The Bloom had once again vanished from the world. Fomalhaut's invasion was over, and his force had disappeared with him.

Unsurprisingly, our comms were buzzing.
Sgt. Makita: Hey, hey, commander! Isn't it a little early to start crying?!

Ino: Get out, they beat it? That superscary creepazoid? No way! That's like, super way awesome!
Guchi: That's a wrap! This is gonna make a sick legend someday! There's gonna be a page about us, too, right?!

There was a long moment of silence from us.

Prime Minister Inuzuka: Ahahaha, er, uh, yes. Young folk are very involved in goings-on these days. Let's do our best to maintain friendly relations, yes?

Thankfully, the transmission cut out there.

The petals of the vanishing Bloom fluttered in the air, a flurry in the wind signaling our return home.

Pensive Soldier: Congratulations. This is what we've waited for. I'll tell my fallen comrades they can rest easy. I'm... truly grateful.

Stressed Soldier (left): When I heard Fomalhaut had come, my knees were knocking... I couldn't move. How terrified I must've been... we all were.
Vigilant Soldier (right): Not yet! It's not time to relax yet, people! We've got a whole mountain of work left to do!

Ready Soldier (right): If I shot Cass off right here, right now, they'd take her away from me for damn sure. But I wanna! I wanna fire a damn salute!!
Alert Soldier: (left): What can I say to properly thank you? Dammit, I can't stop crying this time around... *sniff*

Akira: What the hell. I'm not doing this. I'm not gonna do it! I'm just not. I'm just...

Akira: Dammit, stop doing stuff I should congratulate you for! Freakin' Tao's gonna give me so much shit for this!

Akira: You think I wanna hear that?!

Neko punched me on the left shoulder.

Ako: Unable to resist any longer, Makabe—Eeeee, this is too good!! My fancy has taken wing to new heights!

Hari: Neko seems really happy about Maki's baby coming, right? Maybe I should say, she seems happy for others, when she's not happy for herself? Ugh, she's so frikkin' cute! I'm gonna find her a killer datefriend, I promise!

Tao: Pffffft, tcchhhh, ahahahaha! Akira, most superlative! Pip pip, bro! I'll never forget this day, guys. And I promise, I'll never let him forget it either!

Ino: Get out! So you totally beat that guy senseless? And he's not gonna revive, like, ever?!

Ino: That's like the best news ever!
Guchi: It's too awesome! I was so happy when you guys won, I celebrated by flippin' Ms. Musashi's skirt—wait, uh,

Guchi: Oh thank god

Guchi: NO

Sou: Can you believe Sui's been down this bad for so long and he still hasn't asked Neko out?

Sui: This is it. This is my once in a lifetime chance! But if I'm gonna ask and be turned down, maybe I'm better off gazing from afar. I mean, that's how things work in Ako's drawerfic, right? Ohhhh, what should I do?!

Forgettable Guy: Yeah, there was a rumor floating around about that from the floors above and below me. Congrats! And thanks, thanks a bunch. And... thanks for remembering to tell me.

Kodachi: Finally, the Dragons have been defeated! Okay! That's long enough! I can't stand to wait another minute! Let's hurry up and remodel Tokyo again!


Tomita: Banzai! Banzai, Unit 13!

Manabe: Hey, hey! Should the guests of honor be in here?

Manabe: I'll head over when I'm done, no worries.

Endou: Hey! Yoo-hoo! When things settle down, give me a holler! As soon as there's room in my schedule, I'm gonna make you some sweet customs!
Kamiyama: Ahahaha. I-I can't help but notice all that blood on the God Hands. It seems they were of use, hm?

Kamiyama: Ah, but I'm more than just a weaponsmith. You've saved the world for us, so please, let me start to make it convenient and cozy!

Yamamoto: There are so many ruined streets, so much infrastructure to repair, but we'll get it done! Thanks so much for saving my life. I can be here when the world needs me!

Pvt. Saneda (left): Even our patrol units wanna come say hi! Everyone just wants to thank you, Unit 13. Every second, I'm getting more words of gratitude, more appreciation for you guys. Honestly, hearing it makes me tear up a bit.
Col. Kamachi (right): Ugh. I know it's happy and all, but... That freakin' Sasuga never even got to go on a date with Aoi. It's worse now that he's dead! Ugh, this sucks. Should I bring a candy bar to his grave? For those two to eat together or something?

Pvt. Tonami: I know I should... say something... Sorry. I'm... all choked up... Maybe I'm too old for this?

