HP: 50%
Str: 45% Lck: 40%
Mag: 20% Def: 35%
Dex: 40% Res: 20%
Spd: 50% Cha: 40%


Personal Skill:

Black/Dark Magic Learn List:
- Thunder: D
- Fire: D+
- Thoron: C
- Bolganone: B
- Heal: D
- Nosferatu: D+
- Ward: C
- Restore: B
- C+:
Sunder: +4 Mt, +0 Hit, +15 Crit, 1 range, costs 3 durability.
- C+:
Shatter Slash: +4 Mt, +10 Hit, +0 Crit, 1 range, costs 3 durability. After combat, inflicts Def -5 on foe for 1 turn.
- A:
Swift Strikes: +2 Mt, +0 Hit, +0 Crit, 1 range, costs 4 durability. Triggers 2 consecutive hits.
- C+:
Focused Strike: +0 Mt, +30 Hit, +0 Crit, 1 range, costs 3 durability.
- A:
Armored Strike: +3 Mt, +0 Hit, +10 Crit, 1 range, costs 4 durability. Might increases based on user's Defense.
- D:
Rally Dexterity: Use Rally to grant Dex +8 to an ally.
- C:
Battalion Desperation: If unit initiates combat when battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3, unit's follow-up attack (if possible) occurs before foe's counterattack.
His downsides are that he's very weak offensively and defensively when it comes to magic, and his Def growth without a class bonus is worrying. It's not inconceivable that he can end up screwed in multiple stats—I've had multiple Ferdinands that got off to abysmal starts and had to be benched—but the same can be said of multiple other good units. His natural strength as cavalry also means his Spd will probably end up pretty low, since all of the cavalry classes incur a Spd growth penalty.
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