HP: 50%
Str: 45% Lck: 25%
Mag: 35% Def: 30%
Dex: 50% Res: 25%
Spd: 50% Cha: 45%


Personal Skill:

Black/Dark Magic Learn List:
- Wind: D
- Cutting Gale: C
- Bolganone: B
- Excalibur: A
- Heal: D
- Nosferatu: D+
- Recover: C
- C+:
Haze Slice: +2 Mt, 1 range, costs 5 durability. Avoid +30.
- C+:
Monster Piercer: +7 Mt, 1 range, costs 4 durability. Avoid +10. Effective against Monster foes.
- A:
Swift Strikes: +2 Mt, 1 range, costs 4 durability. Triggers 2 consecutive hits.
- C+:
Focused Strike: +30 Hit, 1 range, costs 3 durability.
- A:
Diamond Axe: +14 Mt, -20 Hit, 1 range, costs 7 durability.
- D:
Rally Defense: Use Rally to grant Def +4 to an ally.
- C:
Battalion Wrath: If foe initiates combat while unit's battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3, grants Crit +50.
- C+:
Model Leader: Doubles experience earned for battalions.
- A:
Battalion Desperation: If unit initiates combat when battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3, unit's follow-up attack (if possible) occurs before foe's counterattack.
- S:
Rally Resistance: Use Rally to grant Res +4 to an ally.
He even auto-joins on Wyvern Rider, with skill levels that only need a bit more training for him to be ready for Wyvern Lord. And as if all of that wasn't enough, he's got a Mt-boosting support with Flayn, amplifying his power even further.
I genuinely can't think of any major faults with him, other than the standard caveat with faculty units of "training them to get Death Blow/Fiendish Blow this late can be annoying, especially on larger maps." If you've got room for a flier with a lot of killing power, he can fulfill that job more than capably.
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