Supply Corps: Alright! Time to eat, drink, and be merry! Here's what I recommend—a candy bar! Marina loves these things, y'know? Just like Aoi used to. Take some, and don't forget to share!

Pvt. Ogishi: I'm glad I could be here, right now! Following in the footsteps of Unit 13... it's the memory of a lifetime!

She started sniffling again.

Sgt. Makita (left): Sasuga must be happy, somewhere out there. Ugh, he's probably made some progress, thinking about putting the moves on Aoi. Punk.
Pvt. Sakon (right): Alright! Now I can finally get out of this clown suit! Feast your eyes, ladies, on this magnificent... Huh? What? There's like, this clasp, that won't budge... Agh, not again!!!

Pvt. Misawa: Tonight, I'll sleep four hours straight!
Malingering Soldier: Ugh, a stomachache? At a time like this? No, I'm not faking it... this is for real! Owww...

Pvt. Hoshino: From now on, I'll have happy news for survivors. "Hey, by the way? The Dragons are already gone!"

Pvt. Shibata (top): Neko is super cute... Izumi is super cute... Man oh man oh man oh man.

Pvt. Shibata: Hey, you got a problem?! What's so funny?!
Sgt. Ochi (bottom): It's over... I feel like a great weight's been lifted.

Pvt. Irie: Things'll still be rough in the days ahead, but for now, let's just be happy! Yeah. Yeah... and hey, uh, by any chance, you think you could introduce me to Ms. Sakuraba? Thanks!

Shibuki: All these people, genuinely happy, for once. Faces fitting for a day of salvation. This, too, is all your doing. Everyone here is going to savor this day, keep it as their most treasured memory.

Sleepy Scientist: ...zzz.

Stuffy Scientist: Okay! Now this lab gets a spring cleaning! It'll be spic and span, every nook and cranny! I want this place to shine for the party!

Zealous Researcher: Ah, welcome, my little darlings! ...Ahem. My apologies. I let my emotions get the better of me. Now, the sample? Please?!

Zealous Researcher: Nooooo!

Top Scientist: We've been waiting, Unit 13! Well, well? C'mon, bring it here!

Top Scientist: Not this again!

Mad Scientist: Eh? Why not? There ought to be. If a second, then why not a third? After all, series are frequently trilogies.

Mad Scientist: Regardless, we in the research unit owe you our gratitude and our lives. I'll have to message Heinrich to let him know that little toy of his worked out, eh?

Calm Scientist: Congrats on saving the world. Ready to retire?

Perplexed Researcher: I'm gonna take this chance and transfer. This place is a little... how do I put it? It's on a whole other level. Other dimension, even.
Young Scientist: I didn't think drinking after work with colleagues was so popular these days. I still put in a request for overtime pay! Maybe it'll just end up being flex time. But a rule is a rule, okay?

Blocking Researcher: Certainly not me! Welcome to the Laboratory!

Gossipy Researcher: Go ahead, get drunk as skunks. We'll look after you, so have as much fun as you want!

Kind Researcher: That's what I feel when I see you, Unit 13. Surely, what really binds us is our hearts.

Scared Researcher: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. What a relief. I'm shaking... with happiness. Shaking with suppressed emotion!

Charlotte: Welcome back, miladies and milord! Quite a few people have asked me out today! This party atmosphere is such a thrill! But, of course, I'm quite busy. It might be a bit late, but soon enough, I might just be getting to be a member of Murakumo's Unit 10 myself~

Charlotte: I've got a mean right hook! If you don't mind, Madam Fudoji, I might ask for pointers. A maid such as myself doesn't desire to be struck, but destroying my master's foes with one strike is something you could teach well.

Charlotte: Oh, lovely! I've even got a second date coming up, so it'll be good to impress him with!

Charlotte: Hm?

Charlotte: Eh? Are you that attached to him?

Charlotte: ...
Charlotte: Eh?! Sweet little Taichi is your brother?!

Charlotte: I suppose I never did ask for his surname... Don't worry, my soon-to-be senpai! If nothing else, my destructive right hook will be wielded in his name~ And if it ever comes to it, I'll be proud to call you onee-sama!

Charlotte: Snagging the digits of the world-saving hero's brother and passing like a boss at a big party... This is best in life.

ABC Manager: Sorry, we're still setting up! Thanks to you, of course, Unit 13!

Akino: Welcome home. I'm glad you're safe. Ordinary people, SDF, Murakumo, SKY... Everyone's been waiting for you, Unit 13!
Miyoshi: This planet ain't over yet! We've dodged the bullet twice now, ya dig?

