Knives and guns're in working order, got all my ammo... okay, everything's ready. And I still know how to do this.
You doing alright?
Hawawawawawa! I'm being observed!
It is my right.
but yeah i'm doing okay. I'm making sure I've got everything together so I can make sure my brain's muscle memory isn't all screwed up, y'know?
Ah. Would you like some assistance?
That would be wonderful, darling.
Hello, I—
Oh, sorry, are we interrupting something?
Y'know what? No, actually. Now's a great time...
Oh! Lovely. Thank you. This will round them out, won't it?
The end of an era...
Unremarkable Changes
Tarantella: Increased from 1.0x to 1.3x.
Aimed Shot: Increased from 1.0x to 2.5x.
Air Assault (née Dancing Bullets): Reduced from 1.5x to 1.0x.
Bush Trap: Increased from 1.5x to 2.0x.
Ricochet: Reduced from 1.5x to 1.3x.
So we're doing this one last time, huh?
Unless a third True Dragon decides to assault our planet next year—
Why did I say that?!
Why did you say thaaaaaat?!
Terrible thought! Bad!
That's not likely to happen. Nodens isn't much for direct warfare, and I have to imagine Haze would want to bulk himself up further before coming around. He's headstrong that way.
Okay phew I was getting really worried there for a second
Original Japanese rename done for unknown reasons. Fan translation rename done to maintain consistency with the JP name.
Exhaust gain per hit at level 1 reduced from 1.5% to 1.0%.
Other levels unchanged, resulting in level 2 increasing Exhaust gain to 1.25%, level 3 bringing it back down to 1.0%, and levels 4 and 5 still being lower.
Ready to Run:
Priority tier increased from 1 to 2.
Now increases evasion.
Effect: 10%/13%/16%/19%/21%
Effect is immediately ended after the current target dies.
Allows the skill to be recast immediately after the target dies, instead of having to wait until the last cast would've ended.
Renamed to Cheetah Burst.
Fan translation change, skill name is unchanged in JP. Done in order to maintain consistency with 7D3's localization.
Hoo, okay.
So first off I should be a bit more honest about things. When I didn't explain how I was doing things beforehand, it was probably because I was using the ATL Code on my bullets.
Oh, I see! For tricks like your ricochets and rapidfire, you operated on the bullets using your power of metallurgy?
Yeah, same with that thing I do sometimes where everyone goes faster for a bit. That's also me, uh, massaging the metals in your body a bit.
Sorry, I guess I should've asked for permission. It's not like I can do much with it, but...
The fact that you managed to keep that from the entirety of Murakumo for over a year is impressive in its own right, I think.
I will admit I was curious, but I didn't want to prod you too much on good things.
Aimed Shot's nerf is a bit sad, but in return Gun Trickster gets the Hiding evasion buff, which is quite nice.
Noteworthy Changes
Crit Chance Reduction
Tier 1
Dagger skill. Deals ATK-based damage to one enemy. Attempts to inflict paralysis on the target. Can deal critical hits starting at level 5.
Critical hit chance reduced.
Old: 55%/55%/65%/65%/70%/75%
New: 15%/20%/25%/30%/35%/45%
Critical hit damage increased from 1.1x to 1.2x.
Dagger skill. Deals ATK-based damage to one enemy. Attempts to inflict poison on the target. Can deal critical hits starting at level 5.
Critical hit chance reduced.
Old: 55%/55%/65%/65%/70%/75%
New: 15%/20%/25%/30%/35%/45%
Critical hit damage increased from 1.1x to 1.2x.
Tier 2
Dagger skill. Deals ATK-based damage to one enemy. Restores the user's HP for a percentage of damage dealt, up to a maximum amount. If the target is afflicted with bleeding, the healing multiplier and cap are increased. Can deal critical hits starting at level 3.
Healing is now capped.
Standard: 35/50/65/80/100 LIFE
Bleeding: 40/60/80/100/120 LIFE
Critical hit chance reduced.
Old: 55%/55%/70%
New: 15%/20%/25%
Tier 3
Venom Boost
Dagger skill. Deals non-contact ATK-based damage to one enemy. If the target is afflicted with poison, the duration of the poison is set to 5 turns, and the amount of damage the poison deals is increased. Can deal critical hits starting at level 3.
The poison damage increase caps at 15 applications.
Critical hit chance reduced.
