HP: 35%
Str: 40% Lck: 55%
Mag: 20% Def: 20%
Dex: 55% Res: 15%
Spd: 40% Cha: 30%


Personal Skill:

Black/Dark Magic Learn List:
- Blizzard: D
- Wind: D+
- Sagittae: C
- Fimbulvetr: A
- Heal: D
- Nosferatu: D+
- Physic: C
- C+:
Hit and Run: +4 Mt, +10 Hit, 1 range, costs 4 durability. Avoid +20. After combat, user moves 1 space backwards.
- A:
Lance Jab: +3 Mt, +10 Crit, 1 range, costs 5 durability. Might increases based on user's Speed.
- C+:
Heavy Draw: +9 Mt, +10 Hit, 2 range, costs 5 durability.
- A:
Monster Blast: +5 Mt, +10 Crit, 2 range, costs 4 durability. Effective against Monster foes.
- C:
Battalion Desperation: If unit initiates combat when battalion endurance is ≤ 1/3, unit's follow-up attack (if possible) occurs before foe's counterattack.
Oh, and if you had the ability to give her an extra turn—say, with that fancy Dancer class that was in previous FE games—you can also use her buffed up stats to get another kill before the enemy phase happens. Sadly, Survival Instinct cannot stack with itself. I don't think it can stack with Rally either, but don't quote me on that. I'm sure I'll figure out the answer to that as the LP goes on.
However, she does really need those stat boosters to become an effective enemy phase killer. 35% HP, 20% Def, and 15% Res are absolutely not enough to weather more than maybe one attack before she bites it.
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