On-break Murakumo: We've got a wild banquet ahead of us. Put in the key and start your intestines, people!

Sweetheart Soldier: It's nice to eat together with different people, especially because our tastes differ so! A whole crowd is coming for the banquet. I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun!
Spicoholic Soldier: I realized it thanks to her, y'know? Eating spicy food after sweets really brings out the flavor, gives it that extra kick!

Cheery Girl: This is going to sound hard to swallow, but I was attacked by monsters, and the shock of it all made me lose my sense of taste. When I ate alone in the Res Ward, I thought the rice I was eating tasted like sand. Rubber. But ever since the Mess Hall opened, I've been watching my sensei eat with relish. Oddly enough, it's perked my sense right up! Thanks for building us this Mess Hall.
Discerning Gourmet: This soft, fluffy stack of pancakes seems to hold within it our dreams, our hopes. I asked the chef, and heard in confidence... He makes it out of a carton. The novelty!
Off-duty Murakumo: Burp! Ohhhh, I ate too much... I won't be able to eat at the banquet. This is an outrage!

Zealous Cook: After all, you are the guests of honor! Japanese, Western, Chinese, Mexican, African, whatever you want, just name it!

Stoic Youth: I've been waiting! When next alcohol passes my lips, it shall be to toast Unit 13's heroic efforts! ...hic!

Mr. Nagataka: S W E E T I E ! ! ! I'm just delighted to see you and yours back!!!

Mr. Nagataka: I'm already feeling back to my old self again! All thanks to you! Thousand kisses! Say... I know I don't have great luck here, but—

Mr. Nagataka: Koron, have you been looking out for your dear old dad all this time?

Mr. Nagataka: You've grown up so much... Oh, by the way! You've gotta tell me! What kind—

Mr. Nagataka: Really?! Not even a real dragon, twice?!

Mr. Nagataka: Well! At least you're half there. What a great bestie to have for my little girl, eh?

Mr. Nagataka: That's~ our~ little~ secret~

Tea Aficionado: Mmmm... this is positively bewitching! Oh, yes, I'm happy. Congrats, and all.
Girl in Glasses: Is that you, Unit 13? Can't see, my glasses are foggy, but welcome!

Collected Child: You did it! You did it!!! I guess that was a little loud, but I'm really, really happy, okay!
Dreamy Girl: Unit 13, you guys are heroes! Heroes deserve a reward from the queen!
She offered me a block.

Dreamy Girl: Your achievements for both humankind and good-dragonkind will always be remembered, brave hero.

Salving Senior: Oh me oh my, for what you just went through, you don't look half bad! So you won't need this medicine after all? Now that makes me happy!

Precocious Girl: Unit 13, you're amazing! My future wives, and husband!

Pleasing Lass: Everyone's chattering out there. They're quite happy, aren't they?

Pleasing Lass: Say. I hear tell... You're not Chisa Inomiko anymore, huh?

Pleasing Lass: There was something I always meant to tell Captain Inomiko, but I never got the chance. I guess you'll have to do, eh, Hosokawa-san?

Pleasing Lass: Well, truth is... I was a student at Hibikino myself, the year below her. It's only reasonable she wouldn't recognize me, I cleaned up my act.

Pleasing Lass: Captain Inomiko was my first crush, but I didn't exactly know what to do about it, especially since it was obvious to anyone with eyes that she and you, Ms. Akaneno, were dating. I acted pretty bad about it. There... well, there was this fan club, a bunch of creepy guys. I'd sneak in just to have a place to talk about my feelings—dressed as a man, of course—because that was about the only way I could really process my feelings.

Pleasing Lass: When Captain Inomiko came in and wrecked things herself, it made me really think about what kind of person I was being. I decided I needed to be more honest about who I was, because if I hid those sorts of things about myself behind what was more conventional, like my fashion, or pretending to be a boy, I was only going to wind up hurting anyone I really admired or fell in love with. It was a fleeting little crush, but I never forgot what I figured out from the way things shook out because of it.
Pleasing Lass: Shortly after, I transferred out to Hekiho. When I got there, I decided I wanted to be honest with myself, so I didn't make a secret about the fact that I was a lesbian. And wouldn't you know it? I met the most wonderful woman. Just my type in just about every way, and she liked me, too. We've been dating since we got out of high school, and we're both still alive—soon enough, I'm going to propose if she doesn't.
Pleasing Lass: Isn't it silly that I can only say this to you once you're not calling yourself the same thing? I mean, I've wanted to say thank you this whole time, but I only managed it just now. Ehehehe.
Pleasing Lass: Thank you. I know it hurt you, and I bear fault in that. I should've known better, but I didn't do the right thing. But—

Pleasing Lass: It's Naomi. Naomi Yagumo. Though, maybe not for long, eh?

