And then I put 9 points into Chain Killer because Chain Killer owns and is great when you have multiple disable options on hand. After that, I put two points into Chain Plus, since Chain Plus is a pretty ridiculously good buff.

Raven has four points into Scythe of Cruel Poison, and one point into Great Scythe of Cold Ash.

I leveled up Kaelin a little. From this, he finally unlocked Incantation: Multistrike Form.

For Mio's build, I lumped 5 points into Consoling the Dead, which heals all party members with buffs for 12% of their max HP when they act. It's a pretty decent source of healing since my only other sources of healing are Magda and consumables.

After that, two points into Purifying Flame and Bunrei, to unlock Affection, which heals any party members with buffs when they take damage. At level 2, it restores 12 + 2% max HP.

Lastly, Magda puts a bunch of points into Smoke Boost, 3 points into Antibody to unlock Paralyze/Bungling Smoke, and then 3 final points into Paralyze Smoke.
With that out of the way, let's take care of Stop the invading monsters!. The dialogue is thoroughly unimportant, so let's just skip to each battle.
With that out of the way, let's take care of Stop the invading monsters!. The dialogue is thoroughly unimportant, so let's just skip to each battle.


HP: 300
STR: 51
INT: 51
VIT: 36
WIS: 36
AGI: 69
LUC: 56
- Haunt: Uses the head. Targets one party member. For one turn, any damage dealt to the Ghost will be dealt to the target as well. Damage that kills the Ghost is not reflected. Has a 230% speed modifier.
- Normal:
Pure White Sack. 55% chance. Sells for 119 en.
- 1 needed to make
Caftan Blouse (+26 DEF, +39 MDEF). Costs 3720 en, sells for 1487 en.
- 2 needed to make
Refined Glove (+18 DEF, +20 MDEF). Costs 2200 en, sells for 880 en.
- 1 Obsidian (3rd Stratum Mine 2) and 2 Pure White Sacks needed to make
Casket (+56 ATK, +79 MATK, WIS Up 2, Bronze x4). Costs 8000 en, sells for 3200 en.
Damage Resistances:
Disable Resistances:
Hey, look, one of the most irritating 3rd Stratum enemies. Notice how they can mirror any damage they take back to random party members. Notice how they have 300 HP. Notice how only one of our party members is above even half of that.

(Chain Killer.)

Yeah, that.

Pictured: why I hate Ghosts.

Obtained 3 Pure White Sacks.

A quick trip back to town to heal, and we're ready to take care of the last stop.

And it's something we've already seen.

And then we fight two more.

And that takes care of that.

Drowsy Bow!
Hey look a bow that inflicts sleep with normal attacks 20% base chance these things still fucking suck let's move on.

Now that I have a spot open in my quest log, let's take care of Request from the Council I.

It's where we found the Antique Armor.

Obtained 7000 en.

Level 5 Multistrike means that each hit now deals 60% of the original damage, instead of 50%. However, the TP cost is now 20, up from 9.

Magda puts a point in Bungling Smoke because I really, really want Smoke Bomb. Bungling Smoke at level 1 is really bad, by the way--27% base panic infliction chance, 1.16x panic infliction increase debuff.

A random encounter while I try to finish up the mining quest gave Raven a level.

It goes into Great Scythe of Cold Ash.

And then another random encounter after that mining point failed to give me the rare material gives Iseria a level.

Still building up Chain Plus. For the record, at level 3, it increases Chain hit damage by 31%, and the Chain base chance by 51% for 4 turns.

Oh thank god.

Girl: Oh! It's the explorers! So how did it go? Did you get the ore?
Girl: Wow! You really brought it back! Explorers are so cool! Let me touch it! Oh, oh, and I need to sketch it too please! It'll be quick!

Girl: Okay, observation: check! Sketch: check! And here are your 3 ores back. I still can't believe you got all 3! It's like a dream come true! Don't tell me you went out of your way to collect all these just for me?
Girl: Thank you so much! I'm definitely gonna be an explorer too someday!
Girl: And I'll be counting on you guys then too! Tee hee hee! I left your stuff with the nice lady at the bar, so you can ask her for it! See ya later!

