Shichiro: Our counter-forces are established! Fight on without fear of your footing crumbling, senpai!
Asumu: You better show me a good fight!
Taichi: This platform won't fall, and neither will I! Go get 'em, guys!
The name's Sumie Kazuki! Lemme put you to rest, big guy!
Alright, this time's for keeps. Jabberwock is a much simpler boss than our last affair—while his moveset is pretty varied and has some tricks in it, fundamentally, Jabberwock is a big, beefy motherfucker with high defenses and a huge physical attack stat with which to push your shit in. He has no elemental resistances or weaknesses, nor any status immunities worthy of note (or, well, at all). He is, however, notably vulnerable (well, 0.8x infliction chance, which is pretty good for a Dragon in this game) to two particular statuses—Poison and Paralysis. So I thought it would be good to bring out a certain special old friend for one more rodeo. Oh, 13390 HP, by the way.
Alright, here we go!
I'd rather not get punched if I can help it.
Be careful! It seems this one can also react to bloodletting.
Well, yeah, I could've told you that.
Bersersnatch was a preview, so here's the real thing. Jabberwock can gain extra actions off of inflicting Bleed.
Ugh! Ow!
I'm alright! For now. Ow.
And there's the inflictor. Power Tackle only inflicts Bleed for one turn, but it has an 80% chance to do so. The Bleed ticks for 43 damage, and off of Jabberwock's hefty physical attack stat, that's likely to add up to a fair chunk of damage. Plus, inflicting Bleed for only one turn means it never runs into a situation where it can't inflict Bleed.
Ah, dang it, it can still recover!
Hoo boy, it's hyped up now.
You know it, you love it, baby, it's Gather Power. Much like Bersersnatch before it, using one of its turns on healing itself is probably better overall.
Okay. It's working.
Let's do this!
Is that the Venom Booster?!
If he's that sturdy, why not take him out from the inside?
A number of bosses in this game are immune to Poison, and Venom Boost's crit rate was hugely slashed with Sumie's other knife skills, so Venom Boost isn't nearly the rapid-fire health-mulcher it was in the first game. That said, it's still there and it still works just fine, so let's roll!
In that case, we don't have to be too aggressive—it's just a matter of time!
Burning Breath hurts, but its nastiest trait is the chance to inflict Skill Seal. Thankfully, that didn't roll here.
Nyah nyah!
It's strong, but we can get through this.
Can you knock us down faster than we can get up, great king of the underground?
Let's wear it down further!
This just rolled normal attacks. 108 damage total.
You can't expect to get too far if you keep simply lumbering about.
It's gathering energy again!
No guts, no glory.
Let's remain cautious. Sumie?
There you go.
Still okay?
Oh, of course.
Lemme help with that.
oh thank you
Three hits.
C'mon, you can hit harder than that, big guy.
What's wrong? Come on, surely you can knock me down if you try again.
It's ramping up. Keep going, Sumie! You can do this!
Five turns, so I had to re-up the buff.
Oh, I'm not hurt! How odd! Perhaps you should try again.
—! Ugh! What the—
There's an anti-psychic neurotoxin in the flames?! It should wear off before long, but please be careful!
Last longer, fog, mm'kay?
There you go.
Ugh, thanks. My head felt like lead.
I've used a bento to toughen up your defenses, everyone.
Oh thanks, I'm squishy
Sumie, your poison is already on par with its regeneration! You're getting there!
Noted! YEET the way, it's been ages and the name of the skill goes off the screen by the time the damage pops up, so this is Stinger, Sumie's Dagger auto skill that just stabs.
I'm alright. No need to concern yourselves.
You're right, this is awful
Hang back for a moment, you two.
You alright?
I've been better.
Yup, a pit fighter par excellence. You don't get good in this business without at least a bit of grandstanding.
Tell you what, babe—
How's about a bit of FEVER to calm your aching heart?
That works quite well, thank you.
Here, for Chisa's nerves.
You're wearing it down, Sumie!
Well I BETTER be, with all the doinking I'm doing!
Anyway, nine.
Aww, thanks for the help, bud.
I concur.
It's really ramping up, wow.
At this point, you're outdoing me, Sumie. Keep going!
Aww, what's wrong? Why so serious, buddy?
Ah, thanks.
(SATSUKI... Man, remember when you and I stayed up all night for a few days designing this thing? It's working. It's really working.)
(I'm not gonna lose. I swear. I belong in this world, with these people!)
What's wrong, ya big tortoise? Try punching harder!
Totsuzen ni mo UPSIDE DOWN (The world is suddenly upside-down—)
Sekai wa kawari dasu (It begins to change)
Inori mo todokanai (My prayers are not heard—)
Boku ga kawari dasu (I begin to change)
Ugh, shit—!
Oh noooo
Imi o motomete hashiri tsuzukete (I keep running, searching for meaning,)
Jibun ga dare ka wakaranaku naru (and I don't even know who I am)
Naki-sou dakedo maketakunaikara (I'm about to cry, but I don't wanna give in)
Oshiete (Please tell me—)
Let's get this FEVER going again, baby! Party never stops!