Naomi: No, Captain. Thank you. In a way, you saved me well before you saved the world. I'll never forget that.

OG Scientist: Four head of cattle, two sheep... I'll need some chickens, too, so I can start every morning with tamago kake gohan~ Although... did I have another Dragon Egg?

Sumie grabbed a spare clothing pole and twisted the metal into cuffs for his hands and legs, before launching them at him, leaving him cuffed on the ground.
OG Scientist: No! No!! No, this can't be happening! Nooooooo!!!

Drunk Man: Now I can really drink! Today's when they really break out the good stuff! Is this a festival? A party? Whatever, let's just get drunk~
Ageha: Yeaaaah! C'mon, Naga-chan, let's get super crunk!

Ageha: My mascara's runningggg! Boo hoo hoo hoo hoooooooooooo...

Selfish Woman: Yeah! See? It went just like I said it would. Unit 13 eats Dragons for breakfast!
Miserly Man: I used to be a master speculator... I'll show you my skill once again!

Cheery Gal: Oh, well done indeed, remarkable! To save the world a second time, remarkable!

Newscaster: Our recording equipment is on the fritz. Great timing. Just terrific. Oh well! Set up the stage and let's do it live!

No-pressure Gal: Congratulations! You're heroes to the entire world! Yup, as promised, there's your peaky welcome. But I can already feel the vertigo coming on. Sorry, I'm going to bed... ooooohhh...

Young Nerd: The native elements are comprised of the aluminum family, the copper family, the tin family, the chromium family... Hey, where are you going? I was starting you off easy as a special favor, since you saved the world and all!

Glad-eyed Girl: Welcome back! Unit 13, I've been waiting here to say hi! Thank you so much for beating the Dragons! My mother and father can rest easy now.

Glad-eyed Girl: Yeah! Guess what? Mom said that when we get home, she's gonna make pancakes for everyone! They're gonna be so tasty!

Gentle Wife: Thanks to you, we can return home now. It's still going to take some time, but... When we go home—

Gentle Wife: They're her favorite. Hehe!
Gentle Husband: We talked with her while you were fighting. About her parents, and about our daughter. I feel like we're closer as a family now. We've got a long life together ahead of us. I'm not going to be impatient about it.

Boy Scout: You did it, Murakumo! You guys are model Boy Scouts!

Cheery Fellow: This American is really putting me to shame with these jests of his. I feel ashamed! If I can't think of one myself, I do say I'll be a chilly fellow, not a cheery one. I'm... vexed in the extreme! Do give me time!

Social Engineer: Alright, when we're done eating and drinking, we're gonna start renovating for real in here! Yeah, up until now, we were just playing. Starting now, though, it's on, baby! Bang!

Pensive Soldier: You've saved America, too... and Japan will return to its former beauty. It's all thanks to you. Arigato, tomodachi. And god bless.
Likable Soldier: Thank God! You guys are world heroes! Come on, sign your name kanjis, right here!

Relief Org Chief: As our leader, I've declared a day of rest for everyone in the World Relief Organization. Unit 13, this is a holiday to celebrate you. As the young miss would say, "let us resting".
Gouda: Okay, I've got it. I'll settle things with Hibino first, then go and confess my love to Hiroe! Gotta square things away before the party. Here's hoping it all goes smoothly!

Careless Woman: There's peace? This can't be happening. How'd I manage to bumble my way to the finish line?

SDF Veteran: I'm going back to the SDF. There's a lot of rebuilding to do. Shouldn't I put these hands to work?

Unhurried Lady: Oh hey, hey, you beat the True Dragon, too! You guys are real heroes, you know? I can't thank you enough.
Hibino: After the victory party, please, give some thoughts to handling more requests from the WRO, hm? There are still tons of people in trouble.

Hibino: I... have my own request for the WRO. Or, well, someone in it. Wish me luck, alright?

Mrs. Nagataka: Woohoohoo! Now's the time to hoot and holler! I knew Unit 13 could do it, because they had my little girl with them! Say, how much do you think I could get for commemorative photos? Everyone group up!

Mrs. Nagataka: Aww, I'm kidding. I really just want one for myself. My little girl and all her friends! I never would've imagined this years ago, but you've turned into such a little social butterfly.

Science Prez: Unit 13, I made some fireworks for your return! Of course, these are surefire! Tried and tested! Eh? It's not lighting... are you kidding me? After all the trouble I went to! Snuck into the SDF depot, stole powder...

