Mio and I had been invited to dinner on the rooftop with Homura and Natsume, apparently mostly on Mom's insistence. She'd been yattering on about nothing for quite some time when Natsume finally chose to step into the conversation. "What do you mean?" Mio asked.
"Out of the many things you've created," Natsume said, uncrossing and re-crossing her legs, "the one that bears your name is Rapid-Onset Psychokinesis Syndrome. Do you not see the irony in that at all, Homura?"
Homura blinked a few times, tilted her head, and said, "You lost me."
"You consider yourself a humanitarian, yes?" Natsume said, and Homura nodded. "This condition causes those inflicted to burn their own bodily resources for the sake of powers they didn't ask for. It sounds like the sort of thing you would object to, were it a scientific invention as opposed to a biological condition."
"What... the fuck are you talking about?" Homura said, raising her eyebrow and scrunching up her nose. "Something weird get in your food?"
"Do you really have absolutely no self-awareness," Natsume asked, "or do you play at it to seem more approachable? I almost feel bad for Mio, being raised by someone so dense."
I raised my hand, and Natsume gave me a half-cocked eyebrow. "Is this about whatever you were talking with Koron about?"
—That night, just earlier, Koron had been called to Natsume's office to discuss tactical plans. Afterwards, Koron had looked... less than happy, so I could only imagine she did not like the plan.
Natsume was not a very openly emotional woman, but having known her for a while now, I had begun to understand what it was like when she was genuinely upset. She had catty moods at times like these, and was... passive-aggressive. Mio recognized this too, but Natsume continued without answering me. "You, so-called 'humanitarian', gave your name to a condition that turns human beings into weapons. How gauche of you."
"Diiiid I do something wrong?" Homura just looked confused. "You're giving me that tone that you give me when I've done something wrong. I mean, I... thought you'd be into something that did that, Nacchan."
"Human beings," Natsume said, "make inefficient weapons. Whether you raise them from birth, or find them later, the unpredictability of a human being means that no matter its capability, it makes an awful weapon. The only way to turn a human being into a weapon is if you were to somehow give it such an overpowering motivation, you knew it would do what you wanted." She was laughing to herself—if it weren't such dire subject matter, it would look like an ordinary dinner conversation. "It's so obvious! For years, I've been trying to figure out the best way to maximize the efficiency of my human resources, but you figured it out years ago, didn't you? It's not enough to have leverage—they need to have a reason to think they're fighting for themselves. Some reason to throw themselves into the line of fire, overpowering all human survival instinct."
"...I did?" Homura blinked a few more times. "I mean, I am pretty great, but I don't know what the hell you're on about?"
"I," Natsume said, "made a poor judgment call."
Mio and Homura both loudly gasped, and I couldn't help gasping, either. "What?!" Mio exclaimed. "You never admit you screwed up!"
"I'm aware," Natsume said, folding her hands together and leaning into them, staring down at the table. "But I made a poor judgment call. I miscalculated the character of one of my human resources, and that was a mistake. I'm not used to making mistakes, you see."
"Oh, no," Mio said, frowning. "You made Koron mad, didn't you."
"She's not my biggest fan on the best of days," Natsume said, "so I can't help but think I might be a touch lucky to have escaped with my life." She laughed again, and shook her head. "Ah, but were all my agents so capable as you, Chisa. The best agent I have, and I didn't even find you myself. It's a touch embarrassing."
"...Um," I said, squeaking a touch, "I... I really, I'm not that capable. Relatively speaking, I mean? Everyone else in Unit 13 are just as capable in their own ways."
"For now, maybe," Natsume said, "but there is a limit to any given person's talents. Esslinger is limited by technology, Kazuki and Fudoji by the limit of human capability, and Nagataka by her own vitality. But you, Chisa—more and more I find myself astonished by you. You fight with the strength of a furious valkyrie, even limiting yourself as you do—and your own upper limits still have yet to be scouted, even by my best men."
—That gave me pause. "Limiting... myself?" I asked. "I... don't think I'm doing anything like that, ma'am."
"I don't know that you do it intentionally, no," Natsume said, "but the speed and ease with which you become more deft with that blade—by all rights, it's near-impossible that your body is giving everything it has. Not to mention, of course, that I do have just a few bits of data regarding you operating at peak efficiency—and they're brilliant. I look at them sometimes, you know, when I need to cheer myself up."
"I... I don't understand, ma'am," I said, though I felt a slight chill running down my back.
"You are at your strongest, Chisa Inomiko," Natsume said, "when you aren't thinking, when a single, burning drive compels you to act wholly on instinct. That instinct was present for just a moment in the battle at Ikebukuro, when you obliterated the primary railgun."
—In other words, when Gatou had been killed.
"It was present at your entrance exam, wounded as you were."
—In other words, when Renji and Kyoshiro had been killed.
"And, of course, it manifested once well before you and I ever met—three months after you graduated high school."
In other words—
My breath caught in my throat, and I felt a chill go up my spine. Memories I didn't want started banging on the side of my skull—the cries of a young boy, the cold, and the feeling, the intense rush of adrenaline, that I felt in the instant I severed my father's arm. There was fear and terror in those emotions, in that horrifying moment, but what terrified me more was a deep, primal satisfaction at having crippled my hated enemy, a rush of something within me that told me that I had fulfilled a biological imperative.
I remember the blood oozing from his stump, as I'd sliced through his flesh and bone like butter with a hot knife. The smell still stands out to me, a horrific, pungent smell of iron that nevertheless entranced me, made my head pound with a throbbing beat that began to drive me further and further forward. I remember the screaming, so loud and deep, sounding foreign to me, as though it was in the voice of some unknown alien species.
I wanted to stab him, again, and again, and again, and again. I wanted to kill him again, and again, and again, and again. He'd hurt Mio—so he deserved to die, and die, and die. He was less than a human, less even than an animal—he was some sort of disgusting insect whose life meant nothing.
"I—I don't—I don't want that—"
My body was flushed, eyes wide, and I felt myself shivering. "No, no no no, no, no," I muttered, trembling like a leaf, so much so that I could hardly discern between the images beating their way into my skull and what was really happening around me. "No no no, you're wrong, you're wrong, that's not good, that can't, that's not, that's not me, that's not me! I didn't, I didn't, I didn't—I didn't—I didn't—I'm not—I'm not—I'm not like that—!!!"
I wasn't a monster, so I couldn't be a monster. I was a person—obviously. I had thoughts, and feelings, and a real heart, and I was real. So obviously, those images weren't me. They couldn't be me. Nothing in those images was real. They couldn't be. They couldn't be. I wasn't like that. I wasn't like that. I wasn't like that. I wasn't like that. I wasn't like that. I wasn't like that.
When I awoke the next morning, it was quiet. I didn't remember much, but I was sure that was abnormal. Shortly afterwards, I headed into battle in Kokubunji.
...I almost feel lucky, in retrospect, that at the time I blocked that evening out.

