Isn't that laughable? I was willing to hope, myself, and I should've known that only pessimism would be rewarded in a situation like this.
—The 5th True Dragon, Fomalhaut. He was called the God of Plagues, for he destroyed planets with ailments designed to strike terror into a rapidly-deteriorating populace. He devoured too quickly, devoured too small a subsection of the whole of all consciousness, to have ever achieved VFD—and yet the same traits which made him incapable of achieving the truest pinnacle made him a far deadlier opponent than Niara had been.
Our luck was about to run out.

Part 76: Endless Crisis

I woke up with a curious, not-quite-painful feeling running through my body. The air was heavy, and I could hardly sleep. No, I was energized—but there was an eerie quiet in the air that made my hairs stand on end.

Koron was staggering out of bed.

She started coughing.

We walked out of the room to see Will on his knees, and the Sakurabas just in front. I'd have asked how he figured out how to make a bento properly so quickly, but we had more pressing concerns.

Tony: Ah, c'mon... I get it, I get it. (Lemme tell you—I love seeing this chick get mad and scrunch her face up.)
Nami: Everyone's suffering through this, and we can't even properly treat them...

Asumu: What on earth... do you want? Here to... tell me I need... more training? I'm well—aware, you old... fools... I don't need your pity!
Himuro: Even with SECT11 signing on, our forces are at less than half overall strength. If that underground Imperial comes knocking or something...

Himuro: Oh trust me, I feel awful. I've just dealt with worse. I think.

The emergency alarm system began to blare.


Anyone who could stand—Murakumo, SECT11, and SDF alike—headed out to in front of the Diet Building. The sky had taken on an ill tint, and the air only got heavier outside.

But they weren't landing to begin an assault. They were flying overhead, making a show of it. This was the second time I'd been caught in a storm like this.

Some time ago, we had been crushed simply by the force of this projection. We could stand now, to be certain—but the purpose of this projection here was not to declare ownership any longer.

A sphere of unearthly space began to worm its way into the air, crackling with energy unlike any we had faced before—

—and then split, wrent asunder by its occupant's entry into our world.

Thus did Earth lay its eyes on its new king for the first time.

I could feel my heart burning. Every cell within my body lit aflame at the sight of him. My bones, my muscles, all of the pieces that made me 'me' wanted to tear themselves out of my flesh to attack him.

He turned his head down to see me, and in response,

licked his lips.

He let loose a howl which tore through the air, blasting away all those who he cared nothing for.

SECT11 and the SDF were powerless against his edict.

The black lightning that surrounded him began to corrupt our home.

And the sky turned black, as clouds of his fell wyverns closed in to choke the life out of us.

Youka grabbed Mio and the rapidly-fading Koron, and Richter did his best to corral Sumie.

Petals of Bloom were already choking the lobby of the Diet Building. Kirino was halfway to hacking up a lung.

Sec. Makabe: *cough, cough!* We must get underground at once! I always told you we should've dug deeper...
MP Ariake: This is not the time for such talk, Makabe! We must get everyone underground safely!

Prime Minister Inuzuka: At all times, we must be composed, resolute—

We found ourselves deep underground, in the ninth basement level of the Diet Building.

Fomalhaut's ill mist, though, refused to relent.

Shattered MP: What do you think you're doing?! The Diet is occupied by Dragons?! SDF! Murakumo! Just what have you been doing all this time?!

Wan Schoolgirl: Those things are s-s-so creepy... And there are like, billions of them up there?!

Sobbing Girl: I w-won't cry... I-if I cry, the Dragons will probably come, won't they?
Soothing Mother: I know, I know. You're a good girl, so please, try to hush.

Forgettable Guy: Can't believe you saved me... I thought I wouldn't have to worry about Dragons anymore, but that's a pipe dream.

Young Scientist: Th-th-this is... O-oh my god...

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