Courageous Girl: Unit 13, don't think that we'll squander the peace you won for us at such great cost. I'm... going to tell that man how I feel about him! I've finally worked up the nerve!
Manly Man: If you like a girl, you keep it to herself. Don't tell her. That's how a real man lives.

Hiroe: I've got a good feeling about this party vibe. This is my big chance with Hibino... hehehe!

Cool Chick: That college student, I donno if it's better for him to be a believer or not in astrology. No zeal like that of a convert, you know? Just can't take my eyes off of him! I'm worried.

Fervent Fangirl: Er, um... ahem... T-today, I'm going to try and keep it together... I always worry you get the wrong impression. No... NO! I can't do it! I can't suppress how I feel! Welcome home, Unit 13! I'll be a Unit 13 fan forever and forever!

Delicate Lass: I'm quietly contemplating this blessing. I wish everyone would keep it down a bit...

Sachi: Now that the war is over, I'm going to try my best to become independent again. Twenty-four days... wow. A lot can happen, huh...

Asami: That's a new record, Koron! Nice job!

Asami: Thank you all so much! I'm gonna try my hardest every day, because you gave us our peaceful world back!

Shiba: The Dragon problem's been solved, and the codependency between these two, too. I'm glad I tried my hardest this time. Thanks for coming by so often, Koron.

MANIC Manager: Whassup?! Unit 13, you're too much! Seriously, totally off the hook?! You know?!

Crafty Woman: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice... Really, the rates you guys let me get away with.

Smiling Girl: Is today ever a day for laughter and smiles! ...What is this? Tears? Waaaaaaah! I'm... so happy... I can't stop crying!

Scientific Youth: I've concluded that fortunetelling is for fun. It's not good to rely on it. Best to think of it as casual advice. That being the case, I can't wait to hear mine. Especially the love reading...

Ace Reporter: ...is what I'll ask you, next time. For now, all I have to say is congratulations!

Famous Fortuneteller: People who have come through such adversity together don't have need for fortunetelling. We've all become stronger.

Dashing Fellow: I offer this poem to you as my gift. An epic, three hours in its recitation. Lend me your ears, heroes! ...Whither bound so swiftly, my friends? Why are you backing away from me?

Cozy Girl: Welcome home! And thank you, thank you, thank you so much. From now on, you can let us do all the work!

Rough Fellow: All right all right all right! Good to see ya! You did really well... *sniff, sniff* Cram it, numbskull! I'm sweating, is all!

Momo-chan: Wow. I knew you had potential, but bringing your lover back from the dead? That's something.

Momo-chan: Someone had to with you taking a nap, right?

Momo-chan: No, that is a pretty worthwhile positive impact.

Lazy Bloke: Maybe I'm lazy, but I'm my own kind of lazy. That's one thing I've got going for me. Isn't being lazy in vogue these days?

Eloquent Man: Thank you, for bringing this to an end. Now, we can all finally rest.

Mrs. Nagare: I know my husband is celebrating right now, too. He's seen his rookies save the world twice. I'm so very grateful to you. You've saved a future for humanity.

Kouta: I've gotta grow up really fast so I can take care of momm—o-of Mrs. Nagare, now that Mr. Nagare is gone! Because like I told you, I'm the backbone of this family. I'm gonna be a strong, dependable man!
Yuri: I'm working hard too, y'know? I'm learning how to cook and do the laundry so I can really help Mom out!

Novice Nun: The Dragons are no more, and even better, my hellish novitiate has come to an end! What a glorious tomorrow lies ahead!

Forlorn Girl: The Dragons are gone again, right? And, Unit 13... you're not hurt, are you?

Forlorn Girl: I'm so glad... really.

Literary Cadet: I'm starting to study for entrance exams. I'll enter the best school, find a job, and completely change this nation's politics.

Bookstore Clerk: At last, I've completed a first draft. This manuscript details your exploits, from that day a year ago to your present glory. When things settle down, I'll consider how best to publish it for future generations.

Ageha: Okay, I fixed my mascara, I'm not crying anymore. Hey, Naga-chan, guess what? I totally made some real life frenemies this month! Do you believe in my ability to muddle through?

Manic Pixie: I knew that justice would win out~

Taichi: Alright, what's the count?

Taichi hit me with a chop to my right side.

