HP: 40%
Str: 20% Lck: 35%
Mag: 40% Def: 15%
Dex: 45% Res: 35%
Spd: 40% Cha: 40%



Personal Skill:

Black/Dark Magic Learn List:
- Thunder: D
- Thoron: C
- Sagittae: B
- Meteor: A
- Agnea's Arrow: A+
- Heal: D
- Nosferatu: D+
- Physic: C
- C+:
Hexblade: +7 Mt, +10 Hit, +0 Crit, 1 range, costs 3 durability. Deals magic damage.
- D:
Rally Charm: Use Rally to grant Cha +8 to an ally.
- C:
Battalion Desperation: If unit initiates combat when battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3, unit's follow-up attack (if possible) occurs before foe's counterattack.
On top of all that, her white magic learn list is small, but it contains Physic. Her high Mag and Res mean that she's an incredibly potent Physic user, which is always nice to have on a powerful magic attacker.
As for weaknesses, well, the big one is her Def. Dorothea will instantly melt the instant a physical attacker looks at her funny, so she'll always need a physically-beefy unit between her and enemies. Nothing particularly new for mages, but she's so especially weak to physical damage that it bears specifically noting.
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