire: D
- Bolganone: C
- Heal: D
- Nosferatu: D+
- Recover: C
- C+:
Wild Abandon: +10 Mt, -30 Hit, +30 Crit, 1 range, costs 5 durability.
- C+:
Bombard: +3 Mt, +0 Hit, +10 Crit, 1 range, costs 3 durability. Triggers 2 consecutive hits.
- A:
Mighty Blow: +10 Mt, -5 Hit, +20 Crit, 1 range, costs 3 durability.
- C:
Battalion Wrath: If foe initiates combat while unit's battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3, grants Crit +50.
His primary weakness is his weak Def and especially Res, meaning that heavy hitters can eat through significant chunks of his HP quickly. His incredibly low Cha and Authority weakness also mean that he's going to be stuck with weak battallions, and his Gambits are going to have really low hit chances besides that. It's not a significant weakness, but it is worth noting. Battallions give big bonuses late in the game, and not having access to them sucks.
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