Yoru ni haseru kono yurameki to (Run toward the night that flickers before you,)
Omoi no mama ni tobimawatte (Fly about to your heart's content)
Get up, you!
You're busy!
Not without you, I'm not!
Both of you, look out!
Motto jiyū ni kakete ikou yo (Run around a little more freely,)
Hoshi o miagete sa (Looking up at the stars)
Aaagh! Ow, ow. Koron?
Ah, fuck, I hate when I'm up and down.
Rampage is as simple as it gets. Hit all for a lot.
Isshobun no UPS AND DOWNS (I've got a whole life's worth of ups and downs—)
Sekai wa ugoki dasu (The world begins to move)
Sumie! Are you alright?
I'm okay!
Itami wa tomaranai (The pain I have never stops,)
Kakusei shite tobidase (and it's waking up and taking off)
It's nearly out!
Watch out! When a pit fighter's almost dead, that's when they're at their most fearsome.
Imi mo naku mata hashiri tsuzukete (I'm running without a reason in sight)
Owari no mienai tabi o tsuzukeru (I can't see the end of this journey I'm on,)
Kirameku yō ni sekai o mitaikara (but I want to see a world that's full of light)
Screw you!
It's almost down! We've just gotta keep surviving!
Oshiete (Please tell me—)
Yoru ni haseru kono yurameki to (Run toward the night that flickers before you,)
Omoi no mama ni tobimawatte (Fly about to your heart's content)
Saigo made hashiri kittara (If I keep running to the end,)
Bokura wa dou naru no? (what happens to us then?)
Just a bit longer...!
It's atempting to expel the toxins!
Itsuka mata kono basho ni tatte (Sometimes, we'll fall back there,)
Nandodemo tachiagaru kitto (but we'll get up as many times as it takes)
Eleven, you big jerk!
Saigo made mitodokete zutto (Up until the end, I'll see this through)
Jiyuu ni iki tetai (I want to live freely)
Imi o motomete hashiri tsuzukete (I keep running, searching for meaning,)
Jibun ga dare ka wakaranaku naru (and I don't even know who I am)
Doing it twice ain't gonna help!
Yes, this was two separate moves on the same turn. Get owned.
Naki-sou dakedo maketakunai no (I'm about to cry, but I don't wanna give in)
Oshiete (Please tell me—)
Alright, this time's for keeps, asshole!
Yoru ni haseru kono yurameki to (Run toward the night that flickers before you,)
Omoi no mama ni tobimawatte (Fly about to your heart's content)
T-minus one minute to termination!
Saigo made hashiri kittara (If I keep running to the end,)
Bokura wa dō naru no? (what happens to us then?)
Itsuka mata kono basho ni tatte (Sometimes, we'll fall back there,)
Nandodemo tachiagaru kitto (but we'll get up as many times as it takes)
And you know what? Just for good measure!
Twelve, you big dumb idiot!
Nice hustle, Koron. But sorry, Jabberwock—in the fighter's world, it's the guy who sticks it out to the end who gets the victory. There are no KO's.
As long as we're alive, we'll keep getting back up for more!
Saigo made mitodokete zutto (Up until the end, I'll see this through)
Jiyuu ni iki tetai (I want to live freely)
So drop dead!
Imi o motomete hashiri tsuzukete (I keep running, searching for meaning,)
Jibun ga dare ka wakaranaku naru (and I still don't know who I am)
Sumie's toxins reached a critical mass,
Imi mo naku mata hashiri tsuzukete (I'm running without a reason in sight,)
Owari no mienai tabi o tsuzukeru (and I still can't see the end of this journey I'm on)
and Fomalhaut's gladiator, in the ring with the earth itself,
Imi o motomete hashiri tsuzukete (I keep running, searching for meaning,)
Jibun ga dare ka wakaranaku naru... (and I still don't know who I am...)
fell with a colossal thud, the energy that drove it becoming dust on the wind.
One! Two! Three! It's over! The winners are, by unanimous decision—
Unit 13!!
Yeah! Whoo!
Nice job, everyone!
Was a hell of a match.
We've gone from two to six in one day! Excellent work, everyone!
And let's give a big round of applause for our undisputed champion, Sumie Kazuki!
I-I don't know about that!!
The ancient ruins Jabberwock brought with it could, at long last, rest easy, knowing that their Dragon king had been slain.
The Imperial Dragon signature is gone! Unit 13's done it!
Taichi: Does that mean I can stop?!
Himuro: Heh. Yeah, it means you can stop.
Taichi: Oh, thank god, I could barely even watch.
Yeah! We did it! We did it!!
"Arms Fabrication" is available at HQ! "Mess Hall" is available at HQ! "Artisan Ward" is available at HQ!
O-kaaay, and here's the heart.
Man, I turned this thing into soup.
Good, it deserved it.
Mission complete! Everyone's heading over now.
Now, that's our best customer. Gotta say, that was an incredible fight. If you guys up there are accepting constructive criticism, though, the reception was terrible.