Old: 55%/60%/70%
New: 15%/20%/25%
I've been having a way harder time getting the sweet spot on Fomalhaut's guys when I've been using my daggers. I know he's the God of Plagues and all, but it gets kind of annoying.
Perhaps they've just got slightly thicker skin.
Or your ability to capitalize on that had an easier time working on dragons your racial heritage had already fought?
So you're saying the reason I could move so fast was because I was styling on Niara in the runback?
I think it's possible.
lol. nerd. lmao.
There are two primary nerfs to Dagger Trickster in this game. First, status ailments are much less uniform, and enemies are more frequently immune to Poison and Paralysis. Second, this. Dagger Trickster's bread and butter was Assassin's Reacting into multiple actions, and this especially hurts Venom Boost... which it probably deserved, considering how nuts Trickster was in the first game, but it does leave a bit of a bad taste in one's mouth. Dagger Trickster is still usable, but falls off lategame in favor of Gun Trickster.
Skill Changes
Tier 1 Skills
Mine Toss
Gun skill. Deals non-contact ATK-based aerial damage to one enemy. Attaches a bomb to the target. While the bomb is active, the amount of damage dealt to the afflicted target is tracked. After two turns, the bomb will explode, dealing a percentage of the damage dealt to the target while it was active, up to a maximum amount.
Mine Toss's initial damage does not count for increasing the bomb's damage.
New skill.
Picking up that bomb business was a pretty good move on your part.
Yeah, they're made to pick up force from you guys's hits to explode harder. Since the Dragons have those weird mineral hearts, I was able to figure out how to redirect that force into the bombs. There's a hard cap on it, but it still seems like it works pretty good.
It works good, right?
oh phew i got worried for a second
We really missed you while you were gone, y'know.
Mine Toss is great. It's a cheaper offensive option with some delayed extra damage, as well as forcing Hack Weakness for its duration for teamups with Hackers. No complaints here.
Tier 2 Skills
Dagger skill. Deals ATK-based damage to one enemy. Attempts to inflict blind on the target.
New skill.
Oh, yeah. Masaki gave me that blinding toxin. Honestly, I haven't been using it much.
For some reason it's even harder to hit the sweet spot with this one, I haven't managed it.
Eh, they can't all be winners. Who knows how that guy thinks.
He frightens me. You know he gets around on an umbrella like Mary Poppins?
Yes, that's how we met.
Crazy stuff.
Why can't this skill crit?
I mean, Blind's better in this game. It might be nice to blind enemies. But that's my main question, why can't this crit?
Knee Break
Gun skill. Deals non-contact ATK-based aerial damage to one enemy. Attempts to stun the target.
New skill.
Those new concussive bullets of yours have been doing quite well.
Oh! Oh, you think?! Yeah, I thought about the schematics when I thought, hey, I'm fast, it might be good for me to try and stop things in their tracks.
They launch a concussive impact into their bodies that's best on things that have legs, but it usually does enough to at least slow them down for you guys.
I actually spent a day or two just working on these while we were waiting for Chisa to wake up! See, the mehcanism's pretty interesting—I don't have to use normal launch mechanisms for that kind of impact since I can perform metallurgy, so what I did was—
Oh, fascinating! I see!
Those two are really two peas in a pod, huh?
Must be a nerd thing.
Another greatly appreciated diversification for Gun Trickster. Solid damage and a solid rider that, as you've probably seen, can come in handy. Unassuming, but nice.
Bush Trap
Gun skill. Only usable while Hiding is in effect. If any party members besides the user are attacked on this turn, the user will counterattack the attacking enemy with non-contact ATK-based aerial damage, which is guaranteed to be a critical hit. Counterattacks attempt to inflict stop on the target.
Now attempts to inflict stop on hit targets. Lasts for 2 turns.
Base chance: 4%/8%/12%/16%/20%
They worked stunningly well on Sleepy Hollow.
Oh! Oh yeah, they did!! See, see,
Now I don't mean to toot my own horn, but they can be pretty strong when they want to, these little concussive babies of mine. It's not completely precise but I've gotten to know how Dragon musculature works a bit better, and so if I overload their systems with enough concussive impact I can totally stun them for a bit like they do to us sometimes.
After all, it super duper sucks when that happens.
So I figured, hey. It works most often when I'm coming in from the side on a counter. I mean, hey—Mama can work easier on a still target, yeah?
Aww, Sumie. C'mere, lemme give you a hug.