Part 31: Atheistic Love

I was the last person to wake up that day, and when I awoke, only Mio and Richter were present in the room with me.


I'm gonna be honest, this is the biggest glut of sidequests in the game, it comes at a weird time both in-game and in my narrative, and I just did not have any better time to do them. We're all going to have to accept that this one's filler. Thanks? Thanks.



Asami: Oh, Koron! I wasn't sure you were gonna... I mean, I only posted that request just last night. Didn't you just get back?

Asami: ...You're so nice.

Asami: Well, the cult is bunkered down in the shelter.

Asami: But getting in to the rooms where Sachi is... they want a monetary "offering."

Asami: You're willing to accept just like that?!

Asami: Okay. Koron, you're—

Zealous Cook: Yes, meat, what? ...Oh, wait, you must've seen the request! Murakumo handling it—just think! I'll have to pepper it with thank-yous!

Zealous Cook: Yeah, it was a bit of a gamble, but... doesn't it just kill you to see everyone so down around here?

Zealous Cook: There's only so much one meal can do, but if I make something really delicious, they'll all pretty much HAVE to pep up. Okey-doke, let me get cracking! Wait for me, Murakumo!
Koron, Satsuki, and Youka waited for some time patiently.

Zealous Cook: You guys have got to try it first, while it's hot!

Zealous Cook: Wow, that good?!

Zealous Cook: That's... oddly specific! Anyway, we'll get it dished out to everyone in a hurry.

Sergeant Yoshino: And if we wait for everyone to get ready? What about the people who need help right now? We're leaving. Call us if reinforcements arrive.

