HP: 35%
Str: 30% Lck: 35%
Mag: 55% Def: 25%
Dex: 45% Res: 40%
Spd: 45% Cha: 35%



Personal Skill:

Black/Dark Magic Learn List:
- Miasma Δ: D
- Mire Β: D+
- Banshee Θ: C
- Death Γ: B
- Dark Spikes Τ: A
- Heal: D
- Nosferatu: D+
- Recover: C
- C+:
Heavy Draw: +9 Mt, +10 Hit, +0 Crit, 2 range, costs 5 durability.
- A:
Schism Shot: +4 Mt, +15 Hit, +0 Crit, 2 - 3 range, costs 3 durability. After combat, inflicts Res -5 on foe for 1 turn.
- D:
Rally Magic: Use Rally to grant Mag +4 to an ally.
- C:
Battalion Wrath: If foe initiates combat while unit's battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3, grants Crit +50.
- C+:
Rally Resistance: Use Rally to grant Res +4 to an ally.
- A:
Battalion Desperation: If unit initiates combat when battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3, unit's follow-up attack (if possible) occurs before foe's counterattack.
- S:
Rally Speed: Use Rally to grant Spd +4 to an ally.
His aptitude is pointless. Putting him in melee range of any enemies is dangerous, and it's not even a decent anti-mage option, since it attacks against Res. Don't bother. At least turning Lances into a strength means Hubert has an easier path to Dark Knight.
As for weaknesses, well, the man is incredibly frail. His HP growth is low and his Def growth is even lower. Even against other magic users, he can be put down to dangerous HP levels solely due to his low HP. His faith weakness also means that getting him some supporting utility will take a while. At least he gets Recover.
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