The proc's rare even at its highest levels, since many enemies resist Stop to some degree, but Bush Trap is as great as it ever was, and if it does proc? Lol. Lmao. Get owned.
Tier 3 Skills
Dynamite Toss
Gun skill. Deals non-contact ATK-based aerial damage to one enemy. Attaches a bomb to the target. While the bomb is active, the amount of damage dealt to the afflicted target is tracked. After two turns, the bomb will explode, dealing a percentage of the damage dealt to the target while it was active, up to a maximum amount.
Dynamite Toss's initial damage does not count for increasing the bomb's damage.
New skill.
Oh, yeah, that reminds me. Some of my special dynamite was missing when I took inventory. Where'd that go?
We... didn't get that back, did we.
Is she in the Medical Ward still?
She should be.
Guys what happened to my dynamite
Did!! Did Homura Akaneno steal my special dynamite?! She shouldn't do that! I modified it for my use! You know, mine! My mines! Mine mine! She could've gotten really hurt and maybe also gotten you guys hurt and not even hurt the Dragons very well!
Well, she managed to convince herself she could, so she was able to do... something, with it.
Ugh!! Ugh!! You mean I have to go get back my dynamite from Homura?!
But she'll just ask me a bunch of questions and—
actually where is she staying in the building. think i could steal it? i could definitely steal it. i'm nimbly pimbly that way.
Yello, you've reached Homura Akaneno. I'm a bit busy, what's up?
Can you give Sumie back her dynamite?
Her wha
Oh shit I forgot to return that
GIVE ME LIKE A FEW HOURS I'M WORKING HERE but yes I can do that thanks sorry bye.
Much easier.
wow, you can call her? progress. dang.
See prior comments about Mine Toss, since it's the better version of Mine Toss. Hehe boom
Tier 4 Skills
Fullmoon Vamp
Dagger skill. Deals ATK-based damage to one enemy. Restores all party members' HP for a percentage of damage dealt, up to a maximum amount. If the target is afflicted with bleeding, the healing multiplier and cap are increased. Can deal critical hits.
Healing as a percentage of damage increased.
Old standard: 5% at all levels
New standard: 17%/19%/21%/23%/25%
Old bleeding: 8% at all levels
New bleeding: 20%/22%/24%/26%/28%
Healing is now capped.
Standard: 30/35/40/45/50 LIFE
Bleeding: 55/60/65/70/80 LIFE
Critical hit chance reduced.
Old: 35%/40%/45%/50%/55%
New: 10%/15%/20%/25%/30%
Speaking of the not-really-a-Doctor-except-by-coincidence—
Have you guys noticed this weird thing my eyes do behind the goggles now?
Ah, yes. I believe that it's a side-effect of your altered biology. Can you still see alright?
Cool, cool.
So I took a look at that Vamper thing she made, and it does still work on these guys, but it's weird. Like, it works better, but also has a cap on its info drain.
That's probably more consistent, at least.
I wouldn't mind testing it out on some guysssss. Schlurp 'em. Be just like my vampire onee-sama.
Aww, say that again.
Vampire onee-sama.
Music to my ears.
I think overall the lifesteal change is better for Fullmoon Vamp. It's heavier capped, yeah, but at high levels it's going to be much more consistent as a form of restoration, especially since enemies generally have higher defenses and less HP in this game's lategame compared to the first. The crit chance is sad but not as big of a deal as the rest.
Pain Eater
Dagger skill. Deals ATK-based damage to one enemy. The damage is increased based on how many ailments the target is afflicted with. Dispels all ailments on the target after use.
New skill.
Since I've been having a hard time with my knives on Fomalhaut's guys, I thought I might try something else—get my knife in there and then expunge all the stuff that's wrong with them to make the stab stronger. Might do some decent damage.
Might be too high-investment, though. I'd like it if I could just hit them harder if they had anything wrong with them, but I'm not that smart.
Hey, it's a good thought. And if it comes in handy, it'll have been worth it.
You are quite the inventive woman, Sumie. Don't let this get you down.
This has the same issues as Homicide Hold on Youka, but with a heavier issue in that it expunges the ailments. There are use cases for it if you play a certain way, I'm sure, but I don't tend to.
Rush Shot
Gun skill. Deals multiple instances of non-contact ATK-based aerial damage to one enemy. Can deal critical hits.
Damage per hit increased.
Old: 130%/115%/100%/90%/80%
New: 130%/125%/115%/110%/100%
I have been getting a lot better at controlling my fire, though!