Quaking Woman: I heard City Hall was safe, so I headed here with my family... but as we were heading through the desert, this gigantic creature attacked us! My husband and daughter are still in hiding, but there's no way they'll be able to— just—

Quaking Woman: You... y-you're such a young girl. You can't be much older than my daughter—

Quaking Woman: Oh, I'm—I'm sorry—

Relief Org. Chief: ...Right, yes, that would make it difficult to do this.

Relief Org. Chief: Sharon and I are the two core members, and our supporters, like yourselves, number in the tens of thousands—

Relief Org. Chief: It's a method of reducing organizational overhead, as is the fee we send from requester to supporter. A man named Hibino on Residential B is someone we'd like you to petition to join.

Hibino: The... who?

Hibino: Huh. And they just run quests?

Hibino: Huh. ...You don't sound very enthused.

Hibino: Gotcha. Something like that might be just what the world needs. Oh, if you're looking for people, try Gouda on Residential C. He's a real strong guy.

Mr. Nagataka: Oh, hey, sweetie! How's it hanging?

Mr. Nagataka: That's my girl! Biting sarcasm! Hey, so, just between you and me—and your friends, obviously—I saw this one guy in the Clinic last night, and RAWR. Do you know him?

Mr. Nagataka: That's the one!

Mr. Nagataka: T-the? THE straightest man? That's no small feat!

Mr. Nagataka: Whoo, I dodged a bullet there.

Mr. Nagataka: Well sure I do! He's probably standing in the same place as Coach Fujita is right now, but in the other room.

Mr. Nagataka: Later, sweetie! Have a nice day!

Coach Fujita: Looking a little light today. Where's Mio?

Coach Fujita: Well... we're all still completely in the dark about how everyone vanished! Could you help us out there?

Ooyama: ...
Kosugi: ...
Coach Fujita: Well, gentlemen, please—

Kosugi: What's with the vagueness? It's your daughter—my family wouldn't just up and leave like that.
Ooyama: You're saying my Yuuka ran off all on her own?! As if! She's still just a baby!
Kosugi: She's my wife, you old windbag, and she woke me up going to the bathroom before she just went poof!

Coach Fujita: What? Um, uh, well... then let's... search for the cause! You two will help too, right?
Kosugi: Even if I tell you, it won't help. I was sleeping soundly... I remember Yuuka waking me up as she headed to the background, but it's just a blank from then on.
Ooyama: When I woke up, Yuuka had vanished with everyone else... how about you, Mr. Fujita?
Coach Fujita: Wha—huh? Me?! I mean, I was snoring away as usual... well, wait...

Kosugi: Yeah, I... I think I heard that too—!

Gouda: Oh, you're Mr. Nagataka's daughter, right?

Gouda: The WRO, huh? I mean, it'd be sweet to be useful for a change, but I don't wanna work with boring people. What kind of people work there?

Gouda: Whoa, what?! Hold on, I gotta work here! Oh—you're still looking? Uh, there's this one lady who caught my eye on Residential D named Hiroe—
Gouda: So is it true your unit is made entirely of pretty women? Because I know there's Mio, and you ladies are cute, too.

Hiroe: ...'World Relief Organization'? Sounds like a bunch of crock. The kinda organization that just uses that word to hide behind while they help themselves.

Hiroe: ...Huh. That's kinda wild, actually. Sure, I'll help.

Relief Org. Chief: Ah, yes, this should be plenty. Oh, and here's Miss Hiroe, Mr. Gouda's told me all about you! Smashing work, as expected of our Unit 13!

Relief Org. Chief: Oh, haha... appears I've run my mouth again. Yes.

Relief Org. Chief: She was indeed promised a life free of want, but her mother—the president's wife—was from a war-torn African country. So when Sharon visited her mother's homeland, it moved her heart.

Relief Org. Chief: She really is, and she values you all quite a bit. Says you're her 'saikou supporters' around here and all that. So, please do do your best to continue supporting her going forward.

Doctor: Nagataka-san, are you sure you should be taking this? You don't even fully resist the Bloom.

Doctor: That's true. Kazuki-san, Fudoji-san?

Doctor: Well, that is a relief. We don't have any means of treating the disease right now—nobody's died yet, but the number of infected could exponentially increase.