Taichi: For balance!
Shichiro: It's bold of you to act so flippant, Taichi-kun. As though you haven't been crying for hours now.
Taichi: My sister came back from the dead, what do you want from me? Oh, and the part where not only am I in the inner circle of the people who saved the world, I helped. I'm jazzed.
Shichiro: As am I! My loftiest goals have been realized.

Shichiro: That it is.

Shichiro: You will have to narrow it down.

Shichiro: Ah, so you were among the ruffians who walloped Jiro in early 2019, then? It is understandable. He is quite a headstrong man, in a personality sense as well as the sense of his strong head, haha! No hard feelings. I assure you, we men of Togetsu have no need for such devious matters any longer—we enter a new age of honest work!
Taichi: Which one of your brothers is Jiro, again?
Shichiro: The extremely large one.
Taichi: Right, right.
Shichiro: Kazuki-senpai is also acquainted with my brother Rokuro, who is an honest businessman who operated an eatery in Golden Gai. She is, after a fashion, a family friend.

Shichiro: Hopefully alive!

Taichi: Anyway. Orochi, I... I'm really happy you're alive. And... great job. Really. I'm proud of you.

Taichi: Though I gotta be honest, the part where this whole previous lives thing of yours got more complicated made my eyes crossed.

I reached into my pack and pulled out my sketchpad, which still had drawings I'd used for explaining the events on Iorys to the rest of Unit 13 in it, and flipped to the page depicting me.

Taichi: Wow, you got a real glow-up! Congrats!

Taichi: It's amazing, right?! Look at you! You look amazing! I've got the best big sister anyone could ever...
Taichi started sniffling again.
Taichi: No no no, c'mon, c'mon...

I wrapped him in a hug, and let him cry on my shoulder.

Taichi: O-okay... thanks... yeah, he's really sweet...

Taichi: Honestly, I'm—*sniff* not sure, it's complicated, you know?

Sanders: Yeah, that's Unit 13 for ya! Shouji must be grinning in heaven, too!

Virginia: Go ahead, pick out whatever you like. I got tons of change. This is on me!

Asumu: Those two are loud and tiring. I got my celebrating done already, so I've got to conserve energy for when there's a proper party or else I'm liable to melt down.

Asumu: I can't lie and say that I wasn't impressed by your performance there at the end. As my senpai, you are all quite impressive. However! I've become quite strong myself, so someday, expect me to boot you off of that hero's throne!

Asumu: Hmhmhm. Haven't we?

Asumu: As long as he keeps the flirting off of the battlefield, I don't mind.

Lively Bartender: Oho, you really are back! You did it! Alright, let's bust out the best we got for this victory shindig! Which do you prefer? This DRC vintage? Perhaps the Dom Perignon?

Lively Bartender: ...um, okay, perhaps that'd be wasted on you.
Lisa: Don't be mean, Dad! Here, watch. I whipped up a special cocktail meant to evoke Unit 13!

Himuro: These kids have become real tough. So you all go and do whatever you like for a while. Nobody's gonna complain.

Himuro: Never thought the teacher role would work out well, but hey, here we are.

Intense Worker: That kid had her own style about her. "Oh, yeah~" "Cool beans~" In the end, she even got me to quit being so prickly. To open up. She's still finding ways to mess up my life.

Yu Chen: All around the Diet Building, I can smell something good cooking. Wonder if everyone's preparing chow for your victory celebration?

Frail Nurse: The children can finally play outdoors. Everyone's been patient for so long, and now they can chase morning til night! My strength held up too, but—*cough*! Ahem! ...Oh, that's blood, isn't it.

Hobbled Senior: Huff... puff... puff... I'm glad to have lost this bet! Now, please, help me finally get there...

Yuki: Unit 13, I believed you could win any fight! Because you're heroes! To everybody! And... my hero, too... he must be happy, in his far-off somewhere.

Doctor: Oh, Unit 13. It's good to see you. I actually had something to say to Miss Fudoji.

Doctor: I've been taking a look at your biological data and your subjective symptoms. Have you ever heard of myalgic encephalomyelitis?

Doctor: It's more commonly known as chronic fatigue syndrome. It's a disorder that's primarily characterized by long-term fatigue that doesn't disappear after rest, and it's most common in women in your age group, especially those who have undergone significant traumas. I don't have a definite diagnosis yet, but I have a suspicion you might have developed it at some point along the line, leading to your chronic exhaustion. I'd like to run some more definite tests on you in the coming weeks.

Doctor: With your raw physical ability, it's understandable you may expect that, but based on everything I've seen while taking a look at this, you're certainly becoming far more exhausted than you should be from what you're doing, and have been for some time.