I could even shoot faster. harder. Once I get burst fire enabled again, I mean.
Seems like getting those ears really did help you.
you have no idea. i feel alive.
You'd better. If you ever feel dead again, I'll kill you.
It's more Rush Shot per Rush Shot. It's good.
Point Blank
Can only be used during an extra turn. Deals non-contact ATK-based aerial damage to one enemy.
New skill.
i've also been thinking of maybe trying out some acrobatics if I land the sweet spot with my guns.
Get all nimbly pimbly on 'em when they can't see it coming. Swooce on in. Real nice and direct. I do like acrobatics. I do, as they say, do the parkour.
No idea how you do that.
Very quickly tbh. Nimbly and pimbly.
Shrug. It exists. Might be good if you're a bit MP-poor and want to conserve instead of going for Rush Shot, but otherwise you should probably just Rush Shot more.
Instantly kills the user, and prevents them from being revived for the rest of the battle. In exchange, non-contact ATK-based damage is dealt to all enemies.
No longer permanently kills the user.
However, the user being the last party member alive and killing all remaining enemies with Sacrifice will still result in a game over.
Damage reduced.
Old: 40% of enemy's max LIFE
New: 500% normal damage
No longer restores other party members' LIFE and MANA.
Oh, yeah. I guess I should explain. So, that thing that happened back during the Diet Building siege—basically, it was a bunch of the minerals in my body being turned into a bomb. It's another thing I can do because of being a Lucier. I know... I know we shouldn't have. It's something I've always had in my back pocket but didn't really want to use.
Don't do it again. Okay?
I won't. I... I don't want to feel that again. Never again.
I wanna live. With you guys.
Hehehehehehehehhh. Did I getcha? I bet I gotcha. Yeah, Sacrifice's function was changed, for one thing. It's much worse now. I mean, it doesn't even have edge case uses except for me, specifically, doing this LP. It's just bad.
EX Skill
Ragweed Ammo
Deals non-contact ATK-based damage to one enemy. Attempts to stun the target, and inflict blind, paralysis, and burn on them as well.
Unlike most other sources of burn, Ragweed Ammo's burn effect only reduces damage dealt and increases damage received by 5%, instead of the usual 10%.
SP cost reduced from 9500 to 9000.
Effective damage reduced from 1050% to 900%.
No longer inflicts freeze, curse, poison, bleed, and sleep.
Now attempts to inflict stun.
Infliction chance no longer bypasses vulnerabilities and immunities.
As a side effect of this, Ragweed Ammo now causes Hack Weakness if it inflicts any ailments.
Given an effective base infliction chance of 300%.
Oh, bee tee dubs, my grenade launcher's about ready again, too!
It's taken a bit of a hit from Fomalhaut's stuff, but like. It's still a grenade launcher.
That it is.
Really wish I could put stuff to sleep with it still. But it's still a grenade launcher.
I think I made a pretty good case for why this skill needed to be nerfed into the dirt from the first game. Because it's insane there. Here, it's less good, but still solid, since all three of the main ailments are great and the infliction odds are good.
I've been trying to figure out more stuff to do now that I don't like, have to hide being a Lucier, but it's hard. I mean, I've had a lot to deal with and all.
It's alright. If you do come up with something, we'll be happy to see it.
Yeah. You've done a fantastic job with everything you've had, Sumie.
Maybe something like... Nah, that would be silly.
Super EX Skill
Dread Crucifixion
Deals non-contact ATK-based damage to one enemy. Attempts to inflict bleed, poison, curse, and freeze on the target.
New skill.
They removed the sleep rider because it was crazy as hell in the first game, but otherwise this is the second half of Ragweed Ammo split into its own skill. Overall, curse and the DOTs are a pretty solid deal, probably overall better against something that's immune to Paralysis. Pretty decent.
okay. yup. i've still got it. I can get back into combat next time we head out.
We really missed you, Sumie.
Quite. It wasn't the same without you calling out all of our earnings.
Oh my gosh!! I just realized you guys must've gotten a ton of loot while I wasn't looking!! I need to register it!!
Oh, yeah, you do, huh?
Systems die if they don't track expenditures and earnings! Give it here! I need to roll across our hoard! No hiding anything, Chisa!
Why would I hide anything? I don't hide my hoard.
No hiding anything. No squirrelling anything away. This is my ship and I'm gonna run it proper-like!
...Welcome back, Sumie. I'll never let you go again.