Obtained 4
Gimme gimme gimme.

Here's a thing I unlocked with the last mining material.

Do you feel like fighting a skeleton? Because I feel like fighting a skeleton.

Heretic Sword-Corpse
HP: 6037
STR: 81
INT: 49
VIT: 65
WIS: 60
AGI: 52
LUC: 62
- Heretical Blade: Uses the arms. Deals 150% melee STR-based cut damage to one row of party members. Attempts to inflict blind on hit targets, with a 50% base chance. Has a 60% speed modifier and 99 base accuracy.
- Trample Cut: Uses the legs. Deals 2 instances of 300% melee STR-based cut damage to random party members. Can hit the same target multiple times. Has a 200% speed modifier and 1 base accuracy.
- Normal:
Rusty Sword. 100% chance. Sells for 780 en.
- 1 needed to make
Niabol (+69 ATK, +62 MATK, Seal Arms, Silver x4). Costs 7400 en, sells for 2960 en.
- 1 Rusty Sword and 1 Squishy Feet (Mini Noir) are needed to make
Aspis (+20 DEF, +17 MDEF, +15 HP). Costs 4000 en, sells for 1600 en.
Damage Resistances:
Disable Resistances:

Unless otherwise noted, assume Iseria starts FOE/boss fights with Chain Plus now.

Raven casts Feeble Miasma, not to make Magda's job easier (she far outspeeds him with Smoke Boost), but to make Kaelin's job easier.

I look forward to the day that Kaelin has enough TP that I can level up High-Speed Incantation.

Magda casts Poison Smoke because a) it's her highest-level Smoke skill, and b) the poison damage is pretty significant.

(Trample Cut.)

...Y'know, upon reflection, maybe I should've waited until Iseria was using Chain Killer to use Poison Smoke, because I just missed out on some nice damage.

And here's how much Poison Smoke ticks for right now.

Iseria uses Chain Freeze because Raven's gonna use Great Scythe of Cold Ash.

While Kaelin uses Windstorm to hopefully bind the skeleton's arms. For the record, if a multi-hit skill attempts to inflict a disable, each hit is one roll for that disable--a 6-hit Windstorm means that Kaelin essentially gets 6 attempts at binding the thing's arms.

Mio preps Prayer: Cold Rain so I can amplify ice damage later.

And Magda uses Smoke Rot to make the skeleton extra-susceptible to elemental damage.


Great Scythe of Cold Ash hurts like absolute hell when a target has an ailment.

Even with a level 2 Chain, Iseria is no slouch.

Good. I really want the skeleton to keep using Trample Cut.

Mio uses Aegis Shield in case my luck runs out on this turn, and also uses Oracle: Dance to amplify ice damage.

Elemental resistance fuckery is one of my favorite things in EO.

Iseria is a serious powerhouse when the team is built with her in mind.

Affection still procs even if an attack was blocked.

We're really chewing through this thing's HP, aren't we?

There we go, that's what I wanted to see.
Except for the lack of arm binds.
Except for the lack of arm binds.

Oh, right, yeah, we had that quest to catalogue skeleton enemies, didn't we?

Woman: Oh, it's you all. Good work. Have you gotten the skeletons of the 11th floor registered yet?
Woman: My! These are certainly what I asked for! I can't wait to show them to my daughter! I'm sure she'll behave herself if she knows these are out there!

Woman: I'm back! *chuckle* Just one picture was enough to make her face go pale! After the second, she even screamed! And the third made her dive right into her bed!
Woman: I almost felt sorry for her, but I'm sure she'll behave herself after this. I left your reward with Melina, so you can pick it up later. You have my sincere gratitude for this. Now if you'll excuse me.

Obtained 5

Mio had a skill point, so I dropped it in Affection.

Magda, meanwhile, is still working towards Smoke Bomb.
And that'll do it for this update that consisted of tying up some loose ends. Next time: the actual floor.
Next UpdateAnd that'll do it for this update that consisted of tying up some loose ends. Next time: the actual floor.
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