Nami: You're not hurt, are you?! Where does it hurt?! Really? You're really, truly alright?! ...That's wonderful. More than anything, I'm happy that you've come back alive and well.

Shino: If I'm being honest with ya, I still don't really feel like a father. Maki's happy face, though. That makes it all hit home for me. Everybody in SKY is gonna work together to help raise our kid when it's born. So it won't just be our baby, right?!

Maki: My kid felt it too, for sure! You guys are the real thing. Real heroes. So I'm gonna raise my kid good, for you. For everyone we lost a year ago, too... I'm gonna give my baby all their love!

Pvt. Musashi: Unit 13, welcome home! I'm so glad you're safe. Everyone's chipper as... er, wood chippers? But even so, that Guchi is a bit much! He's still... still...

Transfixing Lady: I'm glad to be alive. I can say it from the bottom of my heart. And I'm thankful all of you are here.

Tomiko: I cooked up a bath for you guys. Go on, say hi to everyone, and once you're done with what you gotta go, go ahead and soak. Onsen-style, individual tub, follow your heart. And you know, if you wanna swim? Bubbles? Go ahead. It's fine. Today's special.

Little Rascal: I can almost go outside now, huh? We did it! Unit 13, come play with me, okay?
Playing Girl: Everyone's really happy. I can tell even though I can't see. Cuz I can hear everybody laughing all over!

Returned Man: Thank you so, so much, Unit 13. I'm so happy!
Waiting Woman: Me too!

Kendo Captain: I have a request for you, good people. May I serve you, as a samurai's attendant? I beg of you, show me the way of the sword!

Cowering Man: Today, our songstress seems... She seems even happier than usual. Is it because I'm happy? No, I know the answer. It's because we're all happy, isn't it?

Miku punched me in my right arm.

Splendid Steward: Let us quietly raise a glass together, once more. Of course, I know you have prior engagements. But I am ever at your convenience.

Privy Man: The first drink after a nice bath is good. But there's nothing like a drink after victory!
Lost Woman: I'm so, so sorry. Even though he took a bath... Even though he washed and washed... Wouldn't you think, after all that, the smell would have the decency to go away?! But here he is, ruining the cocktails... oh no. I have a feeling that sooner or later, even I'll smell that way... but he is such a dear.
Takano: Surely, your throat is dry from talking so much? How about a glass of water before the feast? Everyone's looking forward to it, Unit 13. And of course, so am I!

Concierge: Will you be requiring a private room this time, Captain?

Concierge: Very good. Ah, Ms. Mio. Dr. Akaneno—or perhaps I should say, Ms. Homura—had a message for you.

Concierge: She said to tell you, 'I hope if we ever see each other again, I've become someone you don't have to babysit. Go ahead and live, Mio. I'm going to figure out who Homura Akaneno is, for real, this time.'

Concierge: She looked rather determined. It was an unusual expression for her.

Yoshida: Congratulations. And I see you're safe and sound, as well! After your defeat of the True Dragon, Unit 13, I have steeled myself for my own trial. I'm... going to ask out somebody I like! Please, if it goes badly, cheer me up!

Emily: When everything's back to normal, I'm totally gonna find myself a boyfriend and come back someplace like this! Yeah!

Comforting MP: I've decided. I'm resigning my office as an MP, and seeking a role where I can serve the public. But what would be best? Perhaps serving as a monk, or clergy? Though I've heard the training is arduous...
Lady Rep: We adults must keep working steadily, to bequeath our children a bright future.

Reserved MP: ...Joy of your victory!

Powerful MP: They call me powerful, behind my back, but I daresay I'd lose to you! Gahahaha!

New Secretary: This nation needs someone like our PM. As long as I enjoy the privilege, I intend to serve him to the utmost of my ability. So... should I maybe go out drinking with Shizuka later tonight? For his sake?

Prime Minister Inuzuka: You've saved the world a second time. What should I say? Words can scarcely express our gratitude. In the days to come, leave everything to us. As this country's prime minister, I vow not to complain to you henceforth. Not a word.

Prime Minister Inuzuka: What's that?

Prime Minister Inuzuka: Ahahaha... ha. Oh, dear. I'm not winning the popular vote, now, am I?
Sec. Makabe: No, sir. That would be Miyake.
Prime Minister Inuzuka: From the CDP?! The Justice Minister's husband?!
Sec. Makabe: Yes, sir.
Prime Minister Inuzuka: ...Aha! Ahahahahaha... ah.