Oh, my stars~ That was incredible! I took a trillion pictures. If any turn out, I'll send them to you, 'kay?
We can keep them in our photo album. Much obliged.
Was a damn good fight. Thanks.
Himuro: So, that's ace work by Unit 13. How's that make you feel?
Asumu: D-don't condescend to me. I've had some quite impressive battles of my own in the past, you know. But... I will admit, it was a good fight.
Shichiro: Why... my desire to be Murakumo was so presumptuous! I didn't understand what dedication and verve it took! I must redouble my dedication to the cause.
Taichi: I... it was great, guys... you did great... good job...
What were you doing?
Shichiro: Ah, Asumu-san and I were using our respective abilities to mutually drive a sort of lightningrod for the Jabberwock's tectonic quakes into the tip of Taichi-kun's Comet Spear, so its explosive force could instead be used as a counterbalance. Taichi-kun needed to keep it aloft and stuck spinning into the ground.
Taichi attempted to give a thumbs up, but the exertion of doing so caused him to slump over on the ground, unconscious.
I'll carry him.
Excellent work, everyone! Time to head home!
Getting everyone and everything back proved to be something of a hassle, but after the battle we'd just had, it was a suitably calm end to the day. Taichi was brought to the dorms, and Units 4 and 10 went back to their workplaces, satisfied with a fine day of work.
Honestly, I was pretty worried. It was our first mission outside, after all.
It's a good feeling. It's satisfying.
But it was really cool getting to be so close to the action! Once we have peace, let's go around and see some sights together, everyone!
Aww, I can't say no to that.
Yeah, that'd be nice.
It's a promise!
Hey, hold on, why are you two blushing so much? Is it possible—
Oh, I knew it. You're feeling feverish again, aren't you? Heavens, didn't I say to tell me if it got this bad?
N-no, we're totally fine!
Internal temperature is normal! Really!
A likely story. Haven't you learned by now that working yourselves sick just makes Unit 13 worry about you?
So I'm prescribing some bed rest. After I prescribe some medication, of course.
It was quite a windfall, coming across that much of Fomalhaut's forces.
Six Imperials down. One heart left. Feels like the goal's finally in sight, huh?
It's been quite a month, hasn't it?
Month? ...Wait, is it still September?!
Astonishingly, yes.
Oh, man. Maybe I need some bedrest after that one. Okay, you two, you're coming with me.
I cannot express to you how much I feel your pain, you two. Be well. We'll se you on the other side.
Well, damn if that wasn't a day of work.
Seriously. I'm beat.
My loot senses are tingling.
Shibuki: If it isn't the ever-industrious Unit 13! I've been waiting to see you. Astoundingly, you've rescued over sixty people. Even while chasing the Dragons out, you've found time to rescue person after person. I had to craft you something special from what you brought, so by trial and error—perhaps more error than trial—I've recreated them! The Colorful Set returns!
Oh, the... nail bat.
This is still a replica, right?
Hey, we did kill a bunch of these today.
Much appreciated, though I don't know what's on it.
Shibuki: And for you, Miss Akaneno, Reimi from the dev team had a speil about this shell for your companion.
This might be nice for a concert.
The Garm Mic is another physical-focused megaphone, so I don't use it.
Shibuki: And as though the claws of a Dragon—
Yes! Give it here! My thanks for not forgetting me this time.
Koron, on the other hand, just gets a nice new weapon. Congratulations, Koron. You are Colorful at last.
As expected, this is upgrades for Sumie's guns, Chisa, Youka, and Koron. Thanks, Shibuki!
Shibuki: Should you rescue just a few more, I may be able to grant you one last set of rewards before this war has ended. Should nobody else get to them in time, they may be lost to us—so please, do your best to continue looking out.
Oh, I can do more than that with this. Hehehehe.
Okay. It is Rest Time. It is time to Rest. That was a lot of work.
Lovely, rewarding work.
But work.
Taichi's really grown, hasn't he?
He's a good guy.
You oughta be proud of him. He and his whole unit really stepped up today.
It does the heart good knowing that the world won't want for protectors.
Protectors. Huh.
Time and time again during these long, grueling battles, one would pick up the torch of another. Our sentiments, our wills, never simply died with us. Another could succeed us, take up the mantle where we left off. Taichi and his unit—maybe someday, they, and others like them, could take up the torch from us. The battle to keep humanity safe from these new circumstances didn't have to, and wouldn't, end with Unit 13.
It was a good thought. Knowing that it was Taichi I could count on that way... It was almost enough to make me cry with joy. He's a strong man, with a good heart. Him, the Navigators, the dev team, the rest of Unit 10, the support staff... there are so many incredible people in Murakumo. And of course, there was Unit 13. Richter, Sumie, Koron, Youka... and Mio. I'd come to understand our four friends. and Mio... I knew her better now than I ever had before.
But what about me? Who was I, amidst all of these incredible people? What... What was my will to fight?
...Anyway, that's how September 22nd ended.
Next time, Chapter 7. We're closing in on the endgame.