Doctor: Would it be possible for you to ask members of the Murakumo dev team to cooperate on making a vaccine? We might be able to treat it if we pool all of our resources together. You should take this to them.

Doctor: We took this virus sample from a patient, and that's all our data.

Sleepy Scientist: ...Whoa.

Otaku Scientist: Not that he could ever steal that role from Gracia-sensei, of course. Between that brutish guy and a flawless Yamato nadeshiko like her, both wielding the shining blade of a samurai—

Mad Scientist: Ohohoho, a new viral infection? I'd caught a few reports, but I had no idea it was this dire. Give me just a moment.

Mad Scientist: Aha, got it!

Mad Scientist: Ihihi, maybe so. But your praise is likely misplaced—that physician's data was quite thorough. Really excellent stuff. Still, this virus... well, it's like a flu virus, but with much more extraordinary effects.

Mad Scientist: Haha, oh right, sorry. I've got the process ready, but I'll need a Black Root from some of the trees in Shibuya if you don't mind. The greenhead is good with that place, isn't she?

Passing Scientist: Is-is something wrong?

Passing Scientist: ...Um... alright, then.

Passing Scientist: I took a look, and... well, aside from the routine noise around City Hall, there is something I couldn't make out. It's emanating from the roof, if you'd like to go check it out?

Passing Scientist: No wonder you were mad, miss! I'll take this to heart.

Passing Scientist: I can't verify it conclusively, but you should let people know it's fairly likely. I'll keep looking into it on the double—my apologies for the trouble!
The scientist turned to walk away, but they were able to hear him as he muttered to himself.

The three of them explained the situation to Coach Fujita.
Coach Fujita: Huh... so that's how it is. I'll call them over. This won't be a pleasant conversation.

Coach Fujita: I see. Well... At the very least, we can try and stop it from happening again. That's enough for me. Here's the reward I promised. Thanks for everything, and... sorry again.


Gatekeeper: Pilgrims... You do not follow the Church of the Divine Dragon.

Gatekeeper: Er... yeah... that's what I said. Uh—er, right, becoming a member requires a tithe, to offer one's money to the Dragon God and wash one's hands of materialistic civilization.

Gatekeeper: In truth, we ought to abolish currency—but we make use of it where we must.

Gatekeeper: What? But... you understand that only the purified can—

Gatekeeper: ...Yes?

Gatekeeper: What? You're bluffing.

I'm told that Koron lit the man's shirt sleeve on fire. It was an effective negotiation strategy.

Asami: Thanks. I'll just... wait here, I guess.

Exultant Believer: Y'know, I faltered while running away, and I got hurt real bad! But was it a mistake? I mean, I got away with my life, but I got left with this super nasty scar! You know I used to be a model? But with a scar like that, haha, what a laugh!

Exultant Believer: So what was I striving that whole time for, huh? Haha, really, what a joke.

Fearful Believer: They blame me... when things happen. I'm not like that...! Stolen food... children crying... it wasn't me, it wasn't me... At City Hall, nobody believed me... but here, nobody's angry... I'm happy... to be understood... I'll go with everyone...!

Thinking Believer: Don't worry. Give the correct prayers henceforth, and the Dragon God will save you. I await the advent of the new world, as well. My wife preceded me, you see. So she's surely waiting there. She's such a beautiful, kind woman. I want to see her again soon...

Asami: You're just creatures to the Dragons! You're here to be killed and eaten. There's no such thing as a new world.
Thinking Believer: Quit talking nonsense! We'll be saved by the Dragon God! And if not... who are you saying will save us?!

Asami: If something was going to save us, it would've done it a long time ago! Even I've lost contact with my parents, and I'm terrified about what's happened to them... Every day, I'm waiting for another blow, but there's no savior coming to help you!

Thinking Believer: In a situation like this, is it so wrong to want to be saved?!

Founder: In the sudden night, a ray of light... For whosoever has lost their way. Our beloved new believer, calm your heart to perceive the truth. The Holy Church of the Divine Dragon is the light granted to banish inner darkness. Your heart, too, yearns for tranquility—

Founder: Ah... yes. I remember you. However, I was speaking to her—she isn't a strong person like you.

Founder: If you wished to truly supplicate your feelings, the requisite tithe is 5000 Az, as you know. However, for one such as you, who goes to war with the Dragon God so regularly—

Asami: Koron, stop!

