HP: 35%
Str: 35% Lck: 20%
Mag: 45% Def: 15%
Dex: 45% Res: 45%
Spd: 40% Cha: 25%



Personal Skill:

Black/Dark Magic Learn List:
- Miasma Δ: D
- Swarm Ζ: D+
- Banshee Θ: C
- Death Γ: B
- Hades Ω: A
- Heal: D
- Nosferatu: D+
- Physic: C
- Seraphim: B
- Warp: A
- D:
Rally Dexterity: Use Rally to grant Dex +8 to an ally.
- C:
Battalion Wrath: If foe initiates combat while unit's battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3, grants Crit +50.
Really, I find it hard to particularly praise or criticize her. Her dark magic repertoire lacks the killing power of Lysithea's, or the general utility of Hubert's, but it's still got a decent amount of both. Her white magic repertoire includes Physic, which...won't heal that much if she's not in Bishop or Gremory. It's also got Seraphim for some reason, which is made completely redundant by her personal ability. The one thing I can't be down on is Warp. Even if she's not in Bishop or Gremory, having even one use of Warp is still really good.
Honestly, a lot of the reason I use Hapi, even in the Maddening runs of the LP, is because Banshee Θ is extremely good in the earlygame, where it'll stop a lot of units in their tracks. Even after that, if you can get her into Valkyrie or Dark Knight and give her some range extenders, she can still safely reduce dangerous enemies' Mv.
If I had to pick her biggest flaw, though, it's her Authority weakness. I've harped on Authority weaknesses before, so you know why they're bad. I won't repeat myself.
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