Rep. Sunamori: When everything gets back to normal, I intend to run in the next election. I want to become a valuable Diet member. And, to tell you the truth, I've got my eyes set on the PM's seat.
Zealous MP: That's the spirit, Sunamori! Let us put our reconstruction plan into action! This time, we must all join together, regardless of our station, even our nation!

Rep. Sunamori: All of this battling back and forth won't stop unless we take action. Our nation was never perfect, and it likely won't ever be—but I want to make it a place where, at the very least, families don't have to be torn away from each other.

Rep. Sunamori: I don't think I'll ever truly get past that loss, no, but... it's not like I have any room to talk to you about that.

Rep. Sunamori: Yes.

MP Ariake: Neiko is living happily with the SKY kids. Ah, what a blessing... to tell you happily about the daughter we brought into this world. I remember this feeling before, of having a joyous world returned to us, anew. I am truly grateful to you, Unit 13.

Wise MP: But I have a rough approximation. One word alone. Joy. Perhaps that best fits the occasion.

Fussy MP: Protecting us is your job, Murakumo! But... I am grateful. Thank you.

MP Fujita: So, it's finally over, then? I have worked as tirelessly as I ought, and naturally, I'm weary to the bone. But I still can't go back to being plain old Fujita. As a politician, whether I like it or not, there are things I still need to see done!

Youthful Rep: I'm so glad you're back safe! Go to the banquet, then hit my afterparty! The whole crew is looking forward to it!

Elderly Rep: Unit 13, is it? Ah, the living legends! They say you've saved the world once again!

Cub Reporter: Hee hee hee... I should apologize. My bad! "Live Coverage of Unit 13's Final Fight!" Journalism lives on, and it can't be silenced. I embedded myself with you! Very quietly. Well, but just like last year, the SDF found me out, so I had to scrap the last half...

Reimi started hugging and kissing our gear.

Pvt. Shinezaki: That Yamada. He stayed awake until just a minute ago. Yamada swore to stay awake for you, so I guess... you whipped him into shape?

Gossipy Guard: A little birdie told me... Unit 13 trashed the True Dragon, at last. C'mon, look around the Diet Building. Everyone's got a goofy grin. Now that's what I call a happy ending!
Nodding Guard: Hm... well, I say... You're the Unit 13 I've heard so much about! Thanks for bringing peace to the world!

Pvt. Tanegawa: This is your last lecture from me! Your homework is... to go kill it at that party!

House Sitter: Thanks a million! At long last... Another ordinary day! Nothing to see here!

Staring Sentry: At the Lobby, at the Medical Ward, all I see around me are smiling faces. It's all thanks to you, Unit 13!

Pvt. Nagato: Oh, Unit 13! Do you remember who I am? Know my name? What an honor! Maybe you didn't notice, but I've been saying a lot, in case you overheard me!

Junior MP: Thank you so much, really! No, really, I mean it! I... aim to stop being just a scion of my father and forge my own way, on my own merits. You're the ones who gave me that courage!

Celebrity MP: When you guys were on TV, we hit 50%! You guys are tops! Oh, but I've got to get moving myself. I've got interviews on TV, in magazines, radio stations, the web... oh, what a life!
Cutest MP: "Jeez, I quit! This job's the pits." I muttered that, and leadership called me in for a sitdown. Guys, I was just kidding~

Starry-eyed MP: On the dawn of my reign as prime minister, I'll let you be the first to congratulate me. So... I do hope I can count on your vote.

Sober MP: All that remains is to build this world. Unit 13, I shall put heart and soul into reclaiming this world you guarded so well!

Turncoat MP: To ride youthful vigor, or senior capital? Whichever it is, I hope to see you going door-to-door, canvassing on my behalf!

Cynical MP: Can you take a break now, Unit 13, and leave the rest to us? You've been working too hard.
Young MP: Unit 13! Banzai! Banzai!!!

Sharon had obviously been crying.


We headed into the HQ. This time, there was no lingering malcontent, no final tragic revelations. We had won, and we came in with our heads held high.

Kirino smacked his hand on his podium a few times.

As the hours went on, people came and went, as the noise in the Diet Building reached an incredible peak.

People kept finding new things to say, new ways to express their gratitude.

Eventually, Marina even fell asleep! Sumie went and put her to bed as things continued, winding down and back up again in time.

I found myself on the balcony with Kirino.

And that's how September 27th ended. At long, long last, the battle that had lasted from February 2020 to September 27th, 2021, had ended with a happy ending all around. It wasn't all great—billions of people had been lost, and the exact number of casualties still hasn't been determined. The world was destroyed. But humanity will continue on. And I—we—will continue on, too.


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