Asami: I know it's all nonsense, but if I leave, I miss my chance to rescue Sachi, so... I can't just go. I'm sorry. Please, just—take this and go.

Asami: I know.
Founder: Then we will commence by erasing bodily impurity, such that you may become a noble believer. We welcome you upon your return home. Let us begin your ceremony... and see our nonbelieving guests out.

Taciturn Scientist: You're here to help.

Surveyor: Something... something terrible happened. Before I knew it, I found myself down here. Oh, hey, if you don't mind, could you hold still just like that? Just wanna finish this map I'm making.

Anyway, I bumble around like a pillock for quite some time before finding the actual objective. Back to your regularly scheduled adventures with Unit 13.

Sergeant Yoshino: Hold the line! If we pull out, that kid is...

Sergeant Yoshino: Damn it... Senba, go assist with the first aid! I'm fine here by myself!
Private Senba: But, Yoshino... er, sorry, ma'am! Roger that! Senba heading out!

Sergeant Yoshino: Unit 13...?!

I'm told there was a moment of heavy, heavy silence.
Private Senba: ...I'm sorry.

Sergeant Yoshino: ...Saving more people won't help this. These two lives can't be replaced. Nothing can replace a lost life.

Sergeant Yoshino: This war has taken everything from us.
Private Kagawa: Yoshino...

Yoshino didn't respond to Koron—she continued on by herself.
Sergeant Yoshino: Who could've seen this coming?

Sergeant Yoshino: ...Grief. Yes, I suppose you're right. My grief is what drives me to save every person I can. That's why I volunteered for this mission, but... this time, we lost two irreplaceable lives. And there's nothing we can do about that.

Private Senba: ...I'll help too.
Sergeant Yoshino: We can get them back to their family. That's all we can do now.


Quaking Woman: Oh, please... don't be. You did everything you could...


Mad Scientist: Oh! That was quick, much appreciated.

Mad Scientist: This is ten doses, prioritize the most seriously ill patients. Take this to the Clinic—I'll purify the rest and get more in due time. I can bring it then. Thanks much!

Doctor: It's already done?! Murakumo's scientific power is amazing... This'll let me breathe easy for a moment. Here—this should help on the front lines. From me to you. Thank you all.

Doctor: The truth is, I didn't think I could get Murakumo's cooperation before now. I know I said I was weird, but those guys are just on another level... but you all were the bridge I needed. Thanks for helping me out—and take care of yourselves, for my sake. ...Especially you, Miss Nagataka!

Himuro: Waaaahhh!

Himuro: Ugh, great timing... Murakumo? Damn it, how'd you get here?!

Himuro: Mina and Miroku... haha, of course you're still with Murakumo. No doubt in your minds... that's pathetic.

Himuro: Of course I am! I'm horrified! Aren't you?! Vainly contending with a foe like the dragons—they even slew Gatou! You have to know this is insane! Even if the organization orders you to fight, you shouldn't throw your life away—!

Himuro: I know that! Of course I know that!

Himuro: Are you kidding?! If they find me, they'll send me to die! I'm surprised you haven't already! I'll stay on the run, and you should, too, if you hadn't been suckered into—!

Himuro: That sounds just like Gatou used to. All those stupid aphorisms...

Himuro: But even he died to the Dragons.

Himuro: ...?!

Jeanne cut herself off, wheezing from an overexertion of breath for just a moment.
Himuro: ...Wha...

Everyone, I'm told, went silent for a moment.

Himuro: Oh, god, here we go.

Himuro: Who are you Unit 13 people, anyway?

Himuro: Yeah. Well... if you people are the face of Murakumo now, then maybe... well, I need to find a way off of this battlefield, first of all—


Himuro: It really is impressive. If I feel like it, I'll go poke my head in at Murakumo HQ.

Himuro: 'Your' Unit 13, huh? Sounds like these ladies are well-loved. ...You, the short one with the red hair.

Himuro: I take it you're the captain?

Himuro: ...For a second, I thought you were another one of Hikasa's test-tube babies, but if she trusts you that much, it seems like you're a real person all your own.

Himuro: So sue me, I haven't run into many Rapid-Onset S-Classes. I'd say you're probably the first aside from those two. Still, you watch yourself. I'm sure you know Hikasa will take any opportunity to try and capitalize—

Himuro: Well, how about that.

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