HP: 35%
Str: 20% Lck: 35%
Mag: 50% Def: 15%
Dex: 40% Res: 45%
Spd: 40% Cha: 40%



Personal Skill:

Black/Dark Magic Learn List:
- Blizzard: D
- Thoron: C
- Cutting Gale: B
- Fimbulvetr: A
- Heal: D
- Nosferatu: D+
- Physic: C
- Silence: B
- Aura: A
- C+:
Soulblade: +2 Mt, +10 Hit, 1 range, costs 4 durability. Deals magic damage. Might increases based on user's Resistance.
- C:
Battalion Renewal: Unit recovers up to 30% of max HP at the start of each turn while battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3.
Let's talk about her most major thing: Silence. She is one of three units that learns Silence—the others being Claude (?!) and Manuela. Silence lets her completely disable all magic on an enemy unit for 1 turn, within a 3-10 range. I have never seen it with below 100 Hit, and it has 3 uses per battle (6 with Bishop or Gremory). While some of the more dangerous magic-using bosses have Unsealable Magic, which means they can't be silenced, several dangerous non-boss magic users, and even some boss magic users, don't, leaving them wide open to being Silenced and therefore rendered harmless. Again, you can do this 3 or 6 times in one battle. There's a lot of good ways to abuse this, the most obvious one being that you can silence a magic user that will get a heavy counterattack in before they die. You can also use it to make a reckless charge into an enemy formation much safer! It's wonderful.
Oh yeah, and Aura. Aura is a Killer weapon but as white magic, basically. 12 Mt, 70 Hit, 12 Wt, oh and 20 Crit. It's comparable to Fimbulvetr, and can be treated as a replacement for it. It's nice.
As for her downsides... Well, Marianne is about as fragile as most other magic units, that's nothing new. Her personal skill is pretty garbage. That's...about all I can think of. Besides those, she's a pretty good utility unit with the capability to